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Posts posted by Bossman

  1. Excellent draft! I've been doing a bunch of mocks on the fanspeak site and I have it much the same as you. Where I differ just a bit on it are:


    4th rd. I don't know too much about the safety from Baylor but what I would do here is take the best RB (Sankey, Seastrunk, Grice....)available. Maybe even reach a bit and take Dri Archer. The reason I would take Archer is that you're always looking for at match ups. With Evens & ASJ there will most likely be a match up problem with the defense because of there height. With Archer its his speed - he can fly! LB'ers just won't be able to stay with him if you can get the ball to him in space. Also - he can return kicks and punts. Not that we ever see KO returns anymore but he could be back there with Goodwin and that could be down right scary.


    I love Andrew Jackson (Old Hickory!). Though I've seen him going in most mocks between the 5th round to not even getting drafted. But if you want to make sure you get this run thumper then no problems with taking him here.


    With the last pick I'd go with Larry Webster out of small school Bloomsburg PA. He's 6' 6" 252lbs and ran a 4.58 40. He's a great athlete that played DE in college but his skill set may be better as a TE. As athletic as he is, he would be able to help out with the ST until he's ready to contribute or is washes out all together.


    Just my 2 cents on your draft. Would love to see it!

  2. I'm sorry but I don't believe I said to "throw" a game. The way you lose games without throwing them is very simple. You play your second and thrid string personnal not only to put a inferior team on the field but also to ascertain how they play and wheather they are worth developing.


    Sometimes teams hold on to these developmental players cuz they don't have the opportunity to see how they hold up to top notch compitition.


    So it's really a win - win situation. Play your scrubs to develop and analyze. And lose games in the process to secure the highest possible pick.


    TANK THE F---ING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. We should lose this game at all cost. As a matter of fact - once a team is mathmatically eliminated from the playoffs they should lose EVERY game. This would secure the best possible draft position for the next year.


    Everyone says that Professional Sports is a business. If its a business then run it like one. Start your next fiscal year once you are eleminated from the current year. Hell - Buffalo has been winning these meaningless end of season games for the last few years taking them out of drafting better prospects. Not sound business at ALL!!



  4. A few years ago I remember someone having as thier signature about how tough it is being a Bills fan. He talked about the 4 Super Bowl losses and home run throwback. How it's easy to be a Yankees or Red Sox fan - stuff like that.


    I should have copied and pasted at the time but never did. Does anyone out there know the saying I'm talking about? And if so can you please post it on this thread?


    I appreciate it fellas - Have a blessed day.

  5. I guess that means we should do the following then: Draft QB coming out of Tenn. cuz that's where Payton Manning went. The next USC or Okla St. running back cuz O.J., Barry Sanders & Thurman. The next WR out of Miss. Vall. St. cuz thats were Jerry Rice went. The Next safety out of USC cuz of Ronnie Lott. The next LB out of North Carolina and/or Illinois cuz of LT and Dick Butckus. And the next DE out of VT cuz of Bruce Smith went there.


    Man - this whole draft strategy just got a whole lot easier with this game plan!!

  6. Too funny!!! I posted here, in part to rile you guys up, which was entirely too easy. But also to point out the fact that nobody and I mean NOBODY worth a damn in the NFL wants to come to Buffalo! Coaches (Cowher, Shanahan, Harbough to name a few) Players (McNabb, Coles, Taylor to name a few) and GM’s want nothng to do with this armpit of a city.


    I’ve been a Buffalo fan since the days of OJ but I truly believe that the only way the Bills will get ahead is if they move to a better city – just like the coaches, players and GM’s that have left Buffalo for better surroundings. Does this mean I’m less of a fan?? HELL NO!!!! It means I’m MORE of a fan!!! I’m willing to let them go to see them do better – it is the ultimate in fandomonium!!!!!!!

  7. If they move to LA (or anywhere else), they will no longer be WE. I would think that would be pretty obvious.

    Are you a band wagon fan or something? If it's better for the club as a whole then I believe the TRUE fan would totally support such a move.

  8. Why is everyone getting excited here on Two Bills Drive Dot Com? I know the combine is here and Free Agency will start in a week or so. Also the draft is now less than two months away but still why all the excitement?


    The people in charge of this no nothing team have no semblence of direction in which this team is going. There will not be one free agent that will be a difference maker that will want to come to such a lousy team and city. Remember - there were up and coming coordinators that refused to even be interviewed to be the Bills coach. We had to get some guy to come out of retirement just to say we have a GM!


    This team is going no where - players don't want to play here, coaches don't want to coach here and fans don't want to be fans here anymore. Why doesn't Ole Ralph do us a favor and move this team to Los Angles - maybe then we'll get the players and coaches to be competitive!!!!

  9. Here's a 20/20 Hindsight possible draft of players that were still on the board from that horrid draft for the first few rounds:


    1) Keith Bulluck instead of Erik Flowers


    2) Brad Meester instead of Travares Tillman


    3) John St. Clair instead of Corey Moore


    4) Clark Haggans instead of Avion Black


    To be fair to the that last Butler/Smith draft for the Bills, they were drafting late in every round due to their 11-5-0 record from 1999, and as you can see above, there was not a plethora of talented players left drafting so low in every round.


    Still, for John Butler, he went out with a wimper. He could have tried to trade up to get some better talent - that really was a horrible effort! :rolleyes:


    The problem with this type of thinking is that you have the Bills drafting out of position. Obviously the Bills were looking for defensive help and you have them taking two offensive linemen in the first 3 picks. If you look at the list of available players at the positions where the Bills drafted there really isn't anyone that stands out. As a matter of fact, that whole draft looked to be on the weak side.

  10. I dont see this happening with Detroit...they have too many needs and need all the picks they can get. I just dont see them giving up a pick as important as the 1st pick in round 2 just move up 9 spots in the first from their 2nd first round selecton at pick 20.


    Det is in a position to make huge strides if they maximize these picks this year, just dont see them giving any of them up for that type of move.


    The trade with Detroit makes sense but Detroit would trade it's 20th pick overall and the 1st pick in the 3rd round to move up the 9 spots to 11. I would only make this trade if Curry is off the board, which he probably will be at this point in the draft. But if he's there take Curry.


    At the 20th spot the Bills still have a lot of different choices they could make here. Take the top TE, probably Pettigrew. Take the best remaining DE, from what I've seen only Brown & Orakpo are locks to be off the board at this point. Or, and I will probably be blasted for this but if William Moore is still there, they could select him.


    With the pick in the 2nd round and the two in the 3rd we get our center and OLB.


    Of course none of it will happen this way or any other way that people are talking/predicting about but it sure is fun isn't it?

  11. Gerard Phalen.


    If he doesnt catch the hail mary, little dougie is nothing. All he'd be is a second rate never was in the NFL.


    Phalen deserves the credit for the hail mary anyway. All doug did was chuck it up and pray. Phalen did the all the tough work to actually catch the pass.



    Yeah, and that guy....what's his name....oh yeah somthing Montana. he just threw a prayer into the end zone. Every one knows that Dwight Clark is the real reason that Montana made the Hall.

  12. The Deal is Nate Clements and a 6th for their 1st and 2nd round this year. 


    Carlos Rogers becomes a Bill. 

    With the 44th overall pick the Bills select David Baas. (acquired from ARZ)

    With the 48th overall pick the Bills select OT Adam Terry.


    Starting O-line looks like this on Opening Day.


    Terry - Anderson - Teague - Villarial - Williams


    Starting Secondary on Opening Day.


    CB1    Vincent   

    CB2    Rogers

    Nickel  McGee

    Dime  Thomas/Greer


    FS      Baker

    SS      Milloy


    Explanation - After listening to TD's press conference in full from Monday, i just had a feeling that he has fielded offers for Clements and may be mulling them over.  I love NC, would love to see him in a Bills uni this year, and don't think it would be the smartest thing to to trade him.  BUT... You want your young playmakers on the field, and i want Baker to see some serious time this year.  I was impressed with him last year and think he has the potential to be a success story (UDFA - 10 yr solid starter) in the making.  Now, with the selection of Rogers and movement of TV back to corner, i don't think the drop-off from NC and McGee would be detrimental to our Defense.  The selection of Baas solidifies our center position for 3-4 years when we let Teague walk next year.  The selection of Terry does the same thing for the LT spot.  We now have the makings of a very young and very good line with AT, BA, DB, MW (none of which will be older than 28 i believe going into opening day 2006).  Villarial's successor will come in a future draft or a FA signing. 


    Overall - If these moves are made (or similar moves to select the top lineman of the second round, and one of the 2nd tier but very good CB's - Washington, Rogers, Jackson) i do honestly believe that our CURRENT roster and our FUTURE roster is improved.  When i first heard the NC rumors my initial reaction was 'fine we will trade him for a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and if we feel like being nice, your 3rd rounder next year' but i really feel that if a trade goes down, this could be a very good way to improve our team (specifically our O-line) for years to come.  Stay tuned...

    Flame away, i am curious as to if you feel such moves would improve our roster as a whole, or if this would do far more harm then good for our Bills.

    p.s.  Shelton of course would be coming here as a Bill in the ARZ trade i mentioned above.  He has potential for 6th man on the line, or starting RG after Villarial exits, or even a training camp casualty (<--- this is the most likely if the above really does pan out).


    Ring Ring


    "Hello, the brihs2005 residence"


    "Hi brihs this is Tom Donahoe. I was just on two bills drive and read your post. I have one question son. Are you just dumb or are you stupid too"? :(

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