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Everything posted by JinVA

  1. I sure hope you didn't misspell any words in your review.
  2. Tree huggers dont wear socks.
  3. Sorry can't help you. I had a problem with that sometime ago and someone on this board helped out.
  4. Are you using firefox?
  5. Halloween in Las Vegas with that line up would be incredible. Thats the kind of festival that will make you want to quit your job and start selling goo balls and veggie burritos out of the back of a van.
  6. The Keebler elf thingy was funny as hell. My stomach still hurts.
  7. But do be warned it is very addictive. I have shoe boxes full of discs to prove it.
  8. At the time I think everyone in the place thought it was the first. In fact it was years later that I learned it wasn't, which I very disapointed in finding out.
  9. My final Dead run. However they actually broke out Unbroken a few nights before in Philly first.
  10. Yeah, I know I was being sarcastic. But I wont lie it took me a while before I realized we were being played.
  11. Wasn't this also one those shows where it started raining during "Looks Like Rain".
  12. Leave it to the Colonel to keep you updated for all your Dead fixes. I didn't go to this show, but did make it to the RFK run.
  13. Correct, you need to be in the upper parts such as Corolla and Duck or head south towards Frisco and Hatteras. However when it comes to Kitty Hawk/Nags Head, Etc. you'll see plenty of confederate flags. Trust me.
  14. What good does it do you to go to the Outer Banks. It's been over run with rednecks for years now.
  15. Ditto!
  16. Happy birthday
  17. Maybe we can sign him real quick and then trade him to SanFran for their number one and draft Matt Jones.
  18. Yeah, but you get two for the price of one.
  19. All back up quarterbacks represent a band-aid. Young and old.
  20. Yep, saw them at Smilefest a few years back. I'll have to play that one by ear. It's a B word gettin' old.
  21. Yes I know. Going to see Panic tommorow night in Salem, then take it on down to Raleigh for the trifecta.
  22. Sammy Switzerland.
  23. I know Waco is one and I believe the Columbine anniversary is tomorrow, anything else?
  24. Your alter-ego has been exposed!
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