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Everything posted by JinVA

  1. Am I the only who found the Jingle Bells between every play a bit excessive. They're frickin' driving me nuts.
  2. Notice the last time someone with the initials BF bragged about how great their "respected" team was?
  3. Reason #876 to read TSW on a daily basis......Classic
  4. Now you tell me. I just dropped $250 on him.
  5. We just need someone to build the frickin' trenches. Once that is accomplished I assure the rest of the pieces will fall into place.
  6. Neither would most fans.
  7. Damn, I thought they were starting McPherson and was looking forward to watching him. Whats the whole point in starting Bouman. He's not going to be the answer.
  8. I'm absolutely in a state of shock to hear that Fred Smoot was involved.
  9. i didn't mean it that way. He took a beating like no other yet still manged to get in more trouble after the event.
  10. Yep. Just ask rodney King.
  11. It appears to be a done deal. At least thats what the "insiders" are saying. But hey, that leaves Gary Barnett available. He seems like the kind of guy that could come here and instantly get control of this debacle.
  12. The farts thread is highly overated.
  13. Wow, a guy spends his entire career with the Bills only to be pushed out by a first year coach.
  14. The girl in back looks like she might have won the Heis-man.
  15. He went to the Falcons because he wanted to play for Wade Phillips again, who was the DC at the time
  16. Well then, how about Butch Rolle as HC and Mark Kelso as GM.
  17. I liked Stojans game better.
  18. All of the above
  19. He's saving those plays for the playoffs.
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