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Everything posted by Billsjunkie

  1. If I was Paul Maguire than it would be...."Folks let me tell ya something...Look at this right here." How many times does he say that every game. I also though we left the execute statements off of One Bills Drive when Gregg Williams left. Nope, that excuse is returning again and I'm sick of it.
  2. I'm about sick of hearing that line let me tell ya.
  3. I wish we had a coach like that. We need more hardass on are sidelines.
  4. Commented on the game yet? I have been looking for quotes but have been unable to find any. I like reading TDs quotes because they make me laugh because there so out of whack and I just want to hear from Ralph because frankly I'm sick of this mess and I just want some hope to come out of his mouth that these clowns wont be here next year.
  5. Again Moulds was matched up with Champ. He was not playing #2.
  6. Um Moulds put up his numbers on Champ Bailey. He wasnt playing the #2 position.
  7. I think it helps that we didnt suck back int hose days. We have high standards for our Bills and not meeting them will piss a lot of us fans off. We dont want to be mediocore.
  8. I hear ya. I'm a christian so it saddens me to see this crap thats happening.
  9. I hear ya. X-mas isnt really that politically correct. Its just laziness lol. Happy Holidays. Now thats a bunch of crap right there.
  10. Seriously though the poster is right. I dont see too many signs in the crowd anymore. I havent for a long time.
  11. ACtually Josh was leading the team in receiving for the first five weeks I think. That doesnt say much but really his dropsies have been far less this year. I dont think too many have slipped through his hands. I think he is right there with everyone else for hanging onto the ball.
  12. Didnt the game sell out before the season ever started? I think it would be a different toon for half the games this year. They were already soldout before this mess started. Dont expect tickets to sell like hotcakes next year.
  13. SUcks that I cant watch any of the games. I'm not paying 12 bucks amonth to see them play.
  14. Really there is like no respect or gratitude coming from SDS at all towards Marv.
  15. Amen.....Amen......
  16. Seriously what the heck is your beef with Marv. Now I'm not saying that he should come coach here but you always make him out to look like a person that shouldnt deserve to ever walk the sidelines. I dont get why your always so sh------- with Marv. Lonely man....rambling??? Whatever. Actually he was talked to by Chicago before Lovie was heard and I know that for a fact because I know many Bears fans in Chicago.
  17. Suprised no one has mentioned Mathias Kwinuka if Mario Williams isnt there. Guy is a big time DE.
  18. Marv is a HOF coach. Enough said. Say what you will but getting to the Super Bowl for 4 years in a row says a lot about the coach.
  19. Is SDS even a Bills fan? Hey I might live in the past but thats all I got to remember as far as winning went. I want someone with some balls to scream at the refs. To spit on the players. I dont care if Marv is a great x's and o's type of coach. He makes good decisions and thats what we need on this team right now. Leadership and good decision making. You said that he had a great group of players. Well you know what I think we have some talent on this roster too. Not like the 90s bills but there is some talent. Its just that the COACHES are not bringing that talent out because of there dumb decision making. But Marv brings out the best in players...thats a fact.
  20. Nope nope nope......... I want emotion not more people telling us that we just have to execute.
  21. Actually Mike Williams WAS on the inactive list last game.
  22. There not selling anything. There giving there opinons. Which I highly agree with.
  23. They seek to voice Bills nations opinon. Obviously your a blind TD follower.
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