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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Quite honestly I don't see a Gore campaign happening. Contrary to the way Clinton operates, I think Gore feels he can do much more out of office. Plus, I think he hates campaigning. I'm sure he's interested in the office, but not in what it would take to get there.
  2. Lotta interesting subplots around this one. Two hot teams, two emerging young QBs, Henry vs. the Bills, Willis vs. Henry, obviously all the Home Run Throwback/Illegal Forward Pass discussions that will certainly be brought up ad nauseum during the game. I think the X-Factor in this game is Vince Young and how the Bills approach him. Our pass defense has been blanketing pretty damn well lately, and we have had a hard time figuring out the run. If Vince can't see the whole field and bolts more often than not, how good a job the Bills do containing him will make all the difference. It is debatable how much Young can do as a pocket passer. There is ample evidence that he is always going to rely on his instinct to run. For awhile, he might be awesome doing just that until his years or injuries catch up with him. On defense, we know Jeff Fisher is a smart dude. He is going to throw the book at JP. I hope JP can show us yet again how much he has learned. Here's to a good game. After Houston moved to Tennessee and the Music City Meltdown, I was pretty sure I'd never hate a team as much as I hated the Titans. I've softened a bit and I grew to respect McNair and I like watching Young. This week, though, no question where my loyalties lie. Go Bills!
  3. Cue Simon's Mularkey defense in 3...2...1...
  4. In LABillz' contest, probably the toughest time to pick, I said 9-7. I'd be extremely happy if I turn out to be right. I was pretty far off in predicting how how we'd get there, though. I chose most of the wins incorrectly, falsely hoping for victories over SD & New England, and forecasting a win in Detroit, which might be the one that keeps us out of the playoffs. I did know that we'd sweep the Fish, though!
  5. wow, this dude: prescient Not dead-on, but pretty damned good.
  6. Harrington was bad. Real bad. And I'm a guy who used to think he might have a shot at resurrecting his career. 4+ years with the Lions and now Mularkey to drive the final nail in his coffin. We talk about coach-killers. I think we can now call Mike Mularkey a QB-killer with his head-scratching play calls. Thank god he didn't get any longer with JP.
  7. Not only that, he's dirty, as evidenced by his helmet-to-helmet on McGahee. Zach Thomas. Most overrated LB in the league.
  8. "Dolphins suck!" works
  9. Johnny Utah.
  10. "I Did Everything Good and Nothing Right: An Autobiography"
  11. Is this stuff supposed to be funny? Good lord.
  12. Living as you do in a land of Pats fans I hope you're holding up your end of the bargain. Punch a few more for me, for good measure.
  13. My wife and I split the cooking duties; most of the duties, actually. It works out pretty well. We can both cook some great dishes; each of us has a few regulars in the routine and we're both willing to try out some new things. The sex is great, too. Whoops. Wrong thread. We do enjoy our dining out, though. It's not for nothing that we live in NYC.
  14. Best of luck to your mom. Help her out as much as you can; it'll mean more than you can know. My wife's family has a history; obviously we're a bit vigilant about it. Hopefully we'll a cure for this thing in our time.
  15. Really silly. Why can't they just deal with the policy they have and remove passengers who are causing a disturbance?
  16. I swear if I didn't have to do one of our families' Christmas early this year I would be on the next plane to Buffalo-Niagara to catch this game. I'll be pretty bummed if this one doesn't sell out. Obviously, doesn't look good.
  17. You've got to be kidding, man. Hope Johnson recovers. NPR played the tape of his losing his hold yesterday (it was during a conference call). It was terribly creepy and sad. Edit: WP says:
  18. I don't see it happening. But if it did, I would still love a lot of the players, I'd hate the organization and the NFL and I would further pour my sports heart into the Sabres and Blue Jays. I'd probably get much more into college football, too.
  19. and even in the bar, Mularkey finds it impossible to make 2nd half adjustments.
  20. Miami, New England, the Jets. Just sort of love them all when it gets right down to it.
  21. Unfortunately, our humble paragon of football analysis doesn't work the Bills beat for the AP. He's too busy advising all those NFL teams who desperately require his services. If I didn't have him on 'ignore' I'd ask "where is that guy, anyway?"
  22. At least he isn't trying to line up on special teams like last year. This is a big step up for Rex.
  23. And no, grammar offenders, it's not just those kinds of mistakes (though there are plenty). 5-12 record last year? I had no idea NFL teams play a 17-game season. Is this a sentence? Special note: when you jump, make sure you do it "firmly."
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