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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Should of kept TJax. Should of.
  2. Rookies look like rookies sometimes. We would do well to remember this. Luck / Wilson / RG3 are all exceptional candidates with pretty good quality teams surrounding them. Kaepernick sat a year and learned. Rodgers sat many years and learned. EJ3 is going to struggle sometimes this season. Maybe a lot. Just because Smith didn't play lights out in his third preseason game, it does not mean the book has been written on him -- even if we revel in the schadenfreude.
  3. VY could show EJ how to throw a great birthday party. He just needs to borrow his credit card.
  4. The man has a point. But goddamn if Miller High Life doesn't taste freaking great after some yard work. They formulate that sh--.
  5. Derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp SIzurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
  6. I don't really want to see Batch in games, but I would love to have him as a 3rd QB / extra QB coach. He is obviously a smart guy to have survived this long in the league without having starter's chops anymore, and Pittsburgh has a pretty good culture.
  7. I just cracked up the first Pumking of late summer. Oh, yes.
  8. Palm is a terrific and underrated beer.
  9. The hard thing to believe is that anyone gets paid for that as part of their job, or that anyone who gets paid as a journalist thinks that that's part of their job. I know that sports is fun and that conjecture and speculation is part of the great fun of sports talk. But bring it up in that environment and be crystal clear about the nature of it. Bringing it up It can be too easy to be vague enough to "create" a story as opposed to reporting it. And that is definitely happening here, from where I sit.
  10. Sources deep within. What car do you drive?
  11. We are now hearing that it would be OK with CJ Spiller if that Super Bowl team were the Bills.
  12. Oh god oh man oh god. Oh god oh man oh god.
  13. Rumor: CJ Spiller wants to play for a Super Bowl franchise.
  14. In a vacuum, of course not. As presented by ESPN chuckleheads... yeah, it sort of does.
  15. Now we're talkin'. If it's cheap after-hockey-game beer, I'd just go for Blue Light, or High Life.
  16. Even the Butt-fumble gets old. They'd be better served running re-runs of "OW! My Balls!"
  17. BLime. BLight. Why not just get a Corona, drop in a lime, and then let it sit for 10 hours in the fridge, open?
  18. I hope there's a scene where Batman turns into Daredevil and laughs at the audience.
  19. I've got Spiller, Rice and AJ Green in a 10-team auction league. Blew 3/4 of my budget on those guys. I won't care when I'm collecting the league payout.
  20. Does a team that is trying to quietly get rid of a player welcome him back on social media and promote fan giveaways of a Jairus Byrd autographed jersey? And until Byrd actually does pout I wish that people would stop forwarding this narrative.
  21. That's possible. If true, it seems that neither has enough respect for their profession to realize they're being used.
  22. That's James Harrison's position, too. For a lot of these guys, you take out the knees, you take away their livelihood right away. Hit 'em in the head, whatever, you can still play in 10 days, and deal with the hard stuff when you're 50. There's a sadly fatalist attitude there.
  23. It's not explicitly false, but it's very unsubstantiated. In our newsroom if you don't have three sources to corroborate something, you don't run it. In sports talk and reporting, you see that rule violated all the time.
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