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Everything posted by wwovince

  1. Yes finally a Bulls team worth watching. And another little stat for you Bulls fans. The Bulls since starting the season 2-14 are 14-3. Which is the 2nd best winning % in the last 17 games behind the Spurs and ahead of the Suns. Now thats more impressive then the 7 in a row.
  2. Im not denying the pats are a good team. But this team is made from the coaching not Brady. No way can you compare him to Montana NO WAY. But yes pats are a damn good team.
  3. Well I am making one for work so if anyone wants in email me at ddear16322@aol.com. If i get enough peeps to join then Ill make 2 Thanx And steve i like your idea of the touching squares maybe ill do that.
  4. The $2 square one would be just final. The $10 square would be all 4 qtrs.
  5. Im running a Square pool for the SB at work. I was thinking of doing one amongst friends would anyone here be interested in joining it? $10 or $20 a square. Just seeing if and how many peeps would be interested thanx. Maybe even 1 for each championship game at $2 a square. Let me know thanx again
  6. I think Indy will win today and i have $50 on them
  7. Not only did he call him Josh once but he did it over and over again. What morons!
  8. The whole team lost the 7 games not just DREW. Im sure you rather have Todd Collins or Rob Johnson right? God man he isnt that horrible of a QB. He just isnt now-a-days type QB you HAVE to get him protection and a Good TE. If our TEs didnt get injured I bet you any amount of money we be playing today!
  9. Put the Drew crap to rest already jeez!
  10. 10,000,000 WOW. Sucks about his crew chief but WOW!
  11. Way to go Matsui! Great to see. Now Steindouchs pledge was all about headlines. Prob saw MLB give $1m and decided what the hell that's headlines I will also!! But way to go Matsui!
  12. All reporters are scum anything for a headline.
  13. The ball belongs to him and the Red Sox should pay for it plain and simple. And to an earlier post he is still under contract to the Red Sox.
  14. You Spankee fans are complete !@#$s! I say i have a close friend with a problem like your making fun of and you do it again. Dont you !@#$s have any hearts whatsoever? How can you be Bills fans you sure your not Wastriot fans? Goddamn!
  15. Alaska I dont find that funny !@#$! I have a close friend who is in that state. You !@#$ing PRICK!
  16. Yea im sure thats the reason hes going. He already said he wants another ring plain and simple thats the reason.
  17. Blue he is going for both reasons. But too bad he wont get the WS. And Clements your the goddamn moron!! Say all you want about massachusetts !@#$!! I dont give a damn. !@#$ing !@#$!!
  18. Lets see seeing we are the WORLD CHAMPIONS now and the Spankees had the biggest CHOKE in sports history AND all you queer Spankee fans could ever say was 1918 CRAP and CURSE crap!! We as Red Sox CHAMPION fans cant think of something for the yankees like you !@#$ fans did for our team? Yea makes a ton of sense !@#$!!
  19. If there was a salary cap not everyone would want to go to spankees sorry. Its the money that attracts everyone not PRESTIGE!! And if there was a salary cap the Chokees would go down because GS would want to still do the business and he sucks without being able to dishout money. Maybe if he let cashman run the team then with a salary cap they will still be good but not if GS still wants to run the team. GS is bad for baseball period!!
  20. Red Sox are far enough begind. 20M or more behind. They also have to spend just to compete with them. Im a red sox fan and would support a Salary Cap!!
  21. I love the fake QB sneak pitch to willis and the Pat INT but the most is just having the pleasure of watchin WILLIS run at 80% and cant wait for him next year at 100% man that kid is going to be great!!
  22. Ummmm i know who. JP LOSMAN HaHaHaHa
  23. Really Fitz. I dont think so! Every game I switched to was LOUDER! We needed it today the most and it didnt happen PERIOD! But hey what a nice run we had and it looks bright for next year!! I cant wait!!
  24. Right this isnt BASEBALL. Football has something called a salary cap. And if JP fails next year are you pulling for someone else to go in?? Jesus Christ!! I cant wait to see JP also but dont be calling him a savor already and saying he could of gotten us there or will for sure get us there because we dont know if he has it yet.
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