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Tortured Soul

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Everything posted by Tortured Soul

  1. I think Evans is a long shot with Andre Johnson and Coles lurking. They'll probably vote Clements in just to drive his price higher. I hope Fletcher gets in, if not purely for his play, than for some type of lifetime achievement recognition. And I'll throw this one out there. Last year, six QBs made it because a lot didn't want to play. I couldn't believe McNair was a Pro Bowler. How far down the list could JP be? Out of current starting AFC QBs, Losman is fourth in rating
  2. Re: Jauron for COTY Jauron has done a great job and I think he should definitely be in the top five, but through 14 games, the Bills have two more wins than last year. The Saints have six more.
  3. That needs to be pointed out. McMichael was putrid. He's having an awful season.
  4. You couldn't have named her Buf? Congrats
  5. fuming is a little strong
  6. I'm still trying to find what an acetate is. Any help? http://www.collectorshelp.com/popups/ac.htm Does this mean it's essentially a negative?
  7. Here ya go, simple as can be for the playoffs. This week, we need the Jags to lose at Vince Young, Jay Cutler (losers of four straight) to lose to Matt Leinert (winners of 3/4), and KC to lose at SD. The following week, we need the Jets to lose in Miami, the Broncos to lose to the Bengals, and - a little stretch - Tom Brady to beat the Jags in Florida.* Then we'll control our own destiny heading into Baltimore. *Failing that, the Jags would need to lose in KC, where most teams do lose.
  8. You can top off this whole discussion with Ralph constantly reminding fams they haven't put a team on the field worth paying to see this decade.
  9. I have a lot of respect for Jets fans as a whole. They really haven't had much to root for. And for everyone on this board who realizes that Bills fans been jerks to opposing fans in recent weeks (or years), it's time to stand up and do something about it. Call out your fellow fan.
  10. I was looking for a trick play direct snap to the running back. I think they were waiting for us to stand off a think the play was over because Chad was walking away, but we didn't.
  11. He doesn't adhere to records. King is always big on his neutral field argument. And Tenn (6-7) is 12th.
  12. 1. I'd be very careful about concluding anything about this season so far. 2004 is still too fresh. 2. Yes, and lets keep the players in place. The one position that might be upgradeable is RG, IMHO. Continuity counts for a hell of a lot on the offensive line, and I think McNally would agree. 3. The next three will be huge. Lets hope Whitner, Fletcher, Youboty, and the rest of the Ohio contingent have developed a tight-knit group. And Clements is Exhibit A why it's better to win even if you don't make the playoffs than lose for a draft pick.
  13. Didn't we just beat the jets at the swamp by 18? How are we behind them?
  14. Well how about the Jets ckickening out yesterday on 4th and inches from the Bills 38 when it was still a one-score game. And while we're at it, 4th and 1 against the Pats way back when. What if we would've kicked?
  15. i don't think the two are comparable. In Dallas, that's where the "football move" rule comes into play. It didn't with the Bills. Anyway, running down JP's incompletions: 1. Good pass to Evans streaking down the left sidelines which looked like a straight drop to me. 2. Pass that sailed over Evans. 3. Pass off the fingertips of Reed, should've been caguht, but should've been thrown better. 4. Catch by Price ruled a drop. 5. Worst throw of the night, pass that sailed over Evans in red zone. So basically, two bad throws in 13 attempts. I wish he would've had one more on the bootleg sack, though.
  16. KC won by only four points a couple of weeks ago at home, and they are a different team on the road (5-2 home vs. 2-4 away). That said, the most unlikely game I see on your list is NE winning in Jacksonville.
  17. Maybe this is the wrong thread to throw this into, but... The Jets were a missed field goal away from the championship game in 2004. Last year, their QB went down for the season and they never regrouped. I'm not saying I predicted the Jets would be in good position for a wild card, but I'm not surprised by it. This isn't a team on the rise. This is a team that's been there and is intent on going back.
  18. 25 pass attempts in 26 trips?
  19. But he seems like the same undersized player we already have. Is there a reason to think he's really an improvement? I haven't see nhim play (he's listed as a backup) so I don't know much about how good he is.
  20. Why Ian Scott?
  21. I'm not sure what the point of this post is. It's not like the NFL franchises - the people paid to make these decisions -weren't wrong, too.
  22. Like Robin Yount, seeing a halfwit who never has anything intelligent to say reach this hallowed milestone simply goes to cheapen its significance. edit: this is a joke, if the sarcasm wasn't clear.
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