ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT FOX, Mondays, 8 P.M. E.T. Critics have spent two years trying to bolster this show, without success. So here's a change in strategy: do not check out TV's best sitcom when it returns this month. Yes, this screwball comedy about an idle-rich family has simplified its story lines so new viewers can catch up. But who cares? Crackling interplay between a top-notch ensemble, the fastest blizzard of jokes this side of The Simpsons and sly guest appearances by stars from Scott Baio to Charlize Theron-- they're all overrated. Besides, intense belly laughs can cause abdominal cramps. That's why we critics secretly watch The King of Queens instead.
I had come acroos this about a month ago and thought it was pretty funny.
Does anyone know if they finished taping all of the new episodes?