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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Not in the cover 2, and probably not anywhere. Nate, have fun wherever the money takes you next year. Ashton, I hope to hell you're learning the playbook.
  2. The lapses were just critical. Bad tackling. Bad, bad tackling. I know they're young. But the D-line pretty much isn't. Clements isn't. McGee is a vet now. These guys need to do better if we're to stay in games. I'll grant that the turnovers make everything way more difficult and JP and Willis needed to do better there. But JP was also the reason there was still something left to play for with a minute left.
  3. IIRC they sent the house on a couple plays and one of them was the TE score. The pass rush was not working today at all.
  4. Jerry Gray radioed that one in to him special.
  5. I disagree on Denney. He was getting through a lot today. Almost had a key sack but Pennington fired it off quickly. The DTs were getting next to no push, though. No big stops on the run, and no penetration to cause any pocket collapses.
  6. Pennington is smart, no doubt there. JP could learn a thing or two from watching film on him. I have to venture even you were pleased with some moments in JP's game today, though. Come on, fess up, HA.
  7. The tackling (or lack thereof) was disastrous in general today. Everything the D did great last week they did terribly this week. No pressure to speak of, Clements was generally AWOL, and we got picked apart by a smart, weak-armed QB and some well-timed runs.
  8. Shelton got hurt? Was this addressed at all by the announcers?
  9. What about the pass to Reed? That was all touch. The kid has skills, just needs more time. Honestly. Really, Bill, were those fumbles his fault, completely, in your opinion?
  10. I think Willis has a long way to go before he can separate himself from the pack. He is not a complete back right now. He can be abusive on the run, but his pass blocking is quizzical. One moment he is just throwing a hell of a block, the next he whiffs at the most crucial time. I feel the same way of him that I do about JP. I love his talent to death. I hate the mistakes.
  11. BLITZ PICKUP IS PART OF THE BLOCKING SCHEME. Should he not trust that Gandy, or Villarial, or Fowler, or Peters, or Reyes are going to pick up their blockers? Because, jeez, that's not going to happen all the time? Good lord, man. If he can't rely on Willis to pick up the blitz, it's Willis' fault. Simple as that. Crowd noise be damned.
  12. Of course. Crowd noise. The leading indicator of what to do in a football game. No matter. Next game we win, JP rules, right?
  13. So what? JP had over 300 yards. Pennington had like 180. You can't say that stats tell the whole story on one hand and that they don't on another. This is not fantasy football. Willis is a good running back and a below average blocking back. He deserves an indictment on those fumbles more than JP does. He was counted on for protection. He didn't supply it. Learn football.
  14. bull sh--. McGahee is a poor pass blocker and relying on him for that duty has proven to be a liability more than once.
  15. Do you even understand the game of football? Because if you claim to, explain to me how JP is responsible for two missed blocks by McGahee that resulted in blind-side fumbles. Losman was not at his best today but he also did his best to keep the team in the game and took some risks. Some panned out. Some did not. Get over it and get over the week in, week out changes in your analysis of the players ie. JP sucks, JP rules. It's very high school.
  16. You would lose that bet. You'd have to hire acoustical consultants that would cost 50K easy. And running long, heavy audio cable across the stadium ain't cheap either. I'd say Kelly's projection of a million is probably right on, if you really want it done right and tuned correctly so that it's loud enough but not killing people by being louder at the wrong frequencies. Every space with a public address system needs to be have the PA tuned to the space. A large, often windy open air stadium creates tons of acoustical issues and that's why you get feedback, crazy delays when there are mics onfield, etc.
  17. I would, and then I wouldn't. 10-6 would say to me that better things are ahead. Somebody who deserves to be in gets screwed every year. I'd hate for it to be us, but it's not like it hasn't happened to anyone else.
  18. Does anyone know when the NFL Network replay is going to be? My pops is out of town and wanted to know if it'll be on when he gets back.
  19. I am not sure I understand here. Which gentlemen do you watch the weather for?
  20. They were there to balance out the effects of any mental improvement.
  21. I've worked at a paper before, and how it works is if they got the image from Getty it's likely it came with its own caption and the writer has little to do with that. The photo editor's job. Sure, they should have double-checked. What else was wrong with it? It's well-known that the Times' sports coverage is good for little other than some occasional well-written commentaries and more investigative stories. If you want the regular hype and wall-to-wall coverage you go with the tabs.
  22. Joe, either you much more of a reading master than I am or I need my eyes checked out, because on third look, that is clearly what I said. Sorry about that. I guess I need to really watch what I type. I'm just remarking on all the "national media never pays attention to us!" and "we get no respect!" nonsense that passes for media criticism around here all the time, and pointing out that while there are some errors, it is on the whole a positive article for the Bills. If it's really riled you up that much, send them a nice long letter and they'll run a correction.
  23. Not to defend mistakes, but jesus, a positive article about us and even then can we find something to B word about.
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