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Everything posted by RuntheDamnBall

  1. I know this, and for this reason I argued in his favor many times. I do, however, think that if the injury is holding you back that much you have to sit out the games until you're in good enough health. You can't be tentative in the NFL. This isn't Jerry Rice getting the first down by a good margin and stepping out of bounds. This is running out of bounds on 2nd and 9 when you've gained three. But yes, agree to disagree. I very much want the guy to succeed and hope he'll give his all next season. He has big money riding on it.
  2. That's a complaint, not a criticism.
  3. It's not about fighting for a yard, it's about not running out as early as possible. Sorry, man, we often agree, but I just saw it many times today, and even my wife (a more casual fan) did, as well. He stood to gain a couple more than he got, many times without absorbing a hit. What about his moves? He made some great ones. Why not try for more? Doesn't a great back go for a bit more and see if he can best his opposition and take it to the house? You're right, he's a very good RB. He could be great, and I'm lamenting that.
  4. So your contention is that we gained enough yards to win this game? You've got to have a disciplined team to make those short yardage situations with a short run. Also, this team hasn't shown enough variety on third and short to keep other teams off balance. This isn't a mauler line that can just get all the push it needs for its RB. I don't blame that on FJax.
  5. Yup. Maybe it's just too much to demand greatness from a guy who has the potential for it. I guess that's what we're resigned to in Buffalo, but hey, he can rest his laurels on that YPC when he has a contract dispute in a couple of years.
  6. I never said he was above reproach. I've also said he isn't the most talented, but he makes up for that with effort. He has dropped the ball more this year, though I missed those two plays today. The 3rd and 2 was, I thought, just a bad play call that NE would (and did) see coming a mile away. Our guys can't beat theirs on that play. Look at where they did beat them on fourth down -- but TJ Graham's hands are terrible. Better play call, bad execution. You can prolong your career by not getting hit, no doubt, but you better bring it when it matters. I just don't see that from CJ enough.
  7. 5, when they really need the yardage and to score, would do. I just don't see the urgency for this guy. I want him to do well, I really do. And no doubt he is electric and talented. But he doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who just needs to touch the football all the time. Sad that we are saying that about a guy selected in the top ten.
  8. Wait, this was supposed to be a serious thread?
  9. I didn't say he was hurting the team. I said he wasn't doing enough. A good player looks at that day and is satisfied. A great player looks at the loss and asks what else he could have done.
  10. I can't discount all this, but Freddie is playing with broken ribs and has also had injuries all year. These two players are a pretty good indication of why the Bills are so close, yet so far away. One doesn't have all the talent in the world but puts forth all the effort and uses the gifts he has. The other has all the talent in the world and packs it in when he doesn't feel it matters. If you feel you can't be relied on, sit out. If you want to play, play. Anything else is a disservice to your teammates. I would never argue that CJ isn't tough. But I do think he doesn't have desire, and that is the kind of intangible that teammates respond to - both when it's there, and when it isn't.
  11. This thread has taken a disappointing turn back towards football.
  12. I noticed this too. Built like Tarzan, plays like Jane. Probably settled for about 30-40 less yards in the second half alone. Freddie would never do this.
  13. Special needs specialists are usually highly trained in their field and help bring people in disadvantaged situations to success. Crossman has been historically terrible in his field and turns good athletes into traffic cones.
  14. I'll bet Keith Richards could do a better job coaching special teams, though.
  15. There also is never enough urine on the floor.
  16. I hate having flat feet.
  17. Bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians are all stupid.
  18. Evidence for that? I just read an NFL beat reporter that referred to Hackett's offense as very complex. BTW, check the number of plays some of the successful teams run. Execution > Complexity. Manuel's problems have been with timing and footwork, not with his understanding of the offense. Manuel is very smart. Few NFL rookies come in ready to plug and play and the Bills' strategy cannot have been for Manuel to take the job by default. Kolb was not a strong choice to pencil in at starter, but he was the choice.
  19. Yup, you've got to evaluate guys on their college record, like when they have one good season that isn't as good as Manuel's best college season, at Fordham. That same pack of fools turned a single first-round pick into this QB THAT EVERYONE ACKNOWLEDGED WOULD TAKE SOME TIME TO DEVELOP, plus Kiko Alonso. Kelly Holcomb put up some insane numbers in a couple games. He's available.
  20. We need fewer pro bowl players with me first attitudes. Should have sat him and taught him that lesson while we had the chance.
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