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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. A guy I worked with for awhile produced some Straylight Run material. He was always raving about them -- I actually never heard them. Any good?
  2. Your ignorance seems to seep into most of your posts, doesn't it? Some people just actually enjoy sharing good music with one another. Others enjoy arguing about who's more punk or less emo. It's all in good fun, I think. And I'm sure there are at least a few top 40 records in here. BTW, Top 40 usually refers to the singles. Top 200 is the album chart. Why don't you share with us all the awesome top 40 records released in the past decade, if you feel that strongly about it? Obviously something is only good if the masses latch onto it.
  3. What about kids being raised by the state, or by foster parents, or by one parent who has to work three jobs? Tell me, does one benefit more from any of these than from two parents who genuinely want a kid? And don't give me some BS answer like "yes, all kids should be raised by two married hetero parents." Give me a serious answer, and qualify it with something other than circular logic. I think if potential adoptees can prove that they can raise and support their kid and give them a loving and caring and safe environment, it doesn't matter what their orientation is. It's far better than a kid being in a home where the parent doesn't want him/her. Try living in reality. Puh-leeeze.
  4. Wow, the level of discourse here is just way over my head.
  5. I've already purchased my stock in a company that produces Man on Frog videos.
  6. It is pretty ugly, but it's been made uglier by the fact that Allen just doesn't know when to shut up. His comments about his Jewish heritage were baffling, as if he himself had a problem with it -- when really no one else did so far as I can tell. Same thing with the "Macaca" thing. Say you're sorry, it was dumb, let's talk ideas. I've not seen a lot about Webb other than re: his experience in the Navy/administration and the foibles with women's issues.
  7. I really dig their first three records but got off their train after that "Fold Your Hands, Child" record. I just thought that was dreadful and I'm happy enough with the other three. Yo La Tengo probably put out the best record ever released on B&S' label, Matador -- I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One. Now that record is genius. It covers all the bases and does it well. They've churned out some other fine releases, but nothing that good. Also, on the topic of Scots, Mogwai were at one time awesome and are still decent.
  8. That's precisely why I like it so much. To name it is to limit it. We can call David Bowie (who appears on TVOTR's album, btw) rock, but that doesn't scratch the surface of what he really did. It just puts him in a neat little box for people to consume. I guess if I were going to put it into any category it'd be post-punk, this not because it has anything to do with bands like Joy Division or Gang of Four, but because it's the kind of music that's possible because punk happened, but doesn't really draw on it heavily for influence -- if that makes any sense. The techno part doesn't really make sense to me because they have a live band (and are quite good at that, actually), nor does the hippy part -- everything's pretty structured, not free and loose like a jam band. My phrase for it would be egalitarian groove, I guess. It's definitely a far world from Counting Crows.
  9. How about: Mission of Burma!
  10. I'd say they're not for everyone. But from a producer's standpoint their music is impeccably crafted, their lyrics are really well-written and open to interpretation, and their combination of vocalists is awesome. I just think these guys are doing something that nobody else out there is doing. What did you hear of theirs that you didn't like? For a newer fan I'd probably start with "Province" off the new record... "Tonight" would be a close second. For electronic music fans, Dave Sitek from TVOTR is producing the new Massive Attack. Should be a good one.
  11. Gringo, you got good taste. I probably tend more towards free jazz than the West Coast dudes, but good stuff, all of it. Tom Waits' new material sounds excellent. I will throw in there: Fela Kuti (the African James Brown, for lack of a better description) and Centro-Matic (I liken them to Sparklehorse, Guided By Voices, and Uncle Tupelo -- favorably).
  12. Also yes! A first on this board!
  13. If you know how to use the media, it's an opportunity.
  14. Isn't the whole point that the team couldn't be called inept if it had squeaked out those wins? That it invariably would have made less mistakes, more plays, enough to win? I am failing to understand your logic here.
  15. Don't buy the hype. This team is being held back by JP, and we're just one QB -- with no NFL downs played and a world of promise -- away from the Super Bowl.
  16. Why is Brady Quinn the "way" (sic) of the future? What has he shown you? That he has potential? Do you see anything about this team that tells you that he would be be able to use this current roster to capitalize on his potential any better than Losman has? I don't. And I sure as hell don't want to see another wasted high pick on a QB. We need to address our other problems next year and see if Losman can grow into the role. Pretense of being "only a QB" away is going to lead to yet more setbacks.
  17. Now that's the spirit. I'm sure it's a point someone here will really care about.
  18. If punk died, it passed at about the point that people had to start proving they were punk. Punk was meant to expire. It was meant to consume itself, as the situationist movement before it. The kids purchasing their punk identity at Hot Topic haven't the first idea of what one could possibly rage against. It ceased to be interesting once it became a genre with staying power.
  19. I wouldn't know. Some people here actually aren't obsessed with fellow posters.
  20. They do, actually, they just have basically one party to choose from and a vague pretense of others, and then those who aren't loyal to the party, well, you know...
  21. As long as he doesn't bring the party into Super Bowl week. Of course, if we get there again, much will be forgiven.
  22. Looks pretty entertaining, as usual. I wonder if they'll be able to steer away from the "look, shiny thing!" mentality that ruled the last two seasons. Wayne Palmer as president is an interesting turn, particularly if he turns out not to be all "good guy."
  23. The "killer margarita" recipe is simply amazing.
  24. Funny, then, that the whole rap on him was that he was cocky coming out of college. Perhaps he's been trying to suppress that and it's turned him into something else? Perhaps the league has just humbled him too much? I think on the contrary you did see Willis trying to atone for allowing the blitzer through a few weeks ago, and if it wasn't to protect JP outright, it was definitely with a sense of doing right by the team. I also think that if these guys need motivation other than their contracts and the desire to be the best in the game -- i.e. motivation strictly from the QB -- that that's just as much of a problem. To me, some people are never going to think he's doing it right, until he's winning. Then, his "bouncing around like a kid" on the sidelines will instead be "him just having fun, playing the game." His quietness on the sidelines would become "his cool demeanor." There are plenty of ways to look at it. Winning changes those perspectives.
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