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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Sadly, you're probably right. Disappointment in other human beings tends to be the rule, rather than the exception, these days.
  2. If there were any way to prove it, I'd say regardless of the culture, probably not. As a man that's just something that nobody wants to deal with, and I'm sure that the first person to mention it in the Jets locker room would get their head shoved into a locker. With good reason.
  3. You are nothing if not consistent.
  4. I find myself wishing we had more Teds around. Washington, Marchibroda, Cottrell. And if we had a "Tedy" the forces of destiny would be with us.
  5. I think judging by your post about McMichael's wife and this one you might be in line for some sensitivity training. Some things are just not right at all to bring up, and using someone's experience of child abuse as an occasion for taunting is just about the worst thing I can think of in terms of non-physical harm. If you're an inferior player, the last thing you have to do is prove you're an inferior human being to catch some kind of edge.
  6. He was a bit hurt during camp. Has a few tackles this season, one for a loss. The Bengals run D is a middle-of-the-pack 13th at this point, and did hold Larry Johnson to 68 yards.
  7. The article said a LB currently with the team.
  8. I'll remember that one. Don't let me hear no "sure, blame America" outta ya.
  9. So far people can make the complaint that "he hasn't won games for us." But that's not what he's being asked to do. He is definitely NOT losing games for us. If he can keep that up it'll be great. Because it'll mean we can go in the offseason and upgrade anything that can be perceived as losing the games for us.
  10. Because democracy sucks? Because these kinds of things are obviously good for our standing in the world? How is it that one can get all defensive when people do blame America for underhanded dealings, and then turn around and blatantly advocate said underhanded moves?
  11. I loved it. YES!
  12. Chavez is pretty much a dumbass. Some of his policies I agree with, others I don't, and his behavior is kind of antagonistic in a lot of ways. I'm not sure I'd call for his assassination like Pat Robertson, but sure, what he said was unwarranted. What's the point? The manufacture of more outrage? Just what the world needs right about now.
  13. I wouldn't think so. Especially not Spikes because he wouldn't have seen the field. This strikes me as the kind of thing a weaker player says to catch an edge.
  14. That or, it says what I said: we won a field-position game.
  15. This is not cool at all. Coles-Bills
  16. Buffalo sustained a 72-yard touchdown drive, a 49 yard field goal drive, and scored another two field goals on short fields. They had four drives that were near or over five minutes apiece, as compared to two for Miami. And, most importantly, they didn't turn the ball over (!). Given the many things a team is not in control of (like Culpepper's poor play), turnovers is one of the things you can work on and control. Our offense maintained control in those situations. What's not to like about that? Explain how that's not a major positive?! The offense did what the game demanded. Watch a Bill Belicheck-coached team and you'll see that he does the same. The type of game and the opponent dictates the approach.
  17. Dude, don't knock it till you try it. I mean, it's really helped me see for myself that Losman sucks without wasting a minute watching a game.
  18. He didn't say "accept homosexuality." He said "I often joke about homosexuality, but all deserve to be treated equal and as human beings." You're inferring an awful lot about the poster, who merely said that this was the kind of thing he doesn't usually post. Obviously the loss of this friend meant enough for him to air it out in public. There are times to keep thoughts of debate to oneself, and this is one of them.
  19. It probably isn't. But that they've used this method to declare war is disturbing to me.
  20. Certainly, the media goes a long way toward creating reality for the masses. I think Orwell understood the use of the media long before the rest of us did. I don't think the quote's out of context. There is plenty of context. When it's coming from an administration that's used a lot of different means to paint the picture it wants people to see vs. what may be really happening, it's even more eerie, to my mind.
  21. This sounds much more like 1984 to me:
  22. aussie, I have to second Gavin's sentiments. And add this: a kid these days is the center of his/her own earth and I think that any healthy process of growing up is a process of growing out of this and understanding just how big the world is, how unalone one is, how human all of our feelings are -- they are not feelings of isolation. They are feelings we all have at one point or another and it's something we can work through if we begin to understand this. If we cave in to the center -- for really the ultimate loneliness is an ultimate self-centeredness -- it's over. I don't mean that it's a selfishness, though suicide has often been called that, because that's to imply one wouldn't think of others, even knowing they were there. Self-centeredness means the idea that no one else is there. For someone contemplating suicide, the idea can be that "No one has ever felt this bad," "I'm alone where I stand," and "feeling like this is just not worth it." Obviously, it's so short-sighted, but it's a situation that takes both the individual's snapping out of it -- at least in small part -- and a lot of help from friends. If those friends aren't around or they're being shut down, it's all the more difficult.
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