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Everything posted by JinVA

  1. Just pretend during next years draft that the Bills won the Super Bowl and have the last pick in the first round.
  2. If you were to take the most dominating tackle in the league and put him in MW's spot I guarantee you all of sudden he will not seem so dominating. I'm not saying MW is the best but OL-men and DL-men are often mistakenly blamed for the bad preformances of their fellow linesman.
  3. I was one of those in favor of trading Moulds after this season. I have now reconsidered.
  4. At this point confidence. No one on the offense believes in the system and Mularkey had better straighten it out quickly before it snowballs out of control.
  5. G. Dead 3.26.88 Sunday morning tradition.
  6. Plus there is speculation in Dallas that the Bills will recoup their 2005 1st rounder this January for a package of Drew and Pucillo. I think Tuna is a little smarter than this.
  7. Maybe its time to post the "official R Rich is a racist thread"
  8. That was funnier than all of the above
  9. Yes he will beat us easily, we haven't a chance
  10. Silence you foul temptress
  11. Shut up and go get me a Taco you non-spelling gay porn industry secretary
  12. All kidding aside good post. You may be on to something with the FA's and never really establishing team chemistry, it would certainly answer alot of questions. Lets just hope the JP,Willis and Evans era gives this team what its been missing
  13. Dude can I get that on cassette?
  14. "Kevin is a smart, articulate person, and he works extremely well with quarterbacks" heres a great quote from the article
  15. Oh yeah, I almost forgot Babe Laufenberg
  16. Bronco Ngurski-hands down the best football name ever
  17. I just found out I could use it to check my fantasy football scores on. Which to this day is the only thing I've ever used it for.
  18. They select certain people and give them a box that monitors what they are watching. It's funny though, I've never known anyone or heard of anyone having one.
  19. I guess it all depends, I once had a franchise qb named Bob Elway (I'm not making this up), now that would look pretty dumb on a Bills jersey.
  20. Hmmm, OJ rents a suite at the Ralph and Shaw gets CUT, on the same day
  21. Can someone tell me if it's worth reading all nine pages of this thread?
  22. Like the others said you have to stick with Hines, Ihave him on two of my teams and he's been dissapointing the last few weeks but he's just one of those players you can't bench.
  23. Unless the unthinkable happens and the offense starts to click within now and the time Losman is 100% I'm all for it. However I feel that DB is only a small factor in the offenses woes. I'm starting to think that this offense wasn't all that close to becoming a good one like most of us thought in the pre-season.
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