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Everything posted by Tipster19

  1. Such venom. Are you people that bitter in life? It's not even about justifying the post, even if it could be. I can't believe how SOME of you talk to people. Is this how to you treat one another? I can't say that it's surprising, just disappointing. To think that we all cheer for the same organization. Ha! Thru the years I've read your "opinions" on past and current players and other board members. I can't and won't say that it's everyone, or even most of you, but SOME of you are classless and treat others with such acid conviction. Have any of you ever bother to read some of Whitner's twitter responses from some of our "fans"? It's downright embarrassing. I may be a Buffalo Bill fan but you people don't represent me, just like I don't represent you but the difference with me is that I'll treat ALL of you with respect, even if I don't like or agree with your opinions. Let me ask some of you a question. If you really find my posts that disturbing or offensive, then why do you bother to read them? There's an ignore button, I suggest that you use it. FWIW, I'm not going to stop posting and I'm not going to stop being a Bills' fan either but I am not going to respond to anyone's hatred anymore. Go a head and unload some more, it really doesn't matter to me what you think. It's just pathetic that some of our fans' attitude, behavior and character are in such shambles. I hope that this response to some makes a difference and that they realize that this is just a message board for us to share our ideas, opinions and passion together, not a forum for us to trash each other and our players. Have a good day.
  2. Lol! I like your sense of humor. You obviously disagree to a great degree but you're funny about it. I appreciate that.
  3. Hey Spags, they are coming out with a Sopranos' movie. Do you have any relatives or friends in it?
  4. I think that it would be a good match for him and the Bills. He's familiar with Fitz and we have a rabid fan base that would feed Ocho's ego. This signing would be successful from a public relations' point, much like Terrell Owens' but on a smaller basis. I'm not reluctant to admit that I would also enjoy the attention that Western New York would receive from having a high profile player on our team. Of course our administration probably has a completely different opinion on and not knowing how promising some of our young talent is at this position, I'll be the first to say that I could be way off base on this concept but it still doesn't change my feeling of wondering what if.
  5. I for one think that we would be better with him than without him. With that being said I took the liberty of pulling up some of his twitter messages. Let me say this, I would never want to be in the public spotlight after reading how people talk to and about you. It's shameful. What I see is a guy who gave his heart to being a Buffalo Bill and tried to be a leader. Regardless if he isn't capable or mishandled it he at least tried. For the last several years, or even longer, there hasn't been too many players who wanted to be a Buffalo Bill. This guy did. For that I appreciate Whitner and wish him nothing but the best of luck in whatever his future holds for him.
  6. I agree, nothing wrong with someone just trying to have a little fun. I think that some of our own posters are a lot more offensive than Spags. Hey Spags, what happened to your Members Only jacket? I noticed that you weren't wearing it in your mugshot.
  7. Does drafting a guy as big as Baltimore count?
  8. I agree, there's no way that this guy slips thru the PS. I would suspect that he makes the roster and they find various roles that he can perform along DT duties.
  9. Hey Spags, I was just wondering, that picture in your avatar, how much time did you land up getting?
  10. Maybe this is acceptable, the OFFICIAL story. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/NT-Jasper-brings-gigantic-intrigue/1441bfd2-c3b5-4aae-a893-c2872093c105
  11. I don't know if this has been mentioned yet but GM Buddy Nix stated in a radio interview that they will add 2 QBs, one a FA veteran who can come in and win games if need be and the other being a developmental type QB. I'd like to see the Bills kick the tires on veteran Tyler Thigpen and UDFA Jeff Van Camp.
  12. I apologize, I read it off the message board from another poster and I shouldn't have ever done that because I just listened to a radio interview with Buddy Nix and he said that our scout Matt Hand discovered him in his territory. Hand told jasper that he would speak on his behalf if he were to get under 400 lbs, which Jasper did. Again, I apologize for being lazy and I'll never do that again.
  13. #5-Bs! #10-No we don't. #11-Tell the deserter that I hope he enjoys his retirement.
  14. He flew under everybody's radar because to multiple small schools, Continuity was never established. The only reason why we knew of him was we supposedly got a tip from Levi Brown but when we did interact (over a year ago) with him the guy did everything that we asked him to do. Look, I don't know if he's going to be the next Ted Washington or Pat Williams but I do have expectations of him making our roster. There's a definite role that this kid can provide for us, whether it's in short yardage situations, goal line stands or even if he only gives Darius a breather.
  15. Nawrocki makes me laugh. He took all these shots at Newton and then admits that he never actually met him. To matters worse, last minute he changed his draft board and made Newton the #1 pick. The guy is a joke. How in the world can he cast his opinion on Jasper? He didn't even have a clue who he was until AFTER we drafted him.
  16. In the late '70's/early '80's Buffalo had the Bermuda Triangle (Haslett/Nelson/Smerlas). Now that we got these behemoths in the middle somebody has got to come up with a great moniker for them.
  17. How about if we just call him Planet Earth?
  18. Do you think that if he makes the team that he'll count for 2 roster spots?
  19. The only reason why he wasn't drafted by other teams is because nobody knew about him. I believe our scouting dept did an excellent job digging him up. Between bouncing around multiple small schools, he kind of got lost in the cracks, if that is possible! One can't be of that size and agility and not be able to play. Forget Bowers, I think that we got the steal of the draft.
  20. I love that we got this guy, kudos to our scouting Dept! Could Jasper be a good poster child for the new Bills? I would love to see some kind of catchy poster with our defensive players, especially with Jasper The Collapser, Darius and Williams. Our interior defense looks like our own version of The Dakota's Badlands!
  21. I totally agree! Those aren't calves, those are cows hanging off his legs!
  22. It seems that some people are upset that we took 3 DBs in the draft but if you stop and think about it we are very thin in our secondary. We needed to strengthen it and add more prospects back there. More and more teams use a spread offense and we needed to add more players back there. Keep in mind that the majority of the players that we have are from the previous administration, they are not Nix/Gailey's players, they just inherited them. Needless to say that what Nix and Gailey want to do as far as personel go isn't what Jauron & Co had in mind. It looks like to me that Nix and Gailey are trying to get in position to have the right players to cover spread offenses and not get exposed. If teams run on them then I do believe that the Bills have added enough big bodies in the middle to shut them down. One isn't good enough without having the other. I also get the feeling that by adding giants like Hairston and Jasper, the Bills may even have some new wrinkles on the offensive side of the ball. Could you imagine in short yardage situations having our RBs run behind the right side of our line behind those two?! It would result in almost guaranteed TDs and/or 1st Downs. It's not packages that we would employ extensively, just in important parts of the game. We didn't have issues in scoring points last year like in seasons past. What we have consistently have had trouble in for years now was stopping offenses. Well, I think that we may have taken a big step in the right direction in correcting this problem. I can hardly wait to see how our new additions and some of our younger players gel. If we can get any kind of consistency as a defensive team then I think that we are all going to be in for a very pleasant surprise.
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