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Everything posted by JinVA

  1. Locked and loaded Rich. Same rules as last year?
  2. Doh! Read it wrong, however he is even.
  3. Tiger's 3 back through eleven holes.
  4. You should start your own thread about this.
  5. Same here. Although I was supposed to leave town tommorow, however I decided to stay home and write a song about Willis to the tune of a Beach Boys classic instead.
  6. Best wishes Campy
  7. I triple dog dare you.
  8. So he went to Bonnaroo this past weekend and now claims he's God? Case closed. I can assure you this was not brought on by "stress".
  9. Enough is enough people
  10. That because they don't excist.
  11. Palmer looked pretty damn good towards the end of last season if you ask me.
  12. You guys are all just pissed that you can't cry when something affects you deeply.
  13. I Think you got the wrong thread coach.
  14. Oh my Fezmid. You could have and probably should have just let that one slide.
  15. You're exactly right. I watched something on this on Discovery a few years back where they used infra red cameras and showed just what happens when you flush your toilet with the lid up. If any of you ever catch that show I assure you will never flush with the lid up again.
  16. Whose head did you chop on suspender boy?
  17. Whats wrong with the Spice Girls?
  18. Now I'm getting hungry . Is it lunch time yet?
  19. Here is a good link Mike Tyson quotes Enjoy!
  20. I guess I should have specified the M&M tunnel. If you were around before it was opened then you know what I mean.
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