Similar story to the Mawae letter, but only from our Mr. Moulds:
"To all the Bills fans on, twobillsdrive, and the other sites, I want to take this opportunity to say: f-you. You guys are really low life losers that have nothing better to do than blog your way through the day, making up rumors, and saying that Benny Anderson sucks. Well, Benny Anderson does suck. But he doesn't need to hear it from you geeks. He hears it from his teammates everyday. But I digress. My 10 years as a Bills have really sucked. I made the playoffs three times, only to lose heartbreaking games. I had too many idiot coaches and terrible quarterbacks. And Mr. Wilson is an old hag that picks his nose and eats his boogers all day in the press box. Im probably going to the Eagles now. The only team in the NFL that chokes more than the Bills. But you know what, the fans will appreciate me. They have postive fans there in Philly, not the boo-hooers like around here. Anyways, I just wanted to take this time to tell you that I do log on and read the posts here a lot. I usually do it in secret, my name being "Soprano3695." Anyways, just wanted to say sometime to all you bills fanatics. Here's to hoping you are stupid enought to convince Marv to draft Ngata. That guys is a fat lug. Leif Larsen was better. I will miss Duff's and sluts on Chippawa, but nothing else. So long and good day."