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Everything posted by JinVA

  1. SE Virginia 28w/ 20mph winds
  2. I heard they were developing a red jersey to be worn one time per season. No sure if its true, but I have heard that.
  3. Exactly and most of the plays mentioned were smoke and mirrors and in know way reflect Denney's play.
  4. Plains Trains and Automobiles.
  5. How in the world can you remember all that?
  6. My bad "Please don't let me stand in your way. The last thing I want to be remembered as is some blabber mouth who doesn't know when to keep his big trap shut"
  7. LOL My favorite lyrics in the song as well. I don't know what it is but when I hear that song everything gets put on hold so I can rock out to it.
  8. Dazed and Confused
  9. Don't buy it I have a copy right here in my hand that I would be glad to send you.
  10. Guess Who- New Mother Nature/ No Sugar Tonight
  11. There already is a book out there similar to what you described. I believe it is called "Dreams to Beams" and should be available through your local Home Builders Association. However I'm not sure if it was written by someone such as yourself or a General Contractor. Anyway if you can't find the book PM and I can send you a copy. Good Luck.
  12. Hell why not trade within the division. It worked out pretty well for the Pats
  13. Panic, Allmans and the Mule!! Still not sure if I could handle the headaches that come along with events of this size.
  14. And tear up those beautiful NC roads?
  15. I agree with you don't get me wrong. But on those rare occasions when it does snow it is a brutal nighmare.
  16. It just started snowing here and its already covering the roads. Oh boy, I think this city only has one snow plow.
  17. There might be a stud TE available in the draft, Pat Estes may fly under the radar screen and still be available very late in the draft. He played opposite to Heath Miller at Virginia coming in during two TE sets. Great hands great blocking but was always upstaged by Miller.
  18. I think you would see Adams productivity drop without Fat Pat around IMO. So that being said keep Pat.
  19. "I wouldn't leave that rum around these guys"
  20. Oh, what a "privilege" it would be for the Rams to knock out Penny and the Jets out of the post season.
  21. Seems funny that you misspelled knowledgeable.
  22. Too many reasons to list
  23. Maybe we should do away with the cowbells and use red stapelers instead.
  24. This whole cowbell thing really freaked me out earlier. I have been down with the flu for the past three days and logged in a few hours ago, It has taken me several hours reading posts from the past few days just to catch up and understand what the hell everyone is talking about. I guess you really need to be on top of things to understand this place.
  25. He's still a rookie regardless of his age. It's a little early to be calling him a bust at this point.
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