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Fake-Fat Sunny

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Everything posted by Fake-Fat Sunny

  1. Agreed that he would need to be fully recovered and run little risk of making the wrist injury worse before we use him as a PR guy. I don't see this happening as he got no reps in pre-season returning punts and though he did this in college, college ball and pro ball are two different things. His hands and heart will be full merely getting into the line-up for position play and adding on the additional performance need of PR seems like more than we need to do given we have other options. As far as Clements goes, one of the clear MM "ways" of doing things is that he wants to put the best players on the field to play. While GW tended to try to protect players from injury on ST by having them only play positions, MM sent Clements out for PR and even Fletcher for short returns on KOs and it paid off. While this view might tend toward use of Parrish on ST right away, I think it is questionable whether he or Clements is better because we have not seen Parrish in the pro game. In addition to that, we have seen Haddad, Freddy Smith (though I think he gets cut) and even Leonhard produce at PR. I see little reason to experiment with Parrish on PR while we are experiementing with him at WR while we have PR options which have produced.
  2. Nick, your sentiments on this seem to be the same as mine (for what it is worth which in terms of all of our Internet opinions isn't much at all) and I thank you for having them. I also hope that Englanders generally feel that my country, the USA, stepped to the plate and did the little it could for England when it was traumatized by this summers Subway bombings. Personally, I hope that our country did this not out of some sense of balanced commerce (they went to war with us therefore we owe them condolences) but simply as act to let you know you are not alone in your time of need and confusion and that we stand with you against the terrorists to not let the bastards grind us down. Overall, I think this thread reflects the fact that folks use the terms US and THEY as if there is only one way that Americans and dem foreigners think. To me, the glory of America is reflected in the phrase E PLURIBUS UNUM. We are certainly one (or us) in the big picture, but we remain many and value that also even though the result is a bit paradoxical. Though we are unified as a nation we do not have merely ONE view of the world and what is right and what is wrong. It would be easy if we all thought the same way, but the glory of America is that we are encouraged to think differently from each other, but somehow pull off the difficult trick of being unified though we disagree about a lot of things. For me, my spiritual views have me give to help those who were struck by the Tsunami but I have no requirement that other countries offer my country assistance for Katrina. Its nice when they do, but if a Tsunami hit tomorrow I hope i will still be able to offer them assistance even though I suspect and hope mu country will be able to refuse offers of assitance from others because we should be able to shoulder and deal with this tragedy ourselves. In reagrds to the Tsunami, it only took me a couple of days amidst the confusing early reports to realize this was a global tragedy and fortunately we did the right thing by sending a small cash donation to the Red Cross. This small donation was really nothing to us in terms of our personal comfort or sacrifice and we deserve no credit for doing this, but I am pleased it appears to me to have been the right thing to do. Others did nothing and thats fine to. They made their choices and we made ours, It don't mean nothing. As far as Katrina, we have not sent a donation to the Red Cross (yet) actually I feel less immediate need to give this way because I view my federal tax dollars funding FEMA and other US AID efforts as being part of my actions. For the time being, i have reached out via the Internet to an Uncle who retired to Stone County, MS and also contacted a college buddy who is in Nawlins and I will try to support them directly and tangibly as word gets back to me of need. At any rate, illegitimi non carborundum in terms of the some of self-centered comments we see in this thread. I have appreciated your words amidst the 7/7 tragedy and appreciate your words now.
  3. I also understand from news reports that the incident may have started when someone demanded care for their child who was injured but the hospital was full and refused care for the kid because they had already turned away adukts who had demanded care and they didn;t want to set a precedent. Both this excuse and the idea that a crowd is trying to break in to steal food from sick kids sounds pretty dubious to me. Its an out of control situation where press reports seem fairly unreliable, even official comments.
  4. Folks may want to find some principle or ideology which applies but the world ain;t that easy and generally this situation will be remedied by folks just sucking it up. Lots of folks are going to take a hit and in many cases some financial loss here but as long as folks do the best they can and attempt to distribute and share some of the pain as best they can so be it. If a hotel is stacked with some homeless folk, then generally the hotel should contact with folks with reservations before hand if they can or on site if they can's and see if there are some alternative accomodations they can get and if not then try to take care of these vacationing refugees as best they can. If all the hotels take it in the shorts a bit and few or no hotels are dealing with all the overflow or losing all their reservations then that strikes me as the best folks can do. No hotel should have to lose all its reservation money or take the full hit. Every hotel in town should be asked to take part of the hit and those who do not should not be forced to but their priorities and choices should be publicized. My guess is that if only to avoid the word their corporation is a bad citizen the grief will be share. The schools themselves have tons of students, dorm rooms, food to feed youth and arenas and stadia. The universities and colleges need to step up and help deal with the refugee issues. This problem will not be solved by individual acts. but it can be dealt with by group acts and if anyone bears all the pain it will not work but if most best some of the pain this actually can be one of Florida's finest hours and a nice part y for many who have known only pain and grief the last week. Those who insist on getting their dime when others have lost family and houses should be given the dime they deserve, but if folks make them pay legally for a few months for their lack of generosity then so be it. This is a problem but it strikes me as a solvable one if folks are human beings rather than financial tools.
  5. My guess is that it will all be about confidence and momentum. If the first unit offense moves the ball in their first series and scores then they will come out and feel rewarded for the good play with an early rest. If on the other hand they struggle then a: MM has set things up nicely by the game going according to plan as they stay in and b: they need the work anyway.
  6. Sorry Cliff notes begin E&T Cliff notes end
  7. This may actually clue us in that being dependent for the most part on one source for energy production is not the best idea. In addition to the fossil fuels we are addicted to (be it over-dependence on some rich guy in Saudi Arabia or some rich guy in Texas) being too depedent on one source for energy production. There seems to be many different sources out there our government does not subsidize nearly at the level of the oil depletion allowance subsidy or the Price-Anderson Act where the government insulates the nuke industry from the free market. We need a level playing field to encourage competition. It will probably take awhile in any case to ramp up energy production so if our government wants to encourage a quicker fix then investing in energy conservation would yield more immediate benefits while making things more efficient in the long term.
  8. I think Dr. Z invest too much belief that a tean needs a drop-dead QB in order to win. It certainly helps, but for (and when) the Bills to win this year it is going to be with Losman producing fairly Bledsoe like reults. Just as our team pulled off the win streak last year with Bledsoe performing adequately at best and sometimes stinking up the place, I hope and expect the Bills to win a lot this year with Losman producing adequate numbers and sometimes stinking up the place as almost all young QBs do.
  9. I'm curious what the other two states are. I have never visited N. Dak, S. Dak. Alaska and Idaho (though my wife and I may go to Boaise to meet her god-daughter who is the child of the gal who was matron-of-honor at our wedding). It used to be 5 states I had missed out on until a friend of mine from Lil Rock got married and I went to AR for the first time.
  10. There are also limitations from the PUP in terms of a PUP player not being abled to participate in football training or drills. A PUPed player can be around in order to undergo physical training or medical rehab, but until after week 6 these players will not be able to participate in the offensive or defensive work. This makes sense as teams are not able to simply stockpile a player on the PUP but still get him ready to play. After week 6 they have a period up until week 6 where he can practice with the team and they have until week 9 to activate him or IR him for the season.
  11. Actually the policy is pretty much the opposite. Rather than regulate to stop building on flood plains or to enforce codes that reduce damage, we use a free-market system where well-heeled individuals use campaign contributions to carry the day in getting policies which allow folks to develop where they want to develop. There isn't a ideological problem with this since its the worse system except for all the rest, but this is a big part of why these bad things happen. I think that even those who fully endorse the free-market system as the approach to take here should also be willing to acknowledge that one of the impacts of a buyer-beware approach to purchasers buying a home which may be flooded out (or whose basement may crack if government allows you to build in landfilled soil in Amherst New York) is that people getting killed and their houses ruined is part of the price to be paid for use of this system. In addition to admitting this reality of cost distribution, here also needs to be acknowledgement that government actually distorts the marketplace because wealthy folks have gotten the government to sell flood insurance for homes built in flood plains because the free market will not do it. The most humorous thing to me is that while folks like former Prez Reagan seemed to want to blame "welfare queens" for the free-market not working, if you believe this is the root of the problem (there certainly are cases where welfare recipients bilk the system but these costs are small compared to the big fraud) you have to also believe that poor people are rich.
  12. I think the point you make simply reinforces the key point that while many stats are indicators of truth, no stat is conclusive or really proves a truth beyond the final stat of an SB game score. I think the stat you site is a good measure which indicates many truths and coincides with the ultimate truth of the SB particpants. However, it would be inccorect to conclude that just because one stat has these benefits that all other stats are untrue or that they are bad. The Bills ranking #2 statistically in D last year was just that. It is simply quite impressive that the Bills could rank 2nd in yards given up last year when it was merely 2 seasons before that in 2002 that the D was the weakpoint of this team as Bledsoe and the high-flying O carried the team to an 8-8 recrd despite the D. The important question right here and right now is whether the #2 yardage ranking or the #21 index ranking is closer to what the reality will be in terms of the 2005 D performance. With 10 of 11 starters back and very good D performances in all three pre-season games and the scrimmage, I would say the tea leaves point more toward us building upon the #2 # than having our D be located in the lower third of the league.
  13. Look, don't single-source for news or you run a pretty reasonable risk of getting information incorrectly. Both Fox and CNN have a dumb business approach of trying to be first with the "news" when accuracy would be the thing many want. Use your remote, cruise around and if you really care get involved and see for yourself. If one depends totally or even mostly on one media outlet or perspective you will have an inaccurate view of the world whether you watch Fox or CNN.
  14. The answer here is that if you want accuracy DO NOT SINGLE SOURCE FOR NEWS. Neither CNN nor Fox can be counted upon for accuracy in terms of their facts with the business drive to be first (even if by milliseconds) in reporting the "news". Add to that a bias in how those "facts" are reported in order to further a particular ideology or party and the accuracy drops even less. Anyone who proudly claims they totally or even mostly watch one network (or one point of view) is probably fundamentally wrong in the facts they believe.
  15. The answer is DO NOT SINGLE SOURCE FOR NEWS. Unfortunately, Fox, nor CNN, the Buff News or whomever cannot be trusted to deliver accurate news as a sole source. Almost invariably things are not developing so quickly that one must act on this single source and if one wants accuracy you need to cruise the dial and wait for confirmation. The business drive to want to be first makes an outlet like CNN unbelievable as a sole source outlet. Add into that any skewing of the news to fit a particular ideological perspective and a single source should doubly not be taken as correct if their is an ideological benefit to the way they reported.
  16. It was interesting to me that the Buff News said last week that we could go wuth Peters at TE in a pinch. It has just been announced that Euhus will again miss a game this Friday because of a shoulder problem (one more injury which causes him to miss game time to a different part of his body than the ACL tear which cost him PT last year and I think he can be officially designated as injury prone). When one adds this to TE draftee Everett being out with an injury and also Campbell recovering quicker than expected but a bit too quickly to depend on I think we can pretty much say we are in a pinch at TE. This strikes me as a big problem for the Bills as we are now down to the fallback of having Neufeld (a better H-back and ST guy than TE) as a depended upon player in 2 TE sets and probably having to keep Trafford around just in case. It would be dumb to look at this situation as an I-told-you-so from my standpoimt because merely preparing for the possibility of 2 (or really 3) injuries is not how NFL rosters should be designed in my opinion. Training Peters to be a TE cause making him a T eliminates him as a pass-catching weapon is a good reason for making the TE decision while this necessity is not. However, it appears to me we are now between a rock and a hard place as the TE situation is on the bear edge (Campbell's healing knee) of a meltdown or the tackle situation is one of grave uncertainty (Gandy looks good thankfully but he better never get nicked. I am very concerned and if get the wrong injury I think worry (or even panuic) may be justified.
  17. I will mark this OT even though it is somewhat football related as it was initially prompted by several hyperventilating reports yesterday of the Superdome roof peeling off, its effects on the football season and more importantly the potential that the thousands of refugees in this escape of last resort were in danger. The problem is that the news media makes its big bucks and inidividual reporters make their names and reps from reporting disasters and getting eyeballs to tune in. I find this factor particularly vexing given the great utility of the Internet to almost instantly report to thousands and all across the world and our country this information as facts. I find with the initial Superdome fears and reports turned out in my mind to be overblown (I can see where they sorta legitimately came from as the film I saw last night of pieces of the Superdome roof falling in were quite dramatic but fortunately no one got smooshed). Its tough because now reports of levees breaking and pretty massive flooding in NO are coming through. They appear to be at least somewhat legit as NO's Mayor is on record reporting a disaster which seems almost bliblical in propotions for that City. However, while certainly dozens are dead, the reports of ongoing rescues seemed to be the result more of a few dramatic pictures in the media which were stunning of helicopter rescues and while there are hundreds of rescues needed in LA and MS. most probably require floating a board over to someone who then dog paddles to safety rather than the dramatic helicopter efforts the articles say or at least imply. In the end, I guess it is mostly going to take judicious reading and believing a diminishing amount of what one sees on TV and even less of what one reads. The same I want info NOW drive that creates distribution of false data is created by the I want INFO now demand from readers like myself. Its tough for me to demand perfect accuracy and also demand speed at the same time. However, this problem is unfortunately self correcting as the problem is I am believing less and less of what I read on the Internet (and I believed little to start) without some type of outside confirmation. Clearly falsehoods can spring up on the Internet and then unfortunately confirm themself as the rumor gets repeated again quickly on the Net butressed by a media desperate to be first even if by milliseconds. The New is neat because it is a free-market of ideas without restriction, but there does need to be some accountability and blame assigned or assessment of accuracy or it simply devolves to being a high tech rumor engine.
  18. Which great OL players are available that we should spend big bucks on? We shouldn't buy Simon if we feel that his cost is too high for his benefit as a DT. However, if we feel there is a DT benefit to signing him but we do not do it because the money is better spent on a position where there is no one to spend it on that makes no sense.
  19. Momentum and success are so important to the prospects for this team this year, that I would be guided in how long he plays by what happens rather than how he does it. I am really looking to establish ourselves early and even though nothing can really replace him learning from experience by getting experience, I think the fortunes of the team will not rise or fall on how much experience he gets (I guarantee he will be at most a one year starter in terms of pro experience at the end of the season) but will actually rise or fall in terms of how the whole team performs and whether they pick up for each other. If we score in the first series, unless it is on a runback, I declare victory and sit im down. I know playing out the rest of the half woukld give him valuable game experience but this pales next to the benefit if he leads the team on a 4-5 minute drive to a score. Likewise, if he struggles the first quarter or even the first half, I probably make adjustments at the half and give him the opening O series to try to end on a positive note. So whther it is an early hook or late one, I take him out when it builds the momentum for the 1st game. if he sucks and fails completely then we gotta play but its back to the drawing board.
  20. I understand your point but the key here is that JP needs to throw successful passes to WRs. I have no problem with JP ducking out of the pocket quickly as LONG AS HE STILL SUCCESSFULLY completes the pass. JP clearly needs to improve his play. the good news is his zero INTs so far as improving his play should mean having more success rather than improving his play merely meaning avoiding failure. The Bills O has shown some flashes of the TC/MM diverse approach but all in all it is still pretty vanila. We can get better simply through the function o f running a real O rather than require JP to make himself a whole new player in order to to improve. The key is not simply whether he looks awful but WHY he looks awful (or unproductive is what I would call it. AWFUL is how he looked in the NE debacle last year and though clearly his play in unprodcutive this pre-season he is not what I would call awful. Hutchinson of the bears was awful and throwing a returned for a TD INT to Clements and a near TD return to Spikes was awful. the next series where JP led the tea, backward was very bad, but getting 3 is not awful. This is just semantics but clearly they are different from each other in terms of results and overall this pre-season in terms of actual play.
  21. I think clearly that there is a difference in judgment between those who have seen JP play and those who have looked at the stat sheets and results. Watching him play we can see the promise of this QB who has NEVER STARTED IN A REGULAR SEASON NFL GAME. He not only has actually pulled off successful plays like his run for a TD against the Pack, or regular season good plays like his mop-up performances last year, but there is simply a huge and striking contrast between a relatively immobile Bledsoe getting sacked for a 5 yard loss after a few seconds and JP being run out of bounds with a gain of two yards 15 seconds after the snap. Both series may end with a punt by the Bills so inessence the result is the same, but we see a world of difference. As far as the stat sheet goes, Sunday's game said a lot about how the Bills will likely be this season because JP's numbers in the big picture looked pretty Bledsoe like. A 50% completion 5. Even worse, the game looked a lot like the 2003 Bledsoe result as our O could not drive the ball at all as it was really INTs by Clements and Spikes and none other than Rian Lindell converting FGs that was our offense on Friday. Though the individuals actions were very different, the result was the same as when Bledsoe was failing to lead the O to a score for multiple consecutive quarters during crucnch time in 2003. I can definitely see one making the judgment Simms made if one has not seen the games and his assertiion was not that the Bills WILL NOT suceed, it was merely that the O doesn't look good so far and on the stat sheet it certainly does not. Just like the winning streak we had last year thank gosh for the D and the ST because that is how we are likely going to win this year.
  22. This whole approach that it will not be straight-line improvement up even if the team does things well is simply truth. This is also where dumb luck simply rears its ugly head and depending upon which was the oddly shaped ball bounces or whether the refs do something like blow te coin flip, two teams could demostrate exactly the same skill, effort, or composure and in one case they get a W and in another case they get an L. One cannot simply throw up your hands and give up because your best efforts may not result in a reward which matches those efforts (and in fact the teams do not have to because they will get a financial reward whether they win or lose). Like the NY Lotto says, if you don't play you can't win and in the end the best you can do is all you can do. In terms of MM and the TEAM I think this emphasizes that they have to have a TEAM approach if they want to maximize the chances of getting a W. Like it or not JP is not a vet yet and will not be a vet for several years. To demand that he play with the knowledge and experience of a vet will not happen because he hasn't had those experiences yet. Nevertheless though he cannot play with that level of knowledge and experience he CAN achieve the same results, but to do so he will need to depend upon the knowledge and experience of his TEAMMATES and hope for simple dumb luck to be kind to us. MM seems locked in on simply providing JP wth the best chance he can have to succeed with his great natural gifts, supplemented by his hard work, and being picked up by a good and talented band of teammates. I think it is hard to do more than that. In the end, I hesitate to attribute the most important thing to something as trivial as pro sports, but it does have import in our life because nothing is so special as the bond of working together toward a common goal whether you are on the same sport team, married and in a family or even in the trenches trying to survive in a war. Ultimately one must let go and let God. When you do this one cannot actually lose because whether you are sharing triumph or sharing grief the key to life is that all of you are sharing. Until 18 I was a lifelong Chicagoan and being able to share the 1985 Bear's SB victory with my best buddy and workmate who was born in Chicago and also was a lifelong Bear's fan was a great thing! However, I then totally transferred my allegiances to the Bills in 1988-89 when I got married to a Buffalo gal who used to go to the Rockpile as a kid with her Dad using his season's tickets. For me adopting the Bills in a real way meant a lot to me because it became a part and a symbol of joining the WNY community. I had my dumb luck of joining the Bills faithful right in the midst of their transition from the futility of the record which led to them getting the #1 choice which they used on BRRRuuuccceee, and a few years before the peak of qualifying for 4 consecutive SBs (well the last peak as even better occurences are a comin). At any rate, in a real way I experienced both the euphoria of having my life long team the Bears win it all with an impressive display. I also experienced the thrill of victory/agony of defeat in seeing my Bills come to the edge and go down in the SB 4 times in a row. Still, the funny thing is if I were asked to either give up the feeling of seeing my team win it once (and believe me the Bears were my team - the mother of one of my housemates still laughs about calling her daughter and getting our answering machine which featured me doing a rendition of the Bear's Super Bowl Shuffle asking folks to leave a message) or give up the shared feeling I had when 20,000 Bills partisans welcomed the team back to Niagara Square and forgave Scotty Norwood for missing that kick wide right or shared in the pain of 4 straight losses. I'd take sharing the 4 losses everyday of the week over sharing the 1 win (in fact, I think sharing the 1 loss of the first one was a greater experience that having the one win. So JP go for it, do your best, and count on your teammates. If you do this we can't lose!
  23. I don't see this as necessarily a choice between Haddad and Reed. In general the Bills kept 6 WRs last year but will be fine with 5 WRs if we want to go that way. One WR (Parrish)is down for the first quarter of the season so we probably keep 6 including Parrish. My sense is they are: 1. Moulds (one more year at least) 2. Evans (the future #1 if he does not have a Josh Reed sophomore campaign 3. Parrish (he will be back as soon as he likely will not re-injure his wrist as his speed and ability to give Evans/Moulds better coverage is key) 4. Reed has a rep as a better blocker than many WRs though his droppsies make him a questionable #3. WM running will be the game until Parrish is in and though his possession receiving is questionable (though he did perform well as a #3 his rookie year) he probbably get the #4 slot. 5. Haddad probably makes the squad because he offers serious upside in several back-up roles. He will push Reed for being the possession receiver, and Parrish is the likely back-up PR threat for Clements and Haddad can back-up here while Parrish is gone. 6. Aiken probably sticks while Parrish is unavailable. he does contribute on ST coverage but this can be replaced by a host of good ST guys. He is a reasonable possesion WR but never has shown the speed. 7. Fast freddy is probably gone as he has not shown the receiver chops or consistency on PR if there are other choices. 8. Wilson- good receiving but have not seen or heard enough him as an ST demon, maybe he goes on the PS. I think Aiken likely goes when Parrish comes back but this will take 4 games and depending what happens on the field perhaps Reed or Haddad may be the goners 4 games down the road.
  24. To try to answer your question as specifically as I can from someone who has watched the game and is happy to reinforce or getting me to take a second look at what I thought I saw by looking at the stats, this is my sense of Wire: Overall: Good athlete who impressed scouts at the Combine showing good speed for a player with the level of intellectual potential which got him into Stanford where he showed some good aggressive play as a tacler there at LB. The combination of his speed, willingness to risk his body and intellectual capacity made him a good pick-up to be trained to be a contributing NFL player. A bonus is that his quality as a person also has shown itself in the NFL where he has earned the respect of his coaches and teammates to at one point be named a captain of the ST unit (a position I doubt he still holds because his on-field production has lagged and even sucked) and he has been a contributor to the WNY community with a lot of charity work. Specifics: However, charity work is great but a player has to prove it on the field and Wire has not done this. In part, this may because GW/Gray made such a misassesment of how much former TN player Jenkins had left they signed him to be starting SS Wire's year and he did not have enough left to be a credible starter that we ended up with a huge hole at SS. It is actually a tribute to Wire's athleticism and brains that he could be thrown in as starting SS on an NFL team though he had never played safety before at any level of organized ball. However, this tribute simply means he was merely grossly inadequate as a safety rather than he was as bad as Jenkins was and could not play at all. As a rookie Wire was in over his head at starting SS but that was most apparent in his pass coverage and that he was fooled by deceptions by opposing Os. His poor production was one of the reasons the 2002 D performed poorly and ended up having to pay through the nose to get Milloy when he suddenly hit the market after our attempts to get Cota and Battle resulted in signings and retirements. 2003 saw the same pass coverage failings (we did beat NE 31-0 but almost lost the shutout when Wire blew the hail Mary pass coverage at the end of the game and took an interference call in the endzone. Fortunately (but to no effect in the season) the D heldstout on the goalline and at least got the shutout. The Bills tried Wire at starting FS, but the pass coverage and diagnostic issues were even more severe there, and he failed here as well. The Bills finally got the right idea and attempted to fashion him into an ST ace, but sending him out to do this with minimal focus on this as he was trying unsuccessfully to be a position player was a disaster. GW's buddy who was co-ordinating ST at the time made the dumb reccomendation of having Wire attempt to block a punt in a game where they had a 7 point lead on Cincy and if they managed to get a couple of 1st from the transfer of the ball they would sin. GW stupidly took this recomendation and the team lined up so that Wire came in unblocked. According to a good source like Steve Tasker about ST analysis, Wire took an angle on blocking this kick that A: Was hard to make work unless he got right in on top of the kick and B. if/when Wire missed the kick he would barrel into the kicker which he did giving CIN 15, the first and eventually OT which fortunately we won. Should Wire have known how to be an ST star himself, yeah it would be great though few (actually no since even Tasker said one has to really learn and practice good ST play before one produces) players do this. Do GW and his ST Co-ord deserve any blame for not appropriately developing Wire> Yep. In fact I think they deserve a lot of blame for the total mismangement of his career and the D here until LeBeau came in and brought a good scheme. As far a Wire as an individual player, the question is whether it is too late to do anything with him. My sense is just about but the answer is no that he can still play a valuable role here and will likely get one more chance to show he is a Bill on the field as well as off. 1. He is not capable of being a starting safety. His pass coverage skills are not good enough. He is currently the back-up and started a few games when Milloy went down last year but having him start is simply not a viable long-term strategy. 2. Is there a viable position player role for him? I don't think so. He is too small for a Pro LB role and has not shown the ability to make the reads necessary for him to be a starting safety. 3. Can he be an ST Ace? Doubtful at this point as development time has been wasted with the safety experiments. His major ST lacking if one wanted him to become the new Tasker is that he has not show the ball handling skills which back-up WR Tasker developed so that his role on the return team beyond trying to be some super wedge guy is not clear. He had played some RB and as a return guy in HS abd college and if the Bills were gonna throw the dartboard for this "tweener" with talent when he became a Bill, he would have better landed at resevre WR or RB rather than at safety. He strikes me that his problem may actually be one of over-enthusiasm as he has struggled with ST. He took some bad angles on tackles like a case against Santana Moss where both he and alleged ST Ace Stephenson were fooled in 2003 (fortunately Prioleaux had the intelligence to stay in his lane but the speed to recover and drag down Moss andturn the 7 into 3 that game). Last nights work by Wire on ST was actually quite impressive. He made 2 or 3 initial ST stops which were tackles and not piling on. It may not be too late for him. the big thing for us is that the only replacement for him on our roster appears to be Leonhard who also has the package, but he is slotted in at FS rather than SS aand though the Bills D uses the S positions in similar ways, the Bills would likely be making the same rushing Leonhard along mistakes they made with Wire if the getting older Milloy goes down again. My sense is you keep Wire who is under contract as a back-up and really emphasize quality ST from him. he either steos up or not. You then pray Milloy does not get hurt and try to develop Leonhard as a future safety back-up and ST Ace (he has he ballhandling skills) and don;t rush him along either.
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