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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. To what do you attribute this, you think? I mean, it seems like onfield he has a rapport with Lee and at least they would be close. He just needs to take Willis and the line out to dinner every week or something.
  2. I think point No. 3 is probably central, and I think I'll have to disagree with No. 1-2. Losman definitely is embarrassed by his play, and the last thing we need is him internalizing that even more. You can't go out there burdened by failure week in, week out. I think the problem with point No. 1 is that there are leaders on this team, just that one (Takeo) is not at his physical best, another (Villarial) flat-out sucks and should be speaking for nobody, and then we have a lot of players who are more of the silent type in Evans, etc. I want to see JP become that leader, but it has to become clear that these guys want to be led, too. I see a lot of individuals but not the real cameraderie that needs to happen for this thing to be a success. I guess I'm sort of contradicting myself here but I think my points have some merit.
  3. Interesting post. I think there's something both good and bad to the notion that in the pre-free agency days, teams both stuck with, and were stuck with, the players they drafted. Free agency has led to a more impulsive approach to personnel in the league, and away from the kind of patience that teams had to exercise when their options were more limited. This post is an excellent illustration of that.
  4. In the world of politics, disasters = opportunities. Just ask Nagin, Bush, and now Reynolds, and obviously you can dig far deeper.
  5. Can anyone summarize for those of us who can't get the audio to work?
  6. Is this somehow worse than a young, insecure dude who has nothing better to do than sit around and make an ass of himself on a Buffalo Bills message board?
  7. Marv sucks for not trading in-division for a pick that no team would want to give up. Got it. You really are effing DeLusional.
  8. Funny, I remember making the playoffs in 1998 and 1999, and 9-7 in 2004. Bills fans, living on hyperbole since 1960-whatever.
  9. I'll phone Terrence McGee and tell him he's off the hook, that it's JP Losman's problem that Terrence can't defend to save his life this year. Same thing with the offensive line, etc etc. You know what, how about we just build a cross out in front of RWS and get JP ready for it. Because it'll be so much easier than having the whole team work hard and realize it needs to improve. Deflecting blame is just so much easier than recognizing the improvement you need in yourself, anyway. This way they can see JP out there as they go to work every day, and he'll die for their sins so that Brady Quinn, another QB with no NFL experience whatsoever, can magically come in and save the day and save the team from yet more work as a team. My sarcasm aside, R. Rich is right and it's the environment that's contributing. Just as the environment was contributing to his earlier successes this year.
  10. I'm offended by the Killers' pro-Duran Duran sentiments.
  11. I keep seeing this and I don't know why. Two years ago this team was 0-4 and turned it around completely to go 9-7, just missing the playoffs. 2-5 > 0-4. We have 5 games at home left. We have a few softer looking teams on the schedule. I don't forsee another loss we shouldn't have like the one to Detroit, and there is always a chance of an upset. There is still reason to pay attention this season, and even if the next few weeks put this team out of contention, the progress of Losman, the line, and the rookies will bear watching.
  12. This team could definitely use a few brothers. I was a fan of having Grier around and Jean-Luc Grand-Pierre, even. Re: the laundry, yeah, the visitor's whites aren't that great.
  13. I had rather forgotten about it, but I do remember Drew changing play calls and making his own choices with disastrous results. In that context, this doesn't surprise me. Not piling on the guy, but I fail to see where the Cowboys are in any better a situation than us, save perhaps for their offensive line.
  14. If we had just listened to Kurt Godel and engineered superhumans with amazing reading comprehension skills, none of this would ever have happened.
  15. Tripplett looks the weakest signing so far. Clements will not be gone for nothing. If he leaves, we get a compensatory 3rd, instead of GIVING UP a second and Clements for a big DT. Losman: watch a whole season Bowen: is bad luck a "screw-up"? Price: mixed feelings. Some athletic plays and then some real disappearing acts. OL: again, watch a whole season. Pennington and Merz may yet produce.
  16. Anyone know his 40 time?
  17. Not that I think there's too much to read into it, but Evans really seems like a finesse guy, he's not nasty and he tends to excel when there are other threats, particularly when a burner like Roscoe is healthy. He is not going to push off and get away with it like T.O. or Moss or even Moulds. Don't get me wrong, he's a good route runner, but I think there needs to be a bona fide #2 picked up in FA or in the draft next year.
  18. Sure, there were tribal battles (as if there are/were none in Western culture). But in general native peoples were also much more in tune with the land and many were helpful to settlers with nothing but exploitation and unfair dealing in return. Please don't act like Andrew Jackson or smallpox or some of the other plagues on this society never happened because some of the tribes were not as peaceful as others.
  19. I think Harrison is one of the finest players and gentlemen of his football generation. And I love that he is unlike any premier receiver out there -- never showboating or hot-dogging, just playing the damn game.
  20. "...and reporting from the sideline a very special guest from FOX's waiver wire, Kenny Albert."
  21. Except for the American Indian. EDIT: Dave B beats me to it.
  22. What about Marvin and Peyton? Both elites, both pretty good dudes. Just sayin'.
  23. Evans probably has a handle on sentence structure, though.
  24. Probably Losman in one league (no choice, again, bye week) and Leftwich (who I started in place of Carson Palmer, liking the Houston matchup ). I'm hoping having Ward and Crumpler will save me from poor QB stats.
  25. Kind of reductive. There were turnovers in the Jets game and penalties have plagued this team from the get-go. It appears what happened is that the Chicago game sent this team into a tailspin. It shouldn't have. Getting outclassed by a team like that is not something to be ashamed of, not at this point in the Bills' development. Getting beaten by Detroit is. This is clearly a team with a bruised psyche. New England just picks on teams that don't have their house in order, and ours certainly fits the case at this point. It will take some really good work by the low-key Jauron to motivate them and get them to direct the energy that might be sucked up by frustration towards the goal of winning, and starting small with this next game.
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