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Everything posted by wwovince

  1. thats because spankees fans love the 1918 reference. Their blinded by georgie poorgie!!!
  2. Yea I have a suggestion learn how to spell taught LMAO RED SOX CHAMPIONS!!! SPANKEES WORLDS BIGGEST CHOKERS!!!!
  3. Yea poojer now i saw it lol. I guess im blind LMAO sorry
  4. Now im a redneck gangsta? What a complete moron. Get over it already your Bankees lost to the World Champs plain and simple. The red sox showed how to win a series when up 3-0 PERIOD!!!
  5. Why am I a bad fan Poojer? Red Sox 2004 World CHAMPS GO BILLS!!!
  6. Wildcard bitches eh? Well those Wildcard Bitches Bitchslapped the Spankees right out of the !@#$ing playoffs BIATCH!! The red sox done something the spankees couldnt and that was win a series when up 3-0!! Guess what losers will be in fenway for ring presentation and flag raising..... you guessed it the New York !@#$ing SPANKEES!!!! At least the Red Sox won a Title in this decade!! Drink that coolaid !@#$!!! 2004 WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!
  7. Rico is a blinded spankee moron period!! The red sox showed the spankees how to win a series when up 3-0 2004 World Champions BABY!!
  8. For the Spankees YES IT HAS!!!! Now we have a chant for the Spankees Year two----thousand.....year two---thousand!!!! LMAO 2004 WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!
  10. Want to talk about IQs choker kasper?? Maybe Sheffield should of shut his mouth and not woken up the sox! How about A-Fraud maybe he shouldnt of woken up the Sox with his childish play!!! Now there are 2 smart fellows lol. Shef go take some more steroids with Giambi baby!!! All the Spankee fans can do is bring up years and years ago because thats all they have!! Talk about years from 2000 on you know the time we are living in now. The Red Sox just got done showing the Spankees how to win a series when up 3-0!!! 2004 WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!!
  11. The Red Sox showed the Spankees how to win a series after going up 3-0 LMAO YES SOX 2004 WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!!
  12. Goddamn because boston is going to win now its FIxed what a moron!!! Almost done!! Red Sox are about to show Spankees how to close out a series when up 3-0 BABY!!!
  13. The Red Sox are playing the Cards not the Spankees. So there wont be a 3-0 blown series lead sorry. 2004 World Champions!!!
  14. Thats all hereally has to look for because his team once again is shooting themselves in the foot!! LMAO
  15. Pats will lose to pitt this week! And if that coaching staff ever left they go down tubes!
  16. jeez give it a break already. You have to find some reason as to why they are kicking your asses right. The red sox didnt make the rule but Ortiz and Manny sure did there part in the Allstar game to win it though. And if it was the old way the red sox would have it anyway.
  17. Its all O-Line in KC and Denver always will be. Give Buffalo that O-Line i bet any money we have great running game and Bledsoe would acc look good!!
  18. Whats the predictions now that the Sox are up 2-0. Im just curious. I say Sox win tues with pedro to go 3-0 and then lose the next one with Lowe and win with Wakefield. So yes 5 games is my call maybe 6
  19. For one 3 days rest mistake. 2 it would of been Als turn this year in rotation anyway. And BF i told you schilling wouldnt be rocked!! 8 errors in 2 games and the cards dont take advantage. Sorry but those should be your beefs. I also heard all week the Cards will bunt on Schilling to test his ankle..Well where were the bunts?? Oh well 2 down 2 to go.....with our second ace going today I think i like the RedSox chances. GO SOX!!
  20. Schilling will NOT get rocked. Youll find out soon who the best pitcher in baseball is tonight Brandon!! Red sox win tonight i say 5-2
  21. No No No!!! The red Sox are the Spankees Daddy this year BABY!!! The past doesnt matter its this time that matters now. And how many championships have you won in the last 5 years?
  22. WTG RED SOX!!!!!
  23. 1 down 3 to go with out best 2 pitchers going next 2 days. I like our chances. GO SOX!!
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