After the catch he has a very quick first step....just look at any of his catches last year....
its the confidence he has in his hands, the ball gets to him and boom he is upfield....just watch....
You yapped all last season on how Fairchild should not try running him outside the box...yet he ran for 4.4 ypc off tackle...and we barely ran out of the spread formation.....If we run more out of the spread formation this season, which it looks like we will, expect that number to rise....
Marshawn has burst/accleration...The one thing he may lack is the ability to maintain his speed on long runs....and thats not a big deal....
you've had this opinion of him since before we drafted him....and you wont let it the cant say he lacks burst...Look at his first TD vs Denver(one of many examples) and tell me he lacks burst...cmon now...
Its hard to show burst and acceleration consistently, when your getting most your yards after contact....if we run out of the spread formation, that will def change, he will hit the 2nd level untouched, and his burst will be there....
you just need to open your eyes.....