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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. You guys got yourself a QB controversy next season with Harrington playing to his abilities (something I had hoped would not occur in-division). Here's hoping Mularkey fumbles it again when the Dolphins come to town. Squish the fish!
  2. But we're making a lot more of the limited opportunities we have. This is Jauron ball. Smart, efficient, strong defense, turnovers creating the short field, and a field position game in general that means more punting than 'going for it.' Certainly it has its share of frustrations, but if we are winning I just don't give a sh--. If we can get bombs from JP to Evans with a little more regularity you're going to see bigger stats. I think another WR is needed for that to happen.
  3. And the Lord said "shut up." I feel that we could stand to write and speak intelligently while enjoying our football, that's all -- particularly when the meaning of a word is completely changed when it isn't used it correctly. If it's that much of a problem for you, I'm terribly sorry. Go Bills.
  4. NY Times They don't give JP much props though. Hopefully he shows them something they haven't seen this week.
  5. Boobs, my friend, are not that hard to find.
  6. Just further proof that we elevate stars far more than they deserve. What has LL done besides act - maybe - in - maybe - two hit movies? I have infinitely more respect for someone like Natalie Portman who put her time in in school not because she had to, but because she felt it would make her a better person and give her another option in life outside of the circus.
  7. You can't blame any one person or administration for it. However, some of the dealings we had back then with Iraq and Iran and the Saudis certainly have fueled today's situation.
  8. Sports Dick's always hated JP and now that he's looking better SG has to find something to vindicate his hatred. He should get back to the two things he does best, which are stroking Tom Brady's jock and not being read by me.
  9. Fine point. You want a piece of me?
  10. News is about difference that makes a difference. The Gitmo situation makes a difference in American news because it is a story that includes direct American involvement. It will always get more press in the U.S. than a story about Christian teachers in Thailand or death squads in the Sudan, until there is either a U.S. link to it, or until the situation becomes just to big to ignore (in which case, it usually means the U.S. gov't is getting involved, or, barring that, Bono ). It's not that the less reported news is not important; or even that there's a news bias towards anything other than information that will garner greater audience interest, and generate more revenue for advertisers. Like it or not, the same capitalism we want to protect also drives a certain kind of reporting. Your time is being sold. If you want to change that you can start looking for alternative sources and this will be recognized. Many already have.
  11. I DON'T KNOW. Why don't YOU tell ME???[/Moose] You post Yahoo's pickup of an AP wire, and the MSM is not reporting it. OK. I'm challenging your point, "IslamBad!", which is always your point, and you are not interested in having it challenged. Lord help us, we're not that bright. Thanks for showing us the way. IslamBad!
  12. Then maybe we should learn how to fight them and stop prosecuting this war like blithering idiots. And that includes not alienating a majority of the one billion people who practice Islam.
  13. Actually, winter celebrations long predate Christianity. Human civilization used to be a lot more tied to the seasonal calendar than it is and there were all kinds of festivals, including winter ones. So the idea of a holiday party only being there because of Christmas is at least challengeable. I think it's likely both sides could give a little -- people adamant about it being a "Christmas" party -- is it because they really want to celebrate Christ's birth at the office? Or is it because they want to bring people together so that they can enjoy themselves? For people who aren't Christian, taking offense at it regardless is silly. But at the same time everybody wants a place, and if the point is to include everybody at the party, it can't hurt to include them and learn about what goes on at their house during the 'holidays.' To me that's a fascinating opportunity.
  14. Maybe if you weren't so shrill it would be easier to have this discussion with you. As it is, it doesn't appear you're interested in one. You're interested in broadcasting a point that 1) you've already repeated ad nauseum here, and 2) you are not interested in having challenged. So why post it?
  15. A context similar to the one Jesus arose out of, if many scholars are to be believed. In particular, the oppression of women by religion seems to really arise out of social and political power plays much more than the religion itself. To that effect, religion is a tool rather than a basis.
  16. Two chicks at the same time? "You know what I'd do if I had a million dollars?"
  17. Can we please create a statistics board so that we can get back to the regularly scheduled name-calling and stalemates on hot-button issues?
  18. This is important because?
  19. You may be right. At the same time, technological breakthroughs can change everything -- just look at how the net has changed the dynamic in a very short time. Implementation is another story, though, and obviously there is so much planning involved. I think what we all need to realize is that most market change is glacial. That goes for job markets as well. What works for China right now may be what worked for us in the latter half of the 19th century. Obviously we can't go back there, yet we share a world and that's what makes competing difficult.
  20. We will hate them until we can beat them on a regular basis. If we make the kinds of improvements we need to this offseason, I think we can take both from them next year. We came close the first time.
  21. This is kind of my point in posting this, though, JSP -- You've been a champion of technology, yet I've noticed you shoot down the possibility that technological advancements will ultimately allow us to do completely clean and safe energy like this on a large scale. For me, this is score one for everybody -- if it happens to be us, that's immeasureably better because I feel like we have the most potential to do good for the rest of the world.
  22. Really good answer. Other one is, and I can't believe Friedman let this slip so easily, but his whole spiel about the reason this is possible being due to low-cost labor; well, that's not reality here, and a lot of people think it shouldn't be over there, either.
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