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Everything posted by wwovince

  1. That first pic must be his fav position taken it up the pooper LMAO.
  2. HaHa thurmans haha IDIOT. We are the team to fear right now. Noone wants to face us. At least we can beat Miami lol. Tell Brady to keep throwing as hes falling on his ass its hilarious. And at least we made it to 4 in a row no team and i mean NO TEAM will ever do that again. I believe that means we were the best in AFC for that decade also can the WASTRIOTS say that HELL NO!!!!!!!!
  3. No its listed on NFL.com lol
  4. Until you can make your own schedule and make it against every great team that year(Which youll have to be able to read the future to do that) then dont worry about who just worry about IF WE ARE WINNING. And the last time i checked we are winning. You negative damn people need to be happy we are winning and not losing like the beginning of the year. Be happy that Dallas is unhappy for the position in the draft for christs sake. sh--.
  5. Shut up already GOD DAMN! We are WINNING. Support your godamn team which includes bledsoe you freakin morons(Bledsoe Haters)
  6. We WILL make the playoffs. They will lose in Oakland and a win over Houston isnt def either
  7. they will lose one of the final two. We WILL make the playoffs calm down.
  8. Bledsoe will be starter next year sorry Bledsoe haters.
  9. I say it was a fumble right call
  10. Screw the Bledsoe Haters. Real fans cheer for the TEAM. You know the Buffalo Bills not the Buffalo Bledsoes lol
  11. I wouldnt say you got a better deal then boston but i would say you got a good pitcher. He may be cheaper but he is average along with Clement. And we didnt give up young prospects to get Clement either.
  12. There you go BFIND
  13. Yes he was thats the reason that clement and lowe were not part of the trading deadline deal because he got hurt. He will not come close to how bad weaver/contreras/brown/Vazquez/Loiza(SP?) have been no where close.
  14. I found an interesting stat on Clement for the idiot that says hes a flyball pitcher. He was 4th or 5th in MLB in K/9 in pitched and he only gave up 4 or more runs in a game 1 time all year. We will see what happens this coming season. Go SOX (World Champions) GO BUFFALO!!!!
  15. Matt Clement to a 3 year deal for about 25 million. Our rotation gets younger the Spankees get older ill take that any day. Now no more baseball talk from me ALL BILLS!!!
  16. I gave Daytona 500 tickets to my dad the year Big E hit the wall and past on. Of course he had to take me with him so yes i was there for that. But man he wouldnt stop crying for days when i gave him those tickets.That wa sone of his big dreams to go there and Taladega. Needless to say we go every year to daytona now lol
  17. And how badly the Spankees CHOKED!! lol
  18. Says Jets will get in and either Jags or his sleeper to represent the AFC the Buffalo Bills get last spot. They also on true and false all picked Buffalo as a team NOONE in AFC wants to play right now and are a team pumping on all cylinders!!! GO BUFFALO!!!
  19. Schilling will be ready. Didnt he say he was done in playoffs also?? He wont miss Sunday Night baseball against the Chokees to begin the season trust me. We will get another starter im not worried. And name a player on red sox who you think takes steroids? Nobody was average before and then in one year explodes so i dont think so.Giambi def tipped it off when he came into year after balco and lost 45 lbs and sucked and had problems lol Give me a break. 1 year wonders what are you an idiot? We are in competition every year not just this past year. We just finally won it all thats all. We shall see. But anyway GO BILLS!!!
  20. I cant help myself you know how that is lol
  21. Nope Arizona and LA want more money from the Bankees and Green might not pass a physical and also RJ wants a good extension first. Spend Spankees SPEND LOL
  22. I dont know but i seem to remember the all mighty great closer mariano blowing it for the Chokees and allowing the Sox back into the series not the starting pitching. Granted after we were let back into the series we blew up everybody they threw at us LMAO Maybe RJ can huddle with the steroid twins and become a triplet of steroid freaks lol
  23. oh now that really sucks lol. Arizona beat writer reporting Randy might decline the trade because he might want to stay in arizona seeing they are building a contender.
  24. Now the Chokees really have no farm system lol. Forget any big trades at trading dealine to help with no talent in farm system.
  25. Arizona got the best of that deal. For a 41 year old pitcher if i was them i be happy as hell. Now if LA cant get Beltran and i was a fan i leave that team quick lol
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