How dumb are those REFS.....
I said in the chat before we even punted it that they marked it up for us....They gave us 10 yards....
1st down Bills....
That would of been funny if the Bills went to the line and handed it off or something...
Troy Vincent in the nickel packages is going help out tremendously....shuting down those 3rd recievers and lessin our opponents 3rd down conversion rate......his coverage skills are much needed in our young secondary.....
I had LASIK done last November.....I'd have to say it was the best decision I've ever made.....
It's been over a year and its been all good....
Who knows 5-10 years from now....but right now my vision has been great...
Only if it was true.....
Bottom line they probably thinking if they beat Pitt in Pitt there is no way they lose there last three....and i would agree with that...