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Everything posted by Billsjunkie

  1. That Carson Palmer kid is pretty good.
  2. Ha ah aha I was thinking the same thing.
  3. Somebody has to say it..... Joey a Bill? LMAO
  4. Its better here for sure. But there are some people that still floor me. You will see. You can't escape all the clowns in this world.
  5. Hey ya Mak, first time I see ya posting here. Sit back and enjoy the show of retards that inhabit twobillsdrive.
  6. I thought I read that he is still in town working on a deal?
  7. Too bad the Eagles cut him already and TO is on his way to Dallas. I want no part of him anyway.
  8. From everything that I have read. He wont get past the Packers. There LB core is very very very weak according to Packer fans I have talked to.
  9. I agree. I don't want the big names in here. Give me kids that will work and play hard. TD showed us that big signings does not mean success. I think the skins have proven that in the past as well.
  10. Guys what great lineman are out there right now? My gosh just let Marv do his thing. He isnt stupid. Whats the rush on lineman when there not getting gobbled up. You cant have five players visiting on the same day. Just because there looking at other players than lineman doesnt mean there not going to get lineman. Get a grip guys. We need players besides lineman on this team.
  11. I don't mind it because we need more competition at the QB spot IMO. I would love to see the best man win. Hopefully thats JP but having McCown as a backup with the arm is better than Holcombe.
  12. I think so too but according to Saint fans that I have heard from, they really really really want Hawk because Grant and Will Allen are playing good ont he ends for them.
  13. Why do some people get off on posting crap? Seriously? Its not funny to us or the poster doing. Someone needs to get a woman I think.
  14. Ramsey story was crap. Could that be why its gone.
  15. Gar I hope he doesnt come back to his 2004 form. This guy can be an animal. He has better weapons in Miami than in Minnesota. I can see Randy McMichael and him being good friends.
  16. TO would kill our team. No way. Pisses me off just thinking about it.
  17. Thank you for the clarification.
  18. Nope no way. I really don't think its a chance in hell............
  19. I would say its the other way around. We dont have enough heart on this team.
  20. Exactly. Time for Marv to clean house and get these "me" players out of here for "we" players.
  21. So his lazy lockeroom presense would have been alright with you then? Him getting taped up for an hour than practicing for a couple plays then getting taped up again for another half hour? What kind of message does that send to your team? He was a bad example in that locker room and for that I'm glad he is gone. Adams was right when he said the locker room was a mess and I know Williams lazy attitude contributed to that.
  22. Very true comment. I have been saying the same thing to my co-workers for a long time. I had more fun when VanPelt as the QB and Bryson was our RB during that 4 win season than last year. I would rather have a bunch of nobodys working there butt off and losing than a bunch of me/lazy/ star players that Donahoe brought in. I love Marvs moves so far and I trust him. He helped build those 90s teams. We need to cut the lazy and laxed and get some players in here that want to go hard every down.
  23. I wish that thread could have stayed open lol.
  24. I was laughing at the comments too. Donahoe is a friggin tool. So Donahoe must have missed Mike staying on the taping table for most of practices and being a slob? Yeah okay whatever....... As far as what he said about Jim McNallys comments on him, I think he is full of it because McNally didnt seem to thrilled about a month ago when he was talking about Peters and being excited about him. I think Donahoe got McNallys comments about Williams mixed up with Peters.
  25. I thought Ashworth was injured a lot last year. Maybe thats why teams are not going after him right away? I still really like our tackles to tell you the truth. I think the interior line is what needs fixing. Gandy did a pretty good job last year. Peters is going to be very solid in his career. Just big and fast.
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