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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. Of course it's a different world, but there were warnings two years ago. There were warnings prior to that that caused him to slip in the draft. There were the guy's regular personal foul penalties. There were teammates who kept quiet about their disdain for him. There is a lot of impetus to keep these things in-house for fear of repercussions from other players who adhere to this kind of code. And I'll wager that other players don't like it but keep quiet about it because they know if they do, they can slip by into veteran status and not be subject to it any longer. I just really, strongly hesitate to buy into what you're saying about this particular player and being open-minded about him. He has a long rap sheet and you can fill it out pretty quickly with a Google search. To wit: http://www.cbssports...ff-draft-boards I encourage you to read this article -- this stuff hasn't just been unearthed, it's just being more widely reported now (stuff from Nebraska and the Rams is toward the bottom of the article) http://www.grantland...ichie-incognito
  2. I would think it's pretty rational to view a guy who has been caught on tape threatening and berating a co-worker as unstable and not the best representative of a very public employer. Given that this is not RI's first incident, so to speak, I'm not sure what we're supposed to think. When a guy like Eric Wood doesn't come vigorously to your defense on this kind of stuff and is very measured in his response, I think it also says something - both about the culture and about RI's having crossed a line. I'll agree that people often take headlines at face value but I don't think that's the case here.
  3. So, maybe Kiko is the ideal genetic type for this brand of person.
  4. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/9926888/miami-dolphins-kept-richie-incognito-controlhttp://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/9926888/miami-dolphins-kept-richie-incognito-control: An excerpt - 'Plenty of the same kinds of attitudes being shown here.
  5. Dolphins officials are basically saying he's done with the team. http://deadspin.com/report-richie-incognito-will-never-play-another-game-a-1458305554 Will be interesting to see if any other teams would indeed pick him up. I could imagine there are teams that privately have no problem with what he does, that wouldn't sign him because of the PR repercussions.
  6. Fair enough. Your point is better - being a vet doesn't earn you the right to be a dick; but Incognito has been one for the duration of his career. My main point was that even in a world where being a vet earns you... something, this guy would do well to act like someone who has been given many second chances. Not so.
  7. Before making the Dolphins, Incognito could be fairly described as a journeyman. Where the F does this guy get off acting like like some premier veteran? Seems to me like he enjoys the power trip and feeling like a big man by virtue of nothing but a few extra years in the game. To me, it's a HUGE red flag when someone who has been through what should have been some humbling situations responds like this.
  8. Decoy or choices for an audible, no? And why does he not have enough space to operate compared to, say, TJ Graham?
  9. Exactly. Like someone else said above - try this sh-- at your workplace and see how long you last. Unless you work somewhere like VICE magazine where it's hip to be a mysogynist a--hole and racism is A-OK as long as you're joking about it, it's not going to end well for you.
  10. It seems like a bit more than that. Character assassination in a business where these things are important (accusing him of being a drug addict) and harrassing someone on the phone including the claim that you are going to sh-- in their mouth seem like a bit more than just "the N word." It's all part of a larger story. Deadspin is just spitting out the most culturally provocative bits of an inherently juicy story.
  11. Well, champ, that wasn't what the thread was originally about. Peace.
  12. Note that I have never said that he should be pounding the ball in for a yard. I said he should be in there both to create and disguise different options for pass plays and runs that might happen out of passing formations.
  13. I usually make decisions based on isolated incidents that occurred under prior regimes as well.
  14. Trollin' trollin' trollin, keep those dogies rollin'...
  15. I think a guy like Eddie Lacy would make for a kick-ass triumverate with Jackson-Spiller -- just pure, compact muscle. But Green Bay has him and we do not. I think the kinds of plays you can run with Spiller are more numerous. And I do think he's a better receiver. Also, he's going to draw attention that TJ Graham is not going to get being lined up there, theoretically opening up other parts of the field.
  16. I'd love to hear from some X's and O's people - what would be interesting is a breakdown of why you think it wouldn't work, or, conversely, why there is no good reason not to try Spiller down there based on the limited success being had thus far...
  17. Man, too bad for him. He did look excellent keeping that bench toasty. In all seriousness, I hope the dude put away some of that bank so he can quit the game and enjoy life. He certainly made a lot for doing little.
  18. How many daughters does he have left to expend on this kind of journalism?
  19. Y'know, I DO appreciate a potential implosion in Miami, but I hate to see it happen in a way like this, if it makes any sense. The one area where you can feel vindicated as a Bills fan is that we took a look at Incognito and did not stick with him despite the trade-offs.
  20. Their defense will always be legit as long as Ryan is leading it, and EJ showed he'll have to make some major adjustments to match up with them next time. That said, they will be on the road, not at home. They beat NO at home. We had the Saints in the dome. Not all matchups are created equal. Also, this offensive line just had its best game of the season against a tough D. Shouldn't go unnoticed, and it should help EJ.
  21. Something in his instruction, perhaps? I also felt like EJ was doing this to an extent, earlier on.
  22. Yes. Mostly, I'm suggesting we study NE and that nothing should be off the table - not flipping tendencies, per se, but actually decreasing tendencies, if that makes sense. If you have tendencies, they can be schemed against. This is not a smash mouth team that can dictate at the goal line. There is no reason to inhabit that identity. We also don't have two or even one real killer TE, so those kinds of plays where you make a quick strike to the biggest man -- though often a successful alternative -- are lower-percentage for us. I'd say we are replacing Graham especially but Goodwin potentially - CJ may seem fragile but Goodwin has been moreso. Graham has been next to useless.
  23. I think when he's lined up as the single back with a presumptive run, you're right. We haven't seen what he can do with Freddie also on the field and some confusion created for the defense.
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