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Everything posted by JinVA

  1. Delta Delta Delta, can I help ya help ya help ya!!!
  2. Tape delay, 1:00 on Sunday, but I'm sure you have other plans at that time
  3. It pains me to, but you are exactly right.
  4. The Pats may have gotten lucky to get the win but there is no way anyone who watched the game can bash Brady on his play, he was poised and had great touch on his throws. I know it sucks but the he played well IMO
  5. That is a solid draft, its even better then some teams I've seen in 8 team leagues.
  6. Its The US Open......freakin tennis
  7. No, but I believe I read here that it will be on sun. ticket
  8. Like I said before the web site looked Identical to nfl.com and I even printed it so I could show my friends that I didn't fabricate the story
  9. it was a fantasy football hoax
  10. Here is a link to the article in question Link
  11. Fair enough, but I still say she should have typed "suites" for sale not "suite"
  12. I wasn't trying to be a smart ass Mr Sensitive, and further more it would seem to make much more sense to sell them seperately so I assumed the 7,000 was per. game. Anyhoo " I have no quarrel with you brave Sir Knight"
  13. Its actually more like $291 w/o drinks
  14. dont be fooled by last year its ancient history, the jags O is nothing special but their D is, especially their D line. Stroud is a monster
  15. thanks for the tip homey, I'll be there with my bling bling yo
  16. I can see this coming from a mile away, everytime someone ask how to fix this or repair that we will all suggest a Tball to rectify their problems
  17. Did they really have to make the fluids brown, I mean come on that was disgusting
  18. The best way to rid moles is to rid your yard of the grubs they feed on, check with any lawn and garden shop they'll know what to give you, I know diazanon(sp) works well. It will take a while for you to notice the difference but trust me its the best route to take.
  19. not to mention Crowell either, for all we know he could be a starter but in the mean time we have Spikes and Crowell adds much needed depth in case of a TKO injury(knock on wood)
  20. I voted Chicago, with exception of Urlacher and arguably A Train the have zero talent and the worst defense in the league
  21. Trying to figure out who to play and I may be reading into it a little much, but with the Pats D focused on Harrison Wayne could have a big night, and with the mean D-front the Jags have it will probably not be a great day for Henry although I still think Henry has a good chance at a score. What do you think?
  22. Good point, FYI the Bills Raiders game is the premier 4:00 game next week, so you will almost definitely be able to catch that one at home.
  23. Just checked and CBS has the US open scheduled, they would be the ones carrying the game. I would imagine it will be on Sun Tick, but I'll be too indulged with the college games to bother with it
  24. I doubt it, seeing most networks have college ball already lined up for the time slot, but you never know
  25. sorry Rock but this is just too damn funny
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