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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. If they are going to re-sign Willis it's like this. Nice signing bonus; thank you very much for the work you've done. Low per-year salary, high incentives. That's all I'd do for a running back with years on him in this league. You can too often get a Jones-Drew with a pick outside of the first round to worry about throwing top-dollar to a non-elite back.
  2. I am ecstatic that I don't have to hate a team in this Super Bowl and can just enjoy a football game.
  3. You're right, it doesn't matter. But it really is the ultimate example of the 'winning cures all ills' argument because that guy played a worse game than I'd ever seen in the clutch, a game that I think Losman is past finally, and yet he is the one whom there are still questions about among league people. Maybe I'm wrong and the Bears are drawing up other plans at QB for next year. For now, Lovie is probably doing the right thing wrt team morale. If that switch was going to be made it should have been made a long time ago. But Grossman sucks out loud.
  4. Does anyone here believe for a second the Bears wouldn't have 50 points on the board if they had JP Losman? Ridiculous.
  5. This is usually a pretty good resource.
  6. Tough to call it ironic. Check out the records that Lincoln or JFK had before they ran. Obama doesn't have much less than either.
  7. Actually, they might not, if they were blitzed. But someone among him and his friends does know. And they should all be ashamed.
  8. Do you have the Harry Smith Anthology? Sounds from your tastes like you must. If not, check that out, and some John Fahey (who was a big-time scholar on the Masked Marvel and curated his box-set).
  9. You're kidding, right? No salary cap, 15 years of not getting your body crushed on a daily basis, clubhouse, playing all summer, average player makes over $2 mil a year? Compare it with the NFL and the damage a body can take and it's no contest if you have as good of a shot at either. Edit: What Dr. Dankenstein said.
  10. The NFL is a what-have-you-done-for-me-lately sport. Gilbride has done sh-- for no one lately, and by lately I mean for the last 10 years. Those Houston teams were regular playoff teams as well. They choked when push came to shove.
  11. No kidding. Some of the best stuff ever written. "Who's that-a-writin'? John the Revelator." Not sure I'd get down to it but it's awesome music. Skip James, too. Wooo!
  12. Anything with Hope Sandoval singin' on it.
  13. Darin, I would totally agree with you, but there are areas out there that can't even get broadband at all, or if they can it's a really prohibitively expensive service like Satellite. My parents aren't backward-leaning yahoos that shoot coyotes for food, but they live in an area where high-speed is out of reach. If you can't even access the network, how can you really expect to be part of the game and to attract businesses? However, where you'll smile here is that the problem is because of municipalities that have cozied up to companies that are giving the customer a really bad deal and maintaining status quo. So it would be state gov't coming in to rescue bad local gov't. I can't say that's a good thing but how and when will these people wake up, or when will a good leader rise among them?
  14. Any team ever coached by Bill Parcells or one of his assistants, Jimmy Johnson, or Don Shula.
  15. Maybe Jack endorses the Stadium Pal™.
  16. To me it's going to be about keeping Dillon and Maroney in check, and that's going to be hard. I'd wager that's an even tougher challenge than stopping LJ. But we'll see.
  17. I don't mind riding on the passenger side.
  18. wow, jzmack. You're just further proof that you never know what kind of pain any individual you come across might have experienced, and just how strong a person can be. You've every right to be proud of how far you've come. I wish you all the success you might hope for.
  19. San Diego does not have Marvin Harrison or Reggie Wayne. These guys will not be gift-wrapping dropped balls like SD did last week. Mark it.
  20. No kidding. And people want to know why Eli's treading water... It's because his position coach is a complete fool. Can't wait to see the creative play-calling at the Meadowlands this year. I give Jints fans 3 games before they start calling for Gilbride's head. Only a coach as dumb as Coughlin could be as impressed with Gilbride's 'body of work' and not see that he's a guy who's best years are far behind him, if not the result of a fluky system that was figured out quickly.
  21. Do you take the same stance on wearing seat belts? Or is that a choice?
  22. So what you're saying is all Bills fans should have a subscription to Penthouse?
  23. Three of the top seven teams run 3-4 defenses too, and they attack the run differently. If we should look to emulate anyone on the list it's the Bears, who run a very similar defense. Tank Johnson and Tommie Harris are not gi-normous beefy guys compared to many others. Whom do you suggest to fit the kind of run-stuffer we need? Ngata is nothing like those guys.
  24. My friend, you spend your whole life remembering and forgetting the important things and substituting the by-comparison-trivial for enjoyment. Do we all need some perspective? Sure, I'd be the first person to admit this. I just spent three weeks in a place with 1/3 of the world's software engineers and 1/4 of its undernourished, and had heavy exposure to both sides. However, one of the more fun things to get over 25 hours of travel and unwind has been to catch up with my beloved Bills and find out on this small little scale what's important with them. It's no big deal, either way. I just want a running back who produces on-field and wants to be here.
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