aussie, I have to second Gavin's sentiments. And add this: a kid these days is the center of his/her own earth and I think that any healthy process of growing up is a process of growing out of this and understanding just how big the world is, how unalone one is, how human all of our feelings are -- they are not feelings of isolation. They are feelings we all have at one point or another and it's something we can work through if we begin to understand this. If we cave in to the center -- for really the ultimate loneliness is an ultimate self-centeredness -- it's over. I don't mean that it's a selfishness, though suicide has often been called that, because that's to imply one wouldn't think of others, even knowing they were there. Self-centeredness means the idea that no one else is there.
For someone contemplating suicide, the idea can be that "No one has ever felt this bad," "I'm alone where I stand," and "feeling like this is just not worth it." Obviously, it's so short-sighted, but it's a situation that takes both the individual's snapping out of it -- at least in small part -- and a lot of help from friends. If those friends aren't around or they're being shut down, it's all the more difficult.