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Everything posted by JinVA

  1. Don't you mean air-conditioning.
  2. Well thEn Jin it is.
  3. Thanks guys! However Its just J not Jin!
  4. That's the same reason reason I ski like an old lady.
  5. Now Spiked was a character like no other. Well except for maybe Hogboy.
  6. I don't. I was making a joke Francis.
  7. Crusading. He pops back in here and now under the handle "Darth Ice". I always thought he was entertaining, but I certainly don't miss being called an "ignorant f-tard" on a daily basis.
  8. A buddy of mine has used it. He was able to quit when he was on it but eventualy stared again. The only thing I remember him saying as far as side effects were "very weird dreams". I suggest the JinVA way. Smoke a an old stale cig, puke for 24 straight hours an you'll never want to smoke again........unless you're drunk.
  9. How about an invite? I've been a lost soul without my oink.
  10. ........or the joys of smoking. (I'm kidding Bill)
  11. He's only good for clever pasta dishes........oh you meant BlueFire....nevermind
  12. Funny you should say that because I wore the flops for the first time over the weekend and my heels are killing me today. Having said that it wouldn't hurt for me to wear some sun screen either because my shoulders are fried and I can hardly lift my arms. However I'll worry about chronic back aches and skin cancer when I get older.
  13. Fip-flops yes! Croc's No! The only difference is I wouldn't go out my way to insult those who choose to wear them.
  14. If there is one thing in this world I can't stand it's these superficial people with their $4 dollar plastic shoes! Makes me so mad I just can't stop myself from snapping a pic of these losers with my Iphone. Thank God I'm a free thinker who dosesn't buy into BS like this. Any-hoo off to Fat Burger I have to work the late shift tonight.
  15. Maybe he's a non-conformist.
  16. Holcombs_Arm might have something to say about that.
  17. Should of held out for The Panic show tonight at the Landmark! I just got back home........incredible!!!!
  18. "Uncle Jesse" Classic!!!
  19. Here's a pic I took last year in the War Room
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