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Everything posted by Billsjunkie

  1. I hear ya rockpile. I was in section 103 and the stadium was actually moving. Everyone was banging and kicing the seats. It felt like we were going to war. Talk about a rush. It was awesome!!
  2. The dolphins make my rectum seem like a hint of daisies compared to there smell.
  3. Miami isn't even good enough to blow my goats.
  4. Man this guy is so stuck on himself. No wonder people hated him at Tulane. Selfish nobber he is.
  5. No he has two. The fumble and the pick I thought.
  6. The Bills are not going anywhere. Too many big whigs in this region that will not let that happen. Just like Labatt said above me here. I'm sick of Ralph crying and whining.
  7. A whining baby......thats who it is lol.
  8. Actually McNabb isn't playing either because of injury.
  9. If you want to get picky he is #11 because Huard isn't even playing now that Green is healthy again. I think its great now that we can finally have confidence that our QB can go out on that field and make things happen. I think its also funny that people were clamouring about Leinhart and Gradkowski thinking that they were going to be the next best thing.
  10. Why because he wears the same number. I saw him a couple times in there. The camera didn't pan enough to what he was doing during the game though. But obviously thats a good thing if his name isn't being called that much. Just like Terrance Pennington. Sometimes silence from the announcers with your name is a good thing.
  11. Terrence Pennington and Ryan Denney. My offensive and defensive picks.
  12. Could this be better than the Mike Williams plays for the Bucs thread. ha ah haha Looks like LSI messed up to me. And you call yourself a football fan.
  13. I agree. Sick of listening about the blackout. Its been a rule for how long now? Give it a rest GR.
  14. Leinhart is 29th in the league with a 69.6 rating and he has better receivers. Losman is 12th in the league with a 84.1 rating and he has worse receivers. NFL.com Link Yep Deluca is an idiot.
  15. I was being serious. Sometimes the sarcasm can be too much on this board.
  16. WGR is reporting that Spikes was not there today. Anybody have any other info? Was he injured at some point in the game and we didn't hear about it?
  17. I just don't see how you do that. The Bills themselves have said that they wanted Peters there all along and finally they made the move. There not going to move him back. Especially with him playing great ball and you have no clue how these rookies coming out will play. It takes time to get used to the NFL speed. I still say that we need to give Pennington a long look because the guy has a hell of a wingspan out there on that right side.
  18. I think the point is that Whitner was throwing himself right into those bodies instead of staying outside. He did that twice trying to be aggressive and go for the loss. Its fine though. Rookie mistakes. The good thing about Whitner is that he seems to be learning from his miscues each week. I think Simpson and McGee played some pretty good ball.
  19. No way. Peters is playing much better ball on the left side. At least so far. You need an athletic tackle to protect the blind side. So far Peters has done that.
  20. Yep. It took Julian Peterson 2 years to come back. SF let him go and Seattle signed him to a deal. He is playing pretty well from what I have heard.
  21. The reason not everyone run blitzes all the time is because usually you have a QB on the other end that will make you pay if you do. They were banking on Losman failing again this week. Its not that hard to see......Jimmy.
  22. Nice post. I agree.
  23. Good to see you had some good experiences with our Bills fans. Sometimes we can make asses of ourselves. Nice to see Carr playing good football.
  24. Offense. We already drafted defense heavy last year. Let those young guys learn from there mistakes this year. Simpson and Whitner are going to be good. Ellison is a nice LB as well. Not to mention the young guy from the Rams, Hargrove that we got has a nice motor on him. I like love his energy. The offense needs some lineman depth, a stud TE, and a big WR to play opposite of Evans. I see Marv going offense this year.
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