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Tortured Soul

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Everything posted by Tortured Soul

  1. It seemed that every time JP threw the ball, he was throwing into coverage. Was he making poor decisions or was there just no one open? Anyone at the game see? Thanks
  2. I was wondering - are we seeded #1 or were there no seeds?
  3. Yeah, where do we get the jersey?
  4. Yeah, I went to UM, too. I can tell you from experience that the only reason anyone goes to Detroit is when there's a football, baseball, or hockey game going on. They probably think it's hot stuff because everytime they've been there, there's been football, so logically...
  5. But aren't stadiums usually insured for something like this?
  6. He's usually very pro-Bills. Then again, he thought the RJ trade was the greatest thing ever.
  7. And having the Saints become a vagabond team playing all their games on the road will almost certainly make them the most popular team in the country. They'll take on that underdog survivor label America loves.
  8. Maybe the wrong time to post this, but the Saints aren't exactly known for their die-hard fans. They're more known for fans whjo wear bags over their heads. They'd be crushed if anything happened to their beloved LSU Tigers. Just asking, what does the name Saints have to do with NO? And what does hornets have to do with Charlotte?
  9. I know soe people are being tongue-in-cheek in this post, but the sad truth is that pre-hurricane, the situation for the hundreds of thousands of poor, nearly all-black people of New Orleans was as bad if not worse than those in Detroit, and the Mardi Gras-celebration side of the city just masked that. At least Detroit has some Fortune 500 companies to speak of.
  10. I found it curious that Jones used the example of Paul Brown Stadium and naming rights to demonstrate that not all owners try to maximize revenue. Don't they play in plain old Texas Stadium, or did I miss a corporate renaming? One thing that should be noted, though, is that Jones and the other big-market owners are just fighting for the status quo, not to take money away from small markets. And I do like some version of McNair's (the guy in Houston) plan, where building a new stadium, which boosts league revenue, can be deducted from their revenue sharing pool. I think baseball already has this system.
  11. I think Keyshawn was 19. Does the NFL have rules on numbers?
  12. I've never understood this justification. Hasn't he been playing football for eight years now in high school and college? Even one year should be enough.
  13. And why is it that you go to work every day?
  14. The New York Post lists it as #4 in the 10 things you didn't know about John Roberts. Football team of choice: Buffalo Bills. http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/50534.htm Gotta love the Post.
  15. I just graduated Michigan. Living in Ypsi is a good idea if you have a car. If you want to stay within walking distance, look claser to Main St. or further down State St. Basically, the farther from campus, the cheaper it will be. Oh, and don't look southeast of campus. It's ridiculously expensive.
  16. Hey, just bought mine in section 312. Does anyone know if the higher seat numbers are closer or further from midfield? See y'all there.
  17. 6 hour drive from NJ. My dad and I used to do about three games a year, but we just bought a season ticket.
  18. Hey, Kiper, the hair of ESPN, was the only one who liked the Parrish pick at the time, calling it a steal. Why should he retract now?
  19. Yes, but remember when the thinking was that Owens was available for a trade? What was the highest offer then? A second by Baltimore, I think. Definitely not two firsts, though.
  20. Wasn't TO traded for a 5th last year? So, a first and a fifth for two seconds and a third? Yes. And before you argue worth, there's no better proof than what actually happened. I kinda like this idea. TO may have a big mouth, but he never takes plays off, ala Deion Sanders or Donovan McNabb.
  21. Not for nothing, but the only mock Kiper did with us in the 9 slot had us drafting Takeo Spikes, and I remember thinking, why would we need a linebacker?
  22. Is America really that trustworthy at this point? We did invade because of WMD's that didn't exist. I could see some Iraqi people not trusting American statements that they're there to liberate and not to get oil. And before we get into a spitting contest, Joe, let me say that it's worthwhile to try to understand what the Iraqi people are thinking without necessarily agreeing with them, and it can't hurt to understand.
  23. Because they see the Iraqi police force and government as pawns of the American occupiers and traitors to the concept of Iraqi independence. They don't trust American promises to leave the country once an Iraqi security force is established. They see them as scabs crossing the picket lines.
  24. And those prices are it? There are no fees that go along with the tickets?
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