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Everything posted by JinVA

  1. Scroll down the link and check out the picture of Bledsoe and Brady. Whats with Drews helmet? Fox Sports
  2. Believe it or not I saw the Ron Mexico in the flesh this past weekend at a 7-11!
  3. That was the game I was at.
  4. I went to a Skins game once. Everyone around me was super cool and went pretty well. The only problem I had was at one point I was cheering after a Skins turnover and some guy in front of me said "why don't you shut up, you're probably not even from Buffalo". I calmly replied "oh yeah, well you're not from Maryland". He got really pissed off and later I found out that he was very disgruntled over the fact that the Skins no longer played within the district. This was around 99' I'm guessing.
  5. Just for fun, lets see how long it takes for "Mr. can't pick up on sarcism" to reply to this statement.
  6. Back up RJ I wont
  7. Speak for yourself Doc, its always worked for me.
  8. None as yet Rich but that will change this weekend. I usually pick up one college and one NFL mag every Fourth of July weekend. Makes for great beach reading material.
  9. Did you ever stop to think that maybe it was a really tricked out Nisssan
  10. My favorite is the one where he had strippers on it.
  11. O.K I'm an idiot. That is the same interview I heard some years ago, but for some reason I thought it was Mel Torme. I remember wanting to hear what BH had to say but Stern kept interupting him every time with his insulting wisecracks.
  12. I coined the phrase "pardon my French". Seriously I did.
  13. He did the exact same thing to Mel Torme
  14. I think it would be safe to say that most of these women would look less than appealing in a thong.
  15. Here is the recap
  16. I don't recall us playing bad in either of those games.
  17. Let us not forget that the Rams and Seahawks were included in those stats. they may have made the playoffs, but they weren't playoff teams IMO.
  18. I don't think will see the bubble burst, but it is definitely starting to level off.
  19. Not a MSU fan, but I will certainly keep my eyes on him. As the season nears be sure to remind us.
  20. You kill me with your TH comments
  21. I will have to say I'm a bit surprised they ranked the Minutemen's DNOTD album at 25. Thats one of a my all time favorites, yet completely off track of the type of music I generaly listen to.
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