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Everything posted by JinVA

  1. I like the part when she catches on fire.
  2. That's because you never sent him any wine.
  3. I just heard he is suspended for the first half of the Rice game.
  4. Huh? I could of swore I heard he is going on the DL today. Never mind. His brother went on the DL today.
  5. I'm 45 minutes away from RVA and nothing but rain.
  6. That's your're standard goverment issued Virginia team. They pull this stunt every year.
  7. Don't see a problem. They were kept at bay from the fans. Wahoowah!
  8. I agree. BTW/ what channel are they showing reruns?
  9. Haven't been up there in a while but there was a place at Tyson's corner a buddy of mine used to take me to called Clydes that was pretty good. This has been at least five years ago though.
  10. A few months later "the tuck rule" was invented . Coincidence? I think not.
  11. "Bono was in an NFL conference room with Collins, Steeg, then-commissioner Paul Tagliabue, chief operating officer Roger Goodell and Patriots owner Robert Kraft" WTF???
  12. "Tape recorders? The Japs will kill us on labor costs"! One of my favorites as well.
  13. About time he had the ball to admit it.
  14. I remember watching this when it came out.
  15. It looks like they were having a ball, until everything went down hill.
  16. Five or more drinks is binge drinking? I guess I better check myself in then. Hell I have that many relaxing on the couch watching MNF.
  17. Yeah. You probably should have kept that one to yourself.
  18. The Star Trek is pretty cool.
  19. Go shred some paper and put your tie in the shredder. Make it look like an accident.
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