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Posts posted by Tipster19

  1. I realize that each league has different scoring systems so this doesn't have to be an exact science. This is how I'm trying to structure my game plan.


    Willis in the 1st rd.


    Molds and/or Evans in the 4th or 5th rd.


    I'll pick the defense surprisingly early so I make sure that I get them. A 4th rd shocker.


    I may take Losman as my 2nd QB, but late so I can have more early rds for other skilled players. I'll take JP in between the 8th-10th rd. This should secure him.


    We play defensive players, so Roscoe will be my ST/WR in the 5th-7th rds.


    I think that would be the extent for me. In my league's scoring system these players should provide big points.

  2. I would like to think that with a year under Mularkey and McNally's belt that we would see this team pick up where we left off (outside of the Pittsburgh game of course). Our interior of the defense were young also and now they have more playing time experience. The addition of JP's mobility will either make us or break us. I hope Wyche is performing the best coaching job of his life.

  3. I'll admit at first I was disappointed with our first selection, but after hearing TD and MM's reasoning, I feel much better. Last year was Mularkey and McNally's first year with the organization. Was anyone disappointed with either of these two coaches' influences? Mularkey stood his ground early in the season against, of all people, Ralph Wilson. Soon after that we saw the team steadily improve. McNally inherited his offensive linemen. I don't believe that he was completely thrilled with what he saw. Once again as the season progressed, so did his line. Now with a full year under each of their belt we see what was drafted, a playmaker, a much needed recieving TE with a great upside, mid to lower rd O-linemen (which McNally stated openly that this is what he prefers so he can mold them in his own way) and a CB/possible ST'er which appears to be a need going into the draft.


    So, this leads me to one question. How well do these outsiders really know our team, personnel and needs? My guess would be not too well.

  4. Unfortunately we won't have a say in this decision. With all the grief that we take it's a shame that people don't take in consideration this game and that Buffalo was a 4 time consecutive conference champ. When it's all over and done it doesn't matter what people think of our team and us. The Buffalo faithful have a great love affair with their team, and that my friend can NEVER be denied.

  5. Nonsense? You are starting to be borderline boorish. Are you a new Bills fan? If not, then you realize that Mularkey likes to be innovative. Is it a violation to revel over a new addition who could be used in more ways than one? The point of the post is that the guy could be more than a ST'er/slot reciever. The FIRST thing that I mentioned about Parrish was that he at one time was an All State QB in high school.


    Look, if you want to be objective, fine, but don't respond just to be belligerent. Maybe I better use smaller words, I forgot who I'm dealing with. I'm sure that you're a decent guy, just sand off some of the edges. One other thing, I noticed that you really don't post you just have retorts. If you want to be on the board, why don't YOU come up with an idea and not just belittle and criticize others who do? All of your responses are either negative or flat out argumentative. Don't be intimidated, you're just as good as all the other boys and girls.

  6. I got to tell ya, your spelling and comprehension is not your strong suit. Did you happen to notice in that first thing that they call a sentence that I said, " I just noticed your "smart remarks"? Maybe I can help you out with an alibi. You're used to speed reading, right? But what about your spelling? I can't help you there.


    Tell me bro, what is it that you can't grasp about the post? I didn't post it so I could occupy my time. I posted to make a point, a point unfortunately that you can't understand. While you're occupying my time, I have a question for you. Are you new to reading? Just asking, I don't want this gibberish to confuse you.

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