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Everything posted by merlin

  1. 7 NFL Veterans who deserve Bettis treatment .... mention Troy Vincent as one of the 7 "deserving" vets. Last paragraph on the first page: "Troy Vincent. Like Bettis, the Bills safety is an intelligent, eminently cooperative soul who has spent most of his career as a key player on good teams (Dolphins, Eagles). But Vincent was essentially priced out of Philly just before the Eagles finally got over their NFC Championship game hump, and now the 34-year-old will have to start all over with a new coach in Dick Jauron. With 47 career interceptions and innumerable big plays over the years, the former cornerback has been one of the best and most under-hyped players of his era. Put him in the national spotlight and he'd be hotter than the Buffalo wings at a frat-house Super Bowl party."
  2. This is the part that interests me. If Mawae can get over his injury, I'd love to see him in a Bills' uni. And I think either Fabini or Kendall would be a huge upgrade over Benny Anderson (don't know which one played LG ... Kendal??). I think all these guys are still under contract (not FA's this year), but sounds like the Jets may release some/all of them for cap reasons. GO BILLS!
  3. Both Montana and Bradshaw are saying it had nothing to do about money - they just had other commitments. Montana wanted to attend his son's (high school?) basketball game. Bradshaw wanted to spend the weekend with his family. Montana said he wouldn't have given up seeing his son's BB game for even $100,000 anyway. Really can't fault either for their decisions. Linky: Montana and Bradshaw deny reports they asked for more money to attend SB XL
  4. Where is Champ Bailey in all this? Or the dude from Baltimore (McAlister??) Can't believe neither of them are in the top ten??? GO BILLS!
  5. "You FEWELL, you'll kill us all!!!"
  6. Hey, I'd LOVE that problem! I'd sure risk losing an OC NEXT year if it meant a winning season/play-off appearance THIS year. Anytime your team has a winning record, you risk losing some of your assistant coaches, FA players, etc. It's the nature of the "win now" environment. But "win now" is mUCH better than "win never"! The Patriots have had arguably the most successful run in recent years, and their staffs were raided unmercifully ... yet they still managed to put together a winning season again this year ... so it CAN be done. Even though they didn't make it to the SB this year, I'd still trade places with them. GO BILLS!
  7. Heard a story on ESPN radio (w/ Mike and Mike) this morning that Jerry Gray had oficially been released by the Bills .... but I see that he is still on the bb.com website under "Coaches", and have not seen/heard confirmation anywhere else. I was actually beginning to think that the Bills had decided to keep him as DC. Of the candidates who appear to be left out there, he's not a bad choice (assuming we can't get Jim Bates at this point). I'm hoping they ask Sam Wyche to be OC. There is local talk here in Indianapolis that both Howard Mudd (OL) and Tom Moore (OC) are on "thin ice" after the playoff loss to the Stillers .... I'd take either/both of them for the Bills in a heartbeat! But I'm guessing that once the "emotions" of that loss die down, Polian et al will realize that there are not any better options out there than those 2, and they won't be going anywhere. GO BILLS!
  8. I'm guessing this is another "token" interview, to satisfy the Rooney rule. They complied with the "letter" of the law by interviewing Lofton, but it was pretty obvious they weren't serious about actually hiring him as an HC. Maybe they were afraid that the NFL would see through that charade, and fine them or something. Caldwell is at least a bit more "credible" of a candidate, if they aren't going to interview TC, DE, or Rivera .... GO BILLS!
  9. Believe part of the deal that Herm Edwards agreed to in KC was to keep Gunther Cunningham as the DC (Carl Peterson mandated that). Whether or not Herm would have taken Donnie with him had he not already been "saddled" with GC is strictly conjecture at this point. GO BILLS!
  10. I don't think it's TOTAL fantasy ... I've not heard that Jauron has been interviewed for HC anywhere else, and the windows of opportunity for ANY job at that level are closing fast. The likelihood is, if he wants a job at all next season, it will be as someone's DC. So why not in Buffalo, if it's offered ... esp. if he gets the added (admittedly non-functional) title of "assistant head coach" which suddenly seems to be in vogue for ex-HC's who are willing to take that sort of "demotion"? If the money is right, I don't see any reason why he wouldn't consider it. GO BILLS!
  11. You're right ... my bad. Tolbert is still listed as WR coach on bb.com ... most of the defensive assistants were let go.
  12. Best of both worlds .... Sherman as HC, and Jauron as Assistant HC/DC ! Then if Sam Wyche can fill the role of OC, we got something! If Jauron doesn't want to be assistant HC/DC, hopefully Sherman could bring Jim Bates with him. Lofton can become the WR coach here (since Tolbert was let go). He can help Evans and Parrish, and keep Moulds in line. GO BILLS!
  13. Sherman's squads were arguably "under-achievers". Those teams made the post-season from being the best of what was probably the weakest division in football during those years. Getting to face Detroit, Chicago, and Minnesota twice a year every year when none of those teams had much talent was a good way to "pad stats" in the W-L column, post-season appearances, etc. They never did much in the post-season once they got there. That said, I'm ready for an EXPERIENCED coach for a change (what's the definition of insanity? - keep doing the same thing, while expecting a different outcome?). So, I'd be happy with either Jauron or Sherman at this point, since it seems an impossible dreams to wish for Weiss, Tressel, or Ferentz. GO BILLS!
  14. I remember hearing that Jerry Gray interviewed with Houston .... but I don't remember hearing about any minority candidates that were interviewed by the Jets, Saints, or Vikings prior to their naming new HCs. I assume they must have, or it would be a hot topic. Who were their "token" interviews with?
  15. I'd consider him as a DC ....
  16. I agree the Bills ought to tag him. I still think this past year was an "aberration" - he's a good (maybe not great) DB, and will "bounce back" next year. He's definitely worth the 5 mil it would cost to keep him if no one is willing to give us at least a 2nd rounder for him. If he has 2 down years in a row, then we could say "buh bye". GO BILLS!
  17. I remember reading some posts on this board a few weeks ago that Jeff Fisher might be available after this season for some reason. I questioned it at the time, but never saw a response. Does anyone have any (credible) source that the Titans might decide to "go in another direction", and fire Fisher (I think he still has a year or 2 on his contract down there)? If so, I'd definitely take him over any of the other candidates I've seen mentioned recently .... assuming he didnt have anything to do with the decision to trade a 3rd round pick for TH! GO BILLS!
  18. Does anyone besides me remember all the "ill will" JH generated just this past summer when he accused Kent Hull of taking steroids? (He never named Hull by name, but he said there was an offensive lineman who came in as a rookie who was too light, and the other OL helped him get on "the juice", and he bulked up and became an All-Pro ... and Hull was the only OL who was around when JH was who eventually became an All-Pro. Hull took a HUGE exception to the remarks, told Haslett (via an interview) to stop spreading lies about him through the media, to come try telling him that to his face, etc, etc ... very "bad blood". I just can't imagine after that that JH will ever be welcomed back to OBD. He's pretty much burned that bridge, IMHO. GO BILLS!
  19. I've seen numerous references/posts about the possibility of Jeff Fisher being available at the end of the season. Does anyone have a link to any sort of credible source that says there is even a 50/50 possiblity that Fisher may get canned in TN? With all the injuries and salary cap purges that team had to go through the past 2 years, I can't imagine the Titans upper management holding him responsible for their poor results this year, especially in light of his overall record with that team. Or does he just want out of there for some other reason? Linky? Of course, I'd be thrilled if he were to become the Bills next coach. GO BILLS!
  20. ... more importantly, why does anyone think he's in trouble in TN? Certainly his owner and GM did not expect him to be able to field a very competitive team this year with the talent (or lack thereof) due to salary cap issues? I just can't imagine them wanting to show him the door ....
  21. Cloning ...
  22. Bryant Mckinnie was one of 4 Vikings players charged with 3 misdemeanors resulting from the "boat party scandal" ealier this year. The other 3 Vikings charged were Duante Culpepper, Fred Smoot, and Moe WIlliams. Bryant McKinnie charged in Vikings Loveboat scandal
  23. Are you all forgetting about the huge "flap" Haslett created during an interview about steroid use in the NFL where he all but named Kent Hull as a user? I don't think he'd be welcomed back at OBD with open arms after disparaging one of the most revered linemen in Bills' history ....
  24. Hasn't it been renamed to the Blue Bruschi?
  25. (See article linked on TBD front page) Anyone got the scoop? Was he injured in practice today, or is this just his way of getting back at Mularkey & Co. for benching him last week? Think he's pulling a "T.O."? In either case, it's shaping up to be a LONG afternoon for the Bills. Stopping LJ was going to be tough enough WITH Adams ... I hate to think what will happen without him ... Oh well ... GO BILLS!!
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