A great ending would be:
Jack and real Locke(resurrected of course) sitting on the beach...watching a boat coming to the island(like the Jacob/MIB scene)
Ben after waking up from his trip to "The Temple" said the same thing Sayid did "what happen".
I dont think Jacob possessed Sayid...
But I do believe that the island is now in Sayid....
Bryan Bulaga OT Iowa
Vladimir Ducasse OG Massachusetts
Eric Norwood ILB South Carolina
O'Brien Schofield OLB Wisconsin
Bulaga/Ducasse/Hangartner/Wood/Levitre w/ Bell/Butler/Meredith/Incognito as depth <---could be amazing
Norwood/Poz/Mitchell <---with schofield/harris as depth
I'd love to get an extra pick somehow and pick up a DT like MT. Cody, not sure how that could happen though