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Tortured Soul

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Everything posted by Tortured Soul

  1. Has anyone heard anything about Moorman?
  2. No, it's going to be blacked out.
  3. The Colts didn't find him "physically unfit to play in this league." They were taking on someone with two years left on his contract and could've had concerns about a slight problem developing into a big problem. But if you want to waive the right to reject a player due to a physical or set parameters on the physical, put that in the terms of the trade.
  4. If you're worried about convincing the doubters, this game won't do it. 1. Bolts have (some) injury woes. Bills are coming off a bye. 2. Bolts are making the cross-country trip for a 1:00 game. 3. Botls, if they lose, will be only 3-4, and doubted themselves. Not saying that I believe, but that's what the doubters would say.
  5. It's not a dream. It's an irrational belief. There's a difference.
  6. He's mentioned this before - he has a deeply held belief that Buffalo's fortunes will turn around as soon as the Bills win the Superbowl.
  7. Just to parse words...he said he didn't want to play anywhere but New York, not that he didn't want to play in Buffalo. But either way, when the alternative is kansas City, is Buffalo that bad?
  8. Follow-up. What kind of store would do this? I see you live in Charlotte, and I'm in NYC, but the only places I know that sell jerseys are big national chains.
  9. I've been to a dozen, including Philly last year. I took a lot of abuse tailgating in my Bills jersey and walking around outside the stadium, but once inside, practically nothing. It doesn't hurt that the place is crawling with security. I also went to Foxboro, which has a bad rep, and not much there either. I would say the Ralph is the worst because the fans drink the most. Maybe it's a side effect of having the best tailgating, but it needs to be controlled. Best fans were definitely Pittsburgh and Green Bay.
  10. I've been trying to buy for my father (big Stanford and Bills fan) a Trent Edwards Stanford jersey, but all I can find is a plain #5 jersey. One vendor told me that college jerseys can't have names on the back. Still, there are plenty of #7 jerseys for sale that say "Elway." Is the vendor right and is Elway just an exception? Does anyone know where to find college jerseys with names? Thanks as always for your help.
  11. Has anyone seen an actual quote from Gonzo? Isn't it odd the Daily News didn't have one?
  12. http://www.fannation.com/si_blogs/1/posts/12822 http://www.forbes.com/home_asia/2008/10/08...1008moving.html No problem, Dean.
  13. Bills are ranked 8th, by the way. The list was in reverse order. Maybe update the title to piss fewer people off.
  14. I can't find this in the blog or in any news articles. Little help, please?
  15. So, who's covering Vincent Jackson next week?
  16. I'm not sure how you can say the last-place Iggles are more full-blown contenders than the first place Bills. What has Philly done to make you believe in them? I do think we'll have to outbid the Giants by a round, tho.
  17. I guess what I should have said was I don't think your criteria was very meaningful.
  18. Doesn't this argument cut both ways?
  19. I think you cherry-picked that list a bit. Of the 13 teams with winning records, only one, the Patriots with Sammy Morris, have a leading rusher with a lower ypc than Lynch. And only two others, the Cards with James and the Bears with Forte, have leading rushers under 4.0 ypc. The Ravens' leading rusher, McClain, is over 4.2. Now compare Lynch to Jackson. Jackson, for the second straight year, is a full ypc ahead of Lynch. And even though there's a perception that Jackson is a smaller, change of pace back, he's listed at the same weight as Lynch (I'm sceptical of that, but it's true). Jackson doesn't seem to take the same beating as Lynch, and, unlike Lynch, he hasn't missed a game due to injury. Yes, maybe if Jackson were put in on more 3rd and 1s his ypc would drop, but maybe not. And finally, just by the eyeball test, hasn't Jackson seemed like a more effective runner this year?
  20. I absolutely agree that we need to blitz more, but the front four has to be able to do something on their own. Against Arizona, they didn't get so much as a pressure. The good defenses of the league get pressure rushing four.
  21. Is there any way to post video of Youboty's drop? I've heard about it in a couple of places but don't remember it watching the game myself.
  22. Division? Forget the SD game. Say we lose that and then win 2 of the next 3. You think our division hopes would be dead? 6-3 and 2-1 in the division would be hopeless. At some point, we will have to beat NE to win the division, but we already knew that.
  23. Back to the Dolphins... I get the effectiveness of the wildcat, but where did this defense come from?
  24. I would stay away from the game. Minny's at home, desperate, and may be energized by the switch.
  25. How about we throw to him more?
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