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Everything posted by JinVA

  1. Congrats to you and the wife.
  2. That list will come in mighty handy for me over the next few weeks, and the effort is appreciated. However, don't you think we should just take it one week at a time, I mean we have zero chance of making the playoffs.
  3. Actually he kind of looked like Simmons yesterday jumping around and staring back at the sidelines after injuring his finger.
  4. I know in my town the Wed. night before Thanksgiving is the busiest night of the year for most bars.
  5. ahem, free passwords?
  6. They combined for about 170 yds rec. and 2 td's. Nothing to sneeze at there.
  7. I'm 90% sure I have it. I'm, 100% sure I used to have it. I'll look for it tonight and PM you if you if I can find it. That show has one of the best Loose Lucy's I have ever heard.
  8. That Gay guy that kept getting burned by Burress against the Steelers, or that Gay guy that kept getting burned by Holt against the Rams?
  9. Change those pansy uni's
  10. You beat me too it No way we make the playoffs, unless we take out Brady as we did to Penny.
  11. Yes Ice we are. However throwing JP in there prematurely is great way to jeopardize the future of the franchise. Just look at the Chargers and Drew Brees situation. He was stuck in the lineup to single handedly save the team, it didn't happen the fans complained and he was done. Had Rivers not held out his potential would have gone unnoticed. I fear that because of fans like you JP will be the next Brees without the second chance. Losman is a kid, he's no where near as mature as Big Ben and others, if groomed correctly he could be great but it will take time.
  12. Your missing the point Sunny. Everyone is tired of bashing Bledsoe. We need to get JP in the line up so we can direct our pathectic anger at someone else.
  13. Gotcha. I thought you had quoted someone who came back and deleted there post, and I was just curious.
  14. I don't mean this a rude manner. But who are you quoting?
  15. If only he had started against Virginia, then maybe we could have had a chance. Just ask Maryland. BTW/ I also read where Thorpe will not be active for the Duke game for missing to many classes. Bowden really seems to be cracking down on his players, I mean sitting your biggest offensive weapon against Duke, yep that will teach them.
  16. LOL Now that would have been funny.
  17. All your base are belong to us
  18. Just two weeks ago one of the Ravens cornerbacks actually got a ball thrown right at his head. It got jammed in his facemask and he ran all the way to the end zone without even using his hands. Then Drew ran up to him and hugged him. I was like ‘Hey, that guy’s not on our team.’”
  19. Alec Baldwin did. Oh, wait a minute no he didn't. Never mind.
  20. I'm from the south George Frenkle and I can tell you the economy here is doing just fine. And I can tell you as a residential builder/devoloper the last three years has been some of are best and this goes back to the 60's when my grandfather was in charge. So yes I believe the candidate I voted for is the right man for the job. However if your from a part of the country where the economy isn't so great I feel for you. Coming from a military town we saw some of our worst during the Clinton administration. So the best advice I can give is to just hang in there, or better yet take a closer look at your local representation, as they can be alot more valuable to you than any president ever could be. On the other hand what would I know, according to one of your earlier post since I'm from the south I'm nothing more than a redneck
  21. But not before a quick stop at Micky D's (sorry, I just had to make a fat joke)
  22. Who is Kent Hall? Who is John Davis? Who is Jim Richter? Who is Howard Ballard? Who is Will Wolford? and most importantly Who is R Rich?
  23. I'd have to disagree and say that is above average.
  24. The way it looks now probably from beyond the grave
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