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Everything posted by YOOOOOO

  1. Stevie is still on pace for 78/940...
  2. lol stop it.....he did absolutly nothing for 3.5 quarters... the Denver defense did all they could to give him one more shot...and he finally came thru....
  3. I guess Stevie is the new Evans on this site
  4. one thing we found out yesterday is our WR's as a group are below average.... Stevie and Nelson are keepers the rest need to be upgraded...
  5. Still waiting for Brad Smith to run the option out of the WildCat formation.... Again i think they are waiting for the weather to turn, to break out the wildcat on a bigger scale...
  6. hes actually on pace for 89rec 1000yds 9TD's
  7. London Fletcher got away with some contact in the endzone on Stevie there...basically stiff armed him to the ground as Stevie came out of his break... I'd like to see more option plays off tackle that the Jets would run with Brad all the time...our wildcat package has been very vanilla thus far... but maybe there a reason for it...waiting for the weather to turn to start using/opening it up more
  8. Give Spiller some credit...if Fitz doesnt underthrow that deep ball early in the game, Spiller would of had a easy 50+yd TD...the play resulted in a 30yd PI...
  9. any tebow was awful today..
  10. nah SJ was open....that ball needed to be on his back shoulder and about 5 yards upfield with some air under it...
  11. really...? cmon now
  12. for the same reason your saying we shouldnt have run.... after injury, our line is schuffled around...and were asking out QB to take time in the pocket to let a downfield throw develop... I'm sorry but thats just a stupid playcall...
  13. I dont mind them passing at all....but you cant take a risk in that spot.... once you get into scoring position...high pecentage plays is what its all about... short/quick routes....pass plays like those to spiller...slants to sj...maybe using the TE
  14. Dude danced his way to a 7+ypc average so far this year.... he hasnt got much of a chance, cuz Freddy has been so amazing....
  15. Can some of you stop it with the run wasnt working....so it wasnt an option....bull **** Bradshaw had 21 for 49yds...but the Giants sure as hell didnt shy away from using him on that last drive... bottom line with 4min remaining in Giants territory you have to come away with points, while chewing up the clock....if your going to pass...it has to be a high percentage play(no risk involved).....
  16. Has anyone else played on fanduel?? A friend of mine hooked me up, been on it since the allstar break and have won $800($422 last night). If you guys are into fantasy sports....you should take a look http://www.fanduel.com/s/735KPJ9KKF <---sign up and we both get $10
  17. bull ****....no way is that right... Hurley on his podcast also says that it was Ben and FLOCKE on the trailing boat
  18. Why do yall think the candidates are invincible....there not at all.... They cant kill themselves, Flocke cant kill them.... but others can kill them(Dharma killed Sayid)....
  19. I didnt really care either....until i rewatch the episode that the bodies were discovered.... Jack picks up a bag, and in it, are two stones, one black and one white.... at the time most of us were like WTF is that about......now we know
  20. Jacob beat Richard senseless because at that time.... he had none of his candidates on the island.... I think MIB cant be free until jacob and all of his candidates are dead
  21. You'd think once learning about Aijira flight, that Sawyer would head straight to Lostie camp and wait for Juliet to "flash forward"....
  22. really
  23. Pretty obvious Dharma had something to do with the island sinking... the H-bomb had nothing to do with it
  24. I think Hurley is Jacob in the sideway flashes....
  25. that one throw at 1:30 is pretty impressive.... on the run, a 60 yard pass on a line
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