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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. I gotta hand it to you. In the history of dum-dum troll crusades, this is the dum-dum-dummiest, trolliest crusade ever.
  2. Stop poking holes in the "Whaley is a lazy partier who just wants to move the team to L.A." narrative.
  3. It's not odd when you factor in that it's an off-week, that part of the job is an ambassadorship of sorts, and that it's quite obvious that he's doing his job fairly well.
  4. Is there anything more frustrating for Bills fans than to see: - A kid from Buffalo - Who plays a position the Bills have criminally ignored for the past 20 or so years - Drafted the year we picked Spiller and Torell Troup - Picked by New England - Basically becoming one of the league's most unstoppable weapons - For Tom Brady, at that - Shredding the Bills and most of the league's top teams with regularity ?
  5. Best place for this, I guess: http://deadspin.com/eagles-lineman-jason-peters-didnt-know-nick-foles-got-h-1653850387 I am not sure if this contributes more to the legend of Jason Peters, or of Sanchize.
  6. I can verify this.
  7. Except Urbik?
  8. We have no more evidence for this ("it worked") than we do that Marrone is being too much of a blowhard with his vets. Just saying. And what is a player supposed to say? "Coach is an a-hole, but I want to play so we're doing it his way"? Woods has also improved in play because of the QB situation. I think that has far more to do with it than any motivational tactics on the part of our HC. As for mead's statement -- I don't think that playoffs should guarantee a job, but it would go a hell of a long way. It's about how they get there and how they finish. If it looks like a mirage, I'm going to at least look at the potential for an upgrade. If it looks like he has them going in the right direction, he stays. Right now I give him a neutral-to-plus grade based on record and the improvements we're seeing. I still want to see the best players on the field, used well.
  9. Think they can keep Panda? I secretly hope the Jays would make a run at him (and know that they won't).
  10. It was pretty damn clear from Marrone's statements that he was trying to teach Robert Woods a lesson in the preseason. It's pretty clear from Mike Williams' statements that he feels like he is in the doghouse. This is not "media fabrication," it's my assessment of what the parties involved are actually putting on record. I can't verify the stuff with Hughes or Urbik but it's enough smoke to make me believe there is at least a bit of a fire. At the very least, the situation with Urbik was conservative to a San Andreas-sized fault.
  11. Man, even with all that technology and stuff?
  12. No.
  13. Simon, bringing it (whenever he's on the scene) as usual. Well, said, all of it. Like others, I key in on what Marrone is doing wrong with some young veterans in trying to dictate to them. This results in inferior talent on the field, in a game where having the best cumulative talent gives you better chances.
  14. That ain't me, babe. Hell, I was in the "give EJ more chances" pool until it became obvious that that was a terrible idea. I want to be optimistic. I'm just saying that I need more proof. I've been burned by the Bills too many times not to be skeptical. They are going to have to take better advantage of their chances against better teams. This is obvious, no?
  15. Remember in 2008 when Dick Jauron went 5-1? Remember in 2011 when Chan Gailey went 5-2? The spot they are in right now only means that they are more in control of their destiny than they would be at 3-5. It's what they do with this second half of the season that matters. If this is a real change of culture, we're going to see a Bills team that doesn't flinch down the stretch. They have some winnable games before a tough December. They are probably going to have to steal a win in December to make the playoffs. It's doable, but anyone who is truly happy with where they are is crazy. And I'll even say that EJ's game against Houston - while it proved that he wasn't ready and led to the positive developments under Orton - may end up costing the team.
  16. Based on months and months of posting, I have negative things to say about Hackett and universally good things to say about EJ? Good lord. I have in the "Fire Hackett" thread actually gone out of my way to post things that Hackett had done well, said he shouldn't be fired, and said that I hope he improves. I've said EJ deserves to sit. I hope he succeeds eventually because I like the kid and it would be good for the Bills. I suppose that doesn't make me one of the cool kids around here but I can deal with it. BTW, I am happy that you seem to have been right about Orton and he is growing into this role terrifically. Your bait still stinks.
  17. Based on what, my having said things like "Manuel deserves to sit right now?" Don't troll, bro. I'm reconsidering some of my opinions after having read and watched some all-22 related stuff. I still think we are really unimaginative with the run game. Anyway, what was your point? Your bait tastes like sh--.
  18. I'll give you this. If you want someone to shut up, calling them an idiot and telling them to shut up usually works like a charm. You sound like a guy with people skills.
  19. the only association that I'd like to make, yet the most important one IMO, is that Marrone would be heavily involved in choosing his offensive lineman and in choosing who starts.
  20. If only they would hire a guy who has specialized in the offensive line. Perhaps one who is a former NFL lineman himself.
  21. Well, that was my point. There is no good replacement lined up. The time for bringing someone in from outside would absolutely be in the offseason, and they actually have a built-in excuse for any changes with Pegula in town.
  22. Agreed, an in-season firing is crazy. But the possibility of an upgrade in the offseason should be on the table. I think as with some of the onfield talent, you shouldn't ditch anybody unless you have a better replacement lined up.
  23. Now we want Dareus to quit, too? Half our defensive line should resign! But Hackett stays!
  24. Best way I've seen this articulated yet. Cleveland "won" that 6-3 game against the Bills. I am pretty sure they don't deserve a medal for it, though. Happy with the win, but let's just be reasonable and agree that we'd all like them to be better.
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