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Everything posted by Tipster19

  1. Him and Gailey careers have intertwined. Bates was his DC when Gailey was Dallas' HC.
  2. Gailey's Vomit?
  3. Or he could pull a Jack Ruby and whip out a pistol and plug his @$$, doing it all for patriotic reasons, for the good of the Buffalo Bills!
  4. It's appropiate, "Nevergiveup" is the gift that keeps on giving!
  5. Very unfortunate. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, they must be devastated by this suddenly shocking news. R.I.P.
  6. LOL! That's a good one!
  7. Well, I think that we need a coach first. Doesn't the Jets' HC Rex Ryan have a twin brother? I'd start there, Rob Ryan brings what you're descibing.
  8. At first it hurts like hell and you grab your thumb and howl like a banshee but then the throbbing subsides and you start becoming immune to the pain. Then for the next few days it looks like an eyesore as the healing process begins. Days go by and then weeks. There's no pain by now but it looks hideous. The weeks turns into months and now this enigma is in the center, pushing closer to the end of your nail. By now you start forgetting about it and just live with it. It's really not that embarrassing but it's definitely not something that you want to showcase but what are you going to do? Cut it off? No, it's your nail and of course you're going to keep it. Now it's 2 plus months in and you start thinking that it won't be too much longer now before you have a nice new, shiny nail and the healing process is almost complete. Now since this unfortunate incident happened everytime you pick up a hammer you are much more cafeful because you don't want to repeat the same painful mistake again and have to go thru a whole other nail and another long healing process. The concentration is so much more each and everytime you have to hammer something but you don't forget your previous mistake. Based on that analogy I'm starting to look forward to this next month, we're going to have a brand new nail but the only thing that concerns me though is that Ralph is the one that's still holding the hammer.
  9. I would like to take this time to thank my fellow Buffalo Bill brothers for their outpouring concern, advice and help. I have received several private PMs from some our brethren and I can't begin to descibe the gratitude that some of you would take the time and effort to try and help me. It's a gift that I probably don't deserve. Thanks. The greatest value of giving of a gift is the giving part and I hope that so many of you are blessed for your outpouring humanity. What a dysfunctional bunch we are but when push comes to shove it's amazing to see the unity/fraternity that so many of us share. I guess we really are a "family". Oh, we get pissed off and rant and rag on the Bills, and each other, but don't let an outsider do it. They don't have the right, we do, we paid the price for this "priviledge". The Bills have tortured us for how long now? I suppose that we can't count the '60's because they did find a lot of success back then and other than the 4 consecutive Super Bowl appearances, we have been a tortured lot but we still support and love 'em! Hopefully 2010 begins a new era for many us, professionally and personally. Some of you, hopefully more than less, were entertained by my story. I think that so many were able to relate to the pain, frustration and the overwhelming situations that we as people, especially from our stressed economic community, have endured. What might have made this post a good reading was due to the fact that not only did these events occur but it came straight from the heart and I composed it passionately. The best writings come from these type of mindsets which reminds me of something that I scripted back on May 8, 2008. It was, to me, the greatest thought that I ever put to paper and I believe because it also came straight from the heart and as I was writing it, it just flowed because it's who I am and what I am and I believe that it describes so many of you too. I guess you can say it's our DNA. Enjoy. What I won't forget is when the Bills win their first Super Bowl how I will think and feel. It will be fulfilling my life. I think about the Bills EVERY single day. They are a fiber of me for decades now. I swear that they must be a part of my DNA. What I won't forget is the pictures and images of my sons when they were little boys dressed in their Buffalo Bills' pajamas, knowing that the Bills hold a special place in their hearts no matter where they are in this world because of their dad. The Bills are important to them because of me and THAT gives me great joy. When they think of the Bills, they think of me. How great of an honor is that? -Tipster19
  10. I blaming the Bills for 95% of the **** that happens to me and I know that I came to the right place to B word about them because I see them getting bashed here all the time. I'm not letting Ralph, Jauron, MaGahee, Trent, JP and many, many others from the past to the present off the hook either! They all had a hand in my demise. Bastards!
  11. I have to agree with you 100%. I got to work today and I found out just how fortunate I really am. It's one of those my boss' wife's sister's roommate was watching her 2 year old grandchild and the child found a loaded revolver and shot itself. Totally tragic and completely senseless. Apparently it was an anniversary with an ex boyfriend who was threatening the wife's sister and the roommate had the revolver accessible and the child found it. I've got it made and was brought back to reality. It wasn't just last week's events that got to me, there's been much more going on in my life leading up to it. Last week was just the icing on the cake and I blew a fuse but I'm good now. I started this thread in the intent of dark humor but after hearing about that poor child today I don't feel anything but grief and mourning for that beautiful little child and all the other family members. Today was very sombering.
  12. Nope. I just got home and I'm holding steady. It's was uneventful at work today but you only need one to get going. I love football and I have always been in sales and after I thought about it more today this post kind of reminded me of the movie Jerry Maguire. I guess that this was my mission statement. "Breakdown, break thru. I'm cloaked in failure!".
  13. If I ever had to wait for my wife to buy a car from me then they would be arresting me for first degree aggravation.
  14. Can I get unemployment?
  15. Ain't that the truth! LOL! Hey, I just got a text from my boss. All is good and I'll be back at the rockpile first thing in the morning! I should really get drunk more often!
  16. LOL! That's funny guys!
  17. Just a rant, I earned it. Thanks.
  18. I hear ya. My temper always costed me, or should I say my family. Now that I'm pretty much an old man it takes a lot more to boil over but today was that day. I don't dispute your opinion, you're right but I guess that's what makes me who I am and unfortunately for my wife she's stuck with me because I ain't NEVER letting that diamond go. LOL!
  19. He's cool, no offense taken. THAT'S EXACTLY what I was looking for! Touche! Don't go there, now that's uncool.
  20. No, I started this stupid thread as a joke and then it took a wicked turn. It was meant originally about the stereotypical wife dragging their ass to whatever function that you're trying to go to. That **** drives me crazy, like a lot of other husbands. You have to excuse me, I'm a few cocktails in. I'm hoping other posters will use this thread to vent their rants and frustrations. I'm not looking for ANY kind of sympathy from anyone, I just wanted to vent and thought I was funny. It feels good to let **** go and I thought that I would blame the Bills, everyone else does.
  21. Listen, don't be retarded. Car salesmen are a dime a dozen and I happen to be a pretty good one. As long as I can walk and talk then I can replace this bs job. I do respect your view on destituding my family but everyone has a boiling point and today I hit mine. Did you ever watch the moving "Falling Down"? I always thought there was an awful lot of truth in that movie.
  22. Well, I tried to find humor and make light of it but about my father-in-law is truly sad and I'm not trying to find any humor in that. My father-in-law is one great guy and I love him very much. I owe that guy an awful lot and it's a debt that can never be repaid but he wasn't looking for any pay back anyways.
  23. You know, I can't answer that but I often ask God that very question.
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