First off, this is not a referendum on my charitable giving. I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy of anyone who might call this a Christian country while espousing a decidedly un-Christian mindset and social policy. If this is not you, certainly don't self-apply it.
But the idea behind most social programs, misguided or not, is that ultimately, it's for the good of society. Because people don't just fade into the distance when they're poor. They beg, borrow and steal. And as much as you'd like for the problems to go away they are somehow going to be governmentally supported until they can earn a fair wage for a job, whether that's through prison, through social programs that I'll agree are inadequate and don't solve all the problems, through educational funding to perhaps better themselves. You can't execute people for being poor so there has to be another solution, unless you're one of the statistics masters on this board.
At what point do you cease to simply cede to the market and realize that paying people below poverty level wages while recording record profits borders on exploitation? If the market eliminated your job you might feel differently. I feel that there is a cost of doing business in this country, always has been, and part of that cost is a living wage for full-time workers. Otherwise the buck will be passed to someone -- usually the taxpayer.