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Everything posted by wwovince

  1. If you gave it a twirl you would see it and never go back to cable. If you dont get locals in your area you could do what I did until they got my locals and that is pay the cheapest rate fo reg basic cable $4 here for just the locals.
  2. They might not offer it but you can call and work a deal to get it for free or at a great discount. But the only upgrades for equipment were the newer TIVO and HD box. Put it this way if you ever gave it a tryyou would never switch back and would enjoy every min of it.
  3. Or you can pay the 3-4 a month for service fee to replace any equipment if anything ever did go wrong.
  4. About the locals new dish just went up more locals in new areas coming soon. Direct Tv TIVO has 2 inputs you can record 2 shows at once or record one and watch something else on the other. My Bills is $95 a month. But that is with everything available including HD box 3 Tivos and 1 reg box and not to mention the NFL Network and NFL Package. Oh and service calls are very quick with great customer service.
  5. Well your bros dish isnt mounted right or in wrong spot. My service has only been cut out for like 10 mins one time from really bad Thunder Storm. Other then that never a problem. Ive had Direct Tv since hte days of Primestar which is going on like 12 years now or so.
  6. Wind has no affect if mounted right. And Frez if thats all your looking for then your right. But if you ever tried the Direct Tv TIVO you would ditch Time Warner quick. And not to mention the new bird that went up recently that is adding more HD and channels soon. You just get a much wider variety of channels for just about same price.
  7. Why dont you go to Direct Tv? Cable prices always rising so price cant be the reason. Im just curious
  8. I would buy season tix if I lived within 2 hours drive. I would like to move closer soon or a later.
  9. I live in Mass and my g/f and I go up to 1 or 2 games a year. 6 hour ride wach way. Stay the weekend up there.
  10. Sirius and the NFL Channel are AWESOME. Just like Direct Tv and the NFL Package lol
  11. I too just got back from seeing this movie. And man was it Funny as hell. Def 4 out of 5 stars. Great movie.
  12. I say manfredo wins. Segio is good but man I was hoping he get his cocky butt knocked out this week
  13. Pacific and Poker room is $20 minimum
  14. Im in depending on the time and I prefer Pacific Poker but will use my account at poker room. Let me know. thanx
  15. What drugs are you smoking? It must be some good stuff!
  16. Right I would love to see the OLD White or Red buffalo on the helmet
  17. Is there video or is it just me. I can hear peeps talking I know it hasnt started yet just wondering
  18. Thanx Clements. The only reason we dont agree on baseball is because unfortunatly your a Yankee fan and Im a Red Sox fan lol. And we both look through those rose colored glasses just as a certain Cards fan lol
  19. This is being discussed in the original thread about the PC. Was there a need for another??
  20. Keep it up billsfan dont be sorry. At least your talking Bills FOOTBALL. And not stupid OT posts
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