Probably just me. I think my girl is going to drop me off and then go shopping with some friends of hers from Richmond.. Which sits fine fine with me because I can do all the drinking I want with no worries.
I've caught the end of Russert's show a few times in the past month and he didn't say "Go Billls" at the end like he used to. Does anyone know when and why he stopped?
I'm almost positive I'm going. I've already taken Monday off to go X-Mas shopping and since I usually end up shopping in Richmond or Norfolk it makes sense to get a room up there and get an early start. I'll be giving a definate answer tomorrow.
Just pulled up the directions on mapquest. Only an hour from my house. I may try to make it to this one, but won't know until later in the week> I'll stay in touch.
I had an 95 1500 that I just recently replaced. 275,000 hard miles on it. I did have to replace the tranny once around 120,000. Other than than it was the most dependable vehicle I've owned.
Hey, Rich do they still have National Bohemian up your way? Used drink that stuff all the time years ago because it was cheap. But I haven't seen it in quite some time now.