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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. SOD= Stormtrooper of Death?
  2. From the Bush speech: Seems like our president doesn't follow JSP's line of thinking. Rhetoric or not, I don't think it necessary follows that we're going to be soft on terrorism. If you ask me, we are going to be more targeted on the issue and with hope, we won't continue to do things that hurt our standing in the world in the name of the GWoT.
  3. Stupid libs like Christopher Shays, R-Conn and Walter Jones, R-NC? Christ.
  4. Guess I've never been a dude who would just hit whatever comes up next in a bar. Just the way I am, I suppose. Either easily contented or supremely lucky or both.
  5. The layers of irony getting are so thick I need a shovel here. You lost, get over it. Send me your email address and I'll forward you a copy of the Communist Manifesto to get you started on your new life.
  6. Not a chance, bro. You've posted your girl's pics and I won't post mine but real, sweet girls like we've got are one in a million. Surgeried-up trashy whores are a dime a dozen. No thanks.
  7. First of all, my name is "Dummycrat," asswipe. And second, yes, I think we need to take a long look at the wasteful way we live, like having two SUVs per household, wasting away all our resources like there's no tomorrow and throwing away and consuming more while acting like this is some sort of conservative lifestyle. It's conservative of nothing. Policies need to encourage real conservatism and real conservation. I want the way we live to change and I think we can do that and spark the growth of new businesses and technology, and stop depending on and funding the same really bad people we're trying to defend ourselves from -- reinventing ourselves and remaining powerful in a new age. I'd rather we evolved than were the best last dinosaur left. Because they're all going to die sooner or later.
  8. Fair enough. I still believe firmly that has much more to do with money than with politics.
  9. You're talking about the words of specific commentators, who may have opinions pro- or anti- Bush. I'm separating that from the way things are reported, which I'll argue till the day I die has infinitely more to do with capital. These little asides are small picture and people can instantly see through them. If you think that people are swayed by Chris Matthews saying something like that, we are far more f--ked than we think.
  10. I've worked with JS and can vouch for her dad being a completely creepy douchebag. At the session he kept talking about how "we need to make this more sexy." ugggggggh.
  11. Just like 'em. That's me with the flare in there.
  12. Because it doesn't meet the criteria of news and in-depth reporting as well as conflict and violence, particularly when our troops are involved and at-risk due to the violence. Do they make more of it than it is, potentially? Sure. But that's the other edge of the double-edged sword of technology that you think has the potential to solve all our problems. It accelerates everything, it makes everything more disposable, it brings stories to us quicker and we let go of them quicker. Hence stories with the character of immediacy take hold better. Violence has that. It's unfortunately human nature to pay attention to it. The media knows this and sells it. It has nothing to do with an anti-war or anti-Republican agenda and you wouldn't see any difference in the way this was all handled if it were a Democratic administration pursuing exactly the same course in Iraq. Whatever happened on the early show is bollocks. I still don't think that this means that the news reporting is indicative of any agenda other than selling audience time.
  13. Dangerous to themselves with penalties...
  14. You have me confused with the board Nazis. I'm a board commie.
  15. Interesting and perhaps devastating. Obviously as in most cases we can depend on people being good souls. All the same, there is no good reason that information should be out there and especially not made available. Thanks for posting that.
  16. News flash, genius, tons of government money goes into oil exploration. Time to qualify where our energy money goes.
  17. Sure, the looting, de-Baathification, contractors not doing their jobs, inadequate troop levels, and lack of infrastructure is all the media's fault. If it weren't for that nasty media everything'd be going rosy and you know it.
  18. If we'd just listen to the commies and give children condoms before we indoctrinate them with our socialist agenda we could stop children who are making minimum wages from having children.
  19. That has got to be the lamest one I've seen yet. I also love that the guy is worrying about illegal immigrants coming in when they can probably articulate the English language better than him.
  20. Sounds good. When do we start? I want my abortion now.
  21. Sorry, the girl's got no class at all, and that's really unattractive. Plus I'm sure K-Fed has gotten that thing all diseased up anyhow. Ugh.
  22. Been saying that Parrish needs to get into our game plan for awhile. He's responsible for two of the few passing TDs we have this year. His speed is lethal. Get it into his hands at least 3 times and I think you can guarantee one will be for a huge gain and/or a TD. More if possible. That really takes the pressure off the rest of the team, when you have a threat like that. Hopefully our injury-depleted corps forces Jauron/Fairchild's hand in this direction.
  23. Killing a bill that allows no exceptions is common sense. It's amazing that this has to be explained.
  24. Is pretty unfortunate. People chose a Democratic vote in the Senate over one of its finer statesmen and more rational voices. I do think there should be more of a counter to the presidency and a Dem Senate could provide that in a more uniform way; that said, it's too bad a guy like Chaffee should have to be the one to go for that to (possibly) happen. I hope he continues the good work somewhere in gov't as an appointed official or as an advocate.
  25. I don't think so. The leadership might be more liberal but you don't get anything done without coalitions. I predict some power in the center -- Lieberman has found himself in a position of great power in the Senate, especially if it's 49-49-2, and if the new class of moderate Dems bands together, with moderate Republicans, it could wield some power as well. I think this is potentially a good thing.
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