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Everything posted by JinVA

  1. I thought I had heard they were planning on wearing them for the Denver game. They certainly would have to wear a white jersey against the Bolts'. Anyhoo I hope to see them again this season, but i'm sure the NFL will keep that from happening.
  2. Even the Dolphins were hoping he'd get a safety on that play.
  3. "Overjoyed Jets offensive lineman Scott Gragg dumps jug of Gatorade on coach Herm Edwards after losing just by a little."
  4. As I was reading this thread I was just thinking that although I probably couldn't name my fav off the top of my head it would most likely been preformed by Haynes. One of these years I'm going to get my a$$ up to Asheville for his annual X-Mas Jam
  5. You may have recalled hearing the name Elton Brown alot last year. He was picked by many to be the first guard drafted, then his stock plunged do due his work ethic and attitude. FWIW I was told by a few people that while at UVA it was Ferguson who kept EB in line throughout his college career. Seems pretty consistent with your post that he is a well adjusted person. All indications are that this guy is the real deal physically and mentally. And like you said if only there was a way.
  6. I didn't catch enough episodes to make that call, but I certainly enjoyed the few I watched. Either way he proved himself to be quite an ammusing TV personality that needs an outlet. I was thinking more along the lines of his own talk show. How great would it be to watch him interview T.O. right about now. Or Dick Vermeil after a KC emotional victory.
  7. But "the Nuge" would have his own show right?
  8. .....and if you can't do that than resort to childish namecalling.
  9. From Time.com: ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT FOX, Mondays, 8 P.M. E.T. Critics have spent two years trying to bolster this show, without success. So here's a change in strategy: do not check out TV's best sitcom when it returns this month. Yes, this screwball comedy about an idle-rich family has simplified its story lines so new viewers can catch up. But who cares? Crackling interplay between a top-notch ensemble, the fastest blizzard of jokes this side of The Simpsons and sly guest appearances by stars from Scott Baio to Charlize Theron-- they're all overrated. Besides, intense belly laughs can cause abdominal cramps. That's why we critics secretly watch The King of Queens instead. I had come acroos this about a month ago and thought it was pretty funny. Does anyone know if they finished taping all of the new episodes?
  10. I would suggest opening your posts with some basic name calling. Also, its never a bad idea to make up some unfounded facts so you can blantantly throw in the smilie. That seems to do the trick for some posters here.
  11. Exactly!!! I saw Beamer in the news about three times this past week and I never heard him even mention the upcoming game against Miami, yet heard him bitchin' about the BCS' instead. Having said that, the Canes' were obviously much faster than VT ever expected them to be and that was the difference in the game.
  12. Of course in those days everyones tenure in TB was a disaster.
  13. The Glaucoma Ball is always a kick a$$ time. I look forward to it every year.
  14. We're talking AFC. Tillman was the NFC player of the week.
  15. If you're just sitting around watching movies all day, then why are you so upset about it getting dark early.
  16. Everyone has those days when you don't do sh$t, but for some people it has become a lifestyle.
  17. Because their parents are lazy. Its pretty much the norm these days.
  18. Is it me or does VT always do something new. I swear I think they have a different uniform for every game.
  19. Bingo. California and Oregon are other schools that come to mind that have implemented the Nike endorsed one colored sleeve jersey.
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