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Everything posted by wwovince

  1. XRays negative movement in all limbs
  2. We WILL beat NE next week
  3. Samuel out of game already. Troy Brown playing D lol
  4. 11-5 Ill kiss your feet or butt if that happens LMAO
  5. Everyone including me complains about using the stupid prevent D. I hate that crap i rather see us play D or any football team play D like what got them there not lay back and protect. Cant win either way. McGee just blew it plain and simple!
  6. Yes it is
  7. After what my Red Sox did to the Spankees I never say its over till its OVA!! GO BILLS!!
  8. Thanx Howard for the show the last few years. It sucks I cant watch anymore seeing im in Mass. I would love to move to Buffalo just money issues but maybe someday. Well thanx again Howard!!
  9. Youve got to be kidding right? He was my only TV show about bills i could recieve here in mass.
  10. I also just cancelled my sports pack seeing i can keep my nesn for being my area station. Saves me 7 a month Im going to miss Howards show though DAMN!
  11. Pete first off it really doesnt matter if you can understand or not ass. The post wanst meant for you in 1st place. I reall dont think punctuation and spelling is really that important for a message board moron. And i graduated High School unlike your pathetic hick ass!!
  12. I know that you Spankee idiot. And man those are some big words for a little man eh??
  13. So they beat the pathetic Spankees 4 in a row with booze lol.
  14. Thanx Westside
  15. We won and dominated a Friggen game give it a damn break
  16. I think the Bills won not just Drew. The whole team.
  17. NM
  18. Pine lots of PINE for Henry! Willis looks great!
  19. I challenge him to come say that to my damn face!! Im a Red Sox,Bills, Bruins fan living in WEST SPRINGFIELD,MA(for RUDY) and dont wish anything bad to any fans other then Spankee fans which i also do have friends of! I dont see how you can say something like that about all the fans of that group seeing your opinion on afew MORON!
  20. Thanx Tgreg
  21. You dont care about years before 1918? But you care about years before you were born? Makes a ton of sense! Red Sox are now in top 3 all time WS titles with 6.
  22. My g/f and I went to theaters tonight and chose to see Saw this weekend and Grudge next. I have to say besides a couple of gory spots is was a dumbass movie. Hopefully the Grudge will be better.
  23. I bet you as a Spankee fan were watching the parade too right? Talk about obsessed lol
  24. Bf did you see the sign Manny had! Its is classic!! Jeter is playing GOLF. Not as fun as what we are doing now!!! lol
  25. First off the Spankees dont have anything to trade for Randy so forget about it. Why do you think they couldnt get him at trading deadline? What did you gain in minors to make it happen now?? NOTHING!! Manny a POS?? Sheffield is a steriod POS!! And I think the MVP shouldnt of gone to manny or any of the players except maybe Foulke. My choice would be a first to give it to Tito Francona. RED SOX 2004 WORLD CHAMPS!!!
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