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Everything posted by CJPearl2

  1. I like the Hester pick. But what did SD give up to get there? They didn't have another pick until the 5th.
  2. I was never sold on Thomas. I think he may be a good 3rd WR at the NFL level but nothing more. He had one good season against a very average Big Ten conference never really having big games against the big teams. Kelly, if focused, could be a very good pro.
  3. Agree. He is average at best.
  4. Put him back with McGee and make teams pick their poison.
  5. http://www.billsdaily.com/news/index.shtml#042608
  6. I like the first 2 rounds - id say its a successful day.
  7. You would have taken him in the first round, genius.
  8. #32, New England!!! I LOVE IT!!!
  9. This is Chris Kelsay all over again.
  10. I know things are happening fast, but take pride in your work and use the spell check or at least re-read your work.
  11. You mean something YOU, not WE, don't know. A number of us here have been pleading with all of YOU that WR was weak this year and the Bills wouldn't pick WR at #11.
  12. Im just playing with you. I didn't think the WRs were first round worthy, but I never imagined they ALL would fall this far (through pick 24 and maybe more).
  13. It's: "Why?" "Why not?!"
  14. Weren't you arguing to take a WR at #11 earlier? Take a look: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=65352 (p.s. My comments were dead-on!) Marauder? Did you go to St. Joe's?
  15. 25 year old Hawaiian organ-donor.
  16. I'll pretty sure Malcoml Kelly is available at our second round pick.
  17. This is not a draft of true first round-worthy WRs. Only the media thinks so. Obviously, the teams don't. And this is why we can wait to get a WR.
  18. Are you at it here too? I think we are all happy that you aren't making the picks. But maybe when you quit your job at the car wash you can interview to replace Russ Brandon.
  19. Troy played one of the toughest schedules last year and year in and consistently play top out-of-confernece teams (florida, ok st., arkansas, georgia). And I did, in fact, watch him play a lot. Is he underrated only because of his "bad hands?" Because if that is his only problem, Ill gladly take it.
  20. Did you ever watch him play at Troy? By your comments I am positive you haven't. Do yourself a favor and watch some of his games. He is a stud.
  21. Settle down Chester, we have 9 picks left.
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