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Everything posted by Tipster19

  1. That's pretty funny, a 1st rder for Jolley. It's more like the Jets moved back from a late 1st rd to a mid 2nd rder. In addition, the Jets improved their 7th rder to a 6th. They also received another 6th rder and Jolley for compensation. Based on the value point board, it wasn't too bad of a deal for the Jets at the time. I just think that the Jets' administration was a mess and they didn't utilize him properly.
  2. It wouldn't hurt to use a little foresight fellas. The Jets' administration as we knew it has been dismantled. I believe that this player has been lost in the shuffle. It wouldn't hurt to investigate player's ability and character. It should safe to say that this guy would have alot to play for. Let's not lose sight of how important a pass catching TE is in today's game. Dallas, Indianapolois, and New England are loaded at the TE position. Marv has always been a believer in the TE position. What's our situation? Check out Jolley's bio. http://www.newyorkjets.com/team/roster/sho...ntroller=player
  3. Everett may still be the pass catching TE that we hope that he'll be but until he can stay healthy and on the field, Jolley would be a great addition for the Bills. I wonder what the Jets would want for this guy.
  4. If Vick makes the team he could be the next Kordel Stewart Part II. I bet Mularkey would love to unleash a little gadget play on us when we play them. The best way to counter that would be to have it blow up in his face and cost them the game.
  5. I can't believe that I'm going to go out on a limb and leave myself open for a big time bashing but here it goes. At first this signing looks retarded but it could turn out to be a good move. Here's some aspects that need to be or has already been established. a) This signing shows that the Raiders are not in favor of Brooks. b) The physical condition of George. If I'm not mistaken he has kept in shape and has worked out these last few years. c) The Raiders don't have any confidence with any other QB on the roster to step in as the starter if Brooks doesn't work out. d) Can this offensive line pass protect for any Raider QB? e) George's mindset and his willingness to redeem himself. Now here are a few aspects that are proven or that are known. a) Al Davis loves a vertical game. b) Art Shell is a HOF offensive lineman and is working OT on this offensive line. c) The Raiders are loaded with potential big time WRs. d) LaMont Jordan can be a threat in the run game, just as long as he gets his mind right. e) George has a cannon for an arm, even at this stage of his life. f) The Raiders didn't sign George because he's a good old boy. g) Brooks hasn't established himself on this team as of yet. If the Raiders could find themselves a QB who can lead this team and throw the ball downfield successfully then they could definitely be a scoring machine. OK, now blast away.
  6. Point taken but you still can't like the results.
  7. I must admit that I didn't see too much of the Cincy/Buffalo game last night on the NFL channel but the little I saw (the last several minutes of the 3rd quarter) made me nervous about stopping the run. I sure would like to see us add some more beef in the middle.
  8. Do you really think that Marv has NO input on any of the above? Jauron was hired BECAUSE of Marv, even though it was against Ralph's better judgement. Marv assembled this staff because he can implement the complexion of the organization. As far as negoiating the contracts, Ralph always looked to his accountant first, ever since the Polian era ended. Matter of fact, that's how and why Polian did get the boot. If Ralph is in it for the money, then anyone who thinks that selling the team isn't fiancially beneficial to him is out of their minds, I don't care how much is paid in taxes.
  9. Being one of us doesn't necessarily mean geographically but from a morale aspect. Why do YOU think Marv wanted and accepted this job? Was it for the money or for his ego? There is a sense of pride, loyalty and dedication that SOME people have when they go to work. Matter of fact it's not a job or work for them, it's a passion. I believe this to be true for Marv and others on this administration. At one time this country was built on qualities like the above but now it's only about the almighty dollar. It's too bad that what you speak of is more reality than perception but what I'm talking about, believe it or not, still exists. Sadly it's a minimus percentage.
  10. What a great thread! There has been alot of accurate insights also. What also helps this administration is the fact that most of them are one of us. They TRULY have our best interests at heart. Intentions and character can't be measured in a stat line but I think that we will all see and enjoy, hopefully in the very near future, the benefits of these aspects of our personnel.
  11. If we got as big of a problem on our O-Line as some are believing then it might be a long year for us when we play the Dolphins. We could stand to use one of their cast-offs. Kevin Vickerson looks pretty good, I wonder if he gets the boot. His bio seems like he could be the caliber of player that Marv seems to favor. http://www.miamidolphins.com/newsite/team/depth_chart.asp
  12. I want Losman to succeed also, I think that he is our best QB. The aspects to his game should make him a very exciting QB for years to come. I'm wondering, with Losman playing at a mile a minute and with us having alot of speed at the WR position, should we slow down our game plan or should we take advantage of Losman and our personnel's strengths? At least incorporate some off speed offensive plays instead of us just going to a run control offense. Maybe I'm wrong about the run control offense theory but at least that's what I'm expecting. If anybody knows or has any input on this team's offense scheme this year would be appreciated.
  13. I mentioned in an earlier post that an announcer commented that while most young players have to have the speed of the game slow down for them but Losman may be one of the few exceptions where he may have to slow down for the game. I thought that this was an interesting observation. If Losman is going to be the starter, than maybe it would make more sense to have the game plan suit him better. How many times have you heard that players didn't fit the scheme of the team's philosophy? What would be more successful, change the game plan to suit the QB or change the QB to suit the game plan?
  14. We're no high octane offense like the Rams once were , or still are, who knows?. Are we the one one dimensional Ravens from a few years back? I don't think so. No, I think that we are more in the flavor of the Steelers (egad, did I say that ?!!!), and that's ok. What's wrong with a team that resembles the region that they represent? I'll tell you what, nothing! Before anyone jumps down my throat, I'm not predicting a SuperBowl this year just a solid team on both sides of the ball. That's right, I said a solid team. I believe in this administration and in what they are doing. We are not talking about a stranger here, we're talking about Marv Levy. There's two things about him that separates him from any other candidate that was available for us. First, he's got Buffalo's best interest at heart. He's not here for his benefit, he's here for this organization and community. Nothing to prove and nothing to gain. Marv is one of us, so is Bebee, so is Talley and so is Tasker. There's a story that I once read about Bebee. He stated that as soon as the SuperBowl concluded and he started to look around to absorb the moment, his immediate thoughts went to how he wished that this scene, this feeling could be felt for Buffalo and it's fans. That's who this organization is aqnd that's whom I am. So either you're in or you're out. I'm in! One other note, I believe Levy sees something here other than those points that I stated. He sees a team that's not too far off the beaten path. Tuna has made a legend for himself with a team like ours. I'm not taking anything away from the old Fat Fish but other than his stint for the Giants the guy has made a living out of picking up a team that has fallen on hard times. Matter of fact he's doing it now. Secondly, Marv knows football. How many years has he been at it? From George Allen to the USFL to four consecutive efforts in the SuperBowl. I'm not crediting Levy with the talent that was assembled on those four SuperBowl teams, that was Polian and Butler/Smith, but he managed it. Don't believe me, ask Polian what he thinks of Marv. The staff that Marv has assembled for us is going to make us proud, I promise you. I don't want to be delusional but at the same time I believe in our staff. We're not talking strangers here, we're talking about one of our own. So for all the Sal MORONaras out there, go write for another paper and go talk about another team. We don't want ya and we don't need ya. PS. For anyone who wants to respond negatively to this post, don't bother. This IS a Bills' messageboard, others need not apply.
  15. Well said clayboy54. There wasn't one positive spin from old Sally Pal that I heard, just the same redundant generic bashing that you hear from most any national articles. There is 3 parts to a team and I overlooked our GREATEST aspect, our league leading STs. How many teams can claim a punter that can at anytime bury a team inside their 15-20 yd line? Field position makes a huge difference. Our kick/punt returners, what, are they chopped liver? No, our offense will stand to benefit greatly from these couple of attributes. Losman IS a year more experienced and I do truly believe he will come thru season. More importantly, we have a coach and a administration that has a plan that they will stick to. How novel! I will say that I would like to see it proven that we can be effective against the run. While it is still early and there hasn't been much of an opportunity to determine this, I'll reserve my opinion until further results. That's what ticks me off the most with Sal's "reporting". This guy must know alot about football! He wrote this team off without even seeing one real game. Why in the world didn't we hire him instead of Jauron? I'll continue later, this keyboard is sticking like mad.
  16. Thanks for the vote of confidence Einstein. He was on Sirius radio at 10:00 and he didn't have anything good to say from what I heard. I did catch him in the middle of his comments but according to him this team has been in shambles for the last 6 years. Hey, in hindsight I don't disagree but the thing that kills me is I don't ever remember hearing him reporting this WHILE it was happening. Like we need to have one of our own getting on national radio and stating that our team is nothing short of a joke. The other comments I heard were that Losman is pretty much in over his head still and basically we still don't have a QB. Nice. He also went on and stated that between the combination of alot of young players and other over the hill veterans, we don't stand a shot. I'm sure that he was talking about Vincent but could he also be referring to Fletcher? Look, this maybe accurate but what is this guy trying to accomplish? He works for the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle. He's not an outsider looking in, he's an insider looking out. This whole regime is totally new, why not give them a FAIR chance? A national public bashing before we even play our 1st game is uncalled for. I don't expect any great turnaround this season but I do think that there is a big improvement for us verse last year's roster. I didn't mean to make this a long post but I do want to mention a few aspects that most are aware of. a) The hiring of Levy. The guy brings a great wealth of football knowledge AND he's not an ego maniac. b) Jauron. He is a REAL football coach, not a bargain rookie coach. DJ was coach of the year in '01 and he is implementing some key personnel from that very team. I don't know what the deal was but the Bears' GM wasn't a player for Jauron. c) Our defense is not THAT far removed from being a once dominant defense. We don't need to be that dominant, just good. We have a very good defensive minded coach in Jauron (see b) and I trust in his judgement on his assistants. We also added ALOT of team speed and got rid of some senior high dollars malcontents. d) I think the shackles have been lifted off of McNally with the departure of Donahoe & Co. I expect to see some pleasant surprises this year out of our O-line. e) Although Losman may not be Bret Farve, I am impressed with his physical attributes so far. I don't know what his intelligence is but I don't think anyone else does either. He doesn't have to carry this team, he just has to manage it. I think by mid season this kid may really come around. As in many of you, I watched the replayed game on NFL channel and the thing that impressed me was his zip on the ball as he was moving. I also heard a commentator, and I don't remember who or from where, state that in most cases young players have to get used to the speed of the game. He then went on and stated that Losman is one of the few players that has to slow down for the game. He also is our best chance of being able to at least attempt to throw a long ball. Hopefully between Evans and a few veteran WRs that we aquired, they will be able to catch some of them. The threat alone will do wonders for our run game. f) The run game. We do have some RBs now. As it stands presently we are not at all thin at this spot. Not only do we have a big time RB in MaGahee, we have great depth. So, thanks for listening but before I go I too want to make a prediction. This team will be more of a pleasant surprise than a negative one and wins anywheres from 7-9 games this year. Oh, by the way Sal, why don't you go and try to get on the Miami Herald, they might appreciate your great insights.
  17. I have to agree with MadBuffaloDisease. Dial up Dallas, they are usually trade friendly with us. HC Bill Parcells said that the Cowboys have been talking with teams about possibly trading for a receiver. "I think we're trying to be as proactive on it as we can and see what might be available, see the teams that are heavy at that position," Parcells said. "I think we could be heavy at a spot or two, so maybe we'll be able to do some business." WR Josh Reed on the trading block would make sense to me. Parrish becoming the 3rd WR and sharing some ST duties seems reasonable. I guess Bledsoe would have to have some input on this one, but if so, then it would seem to me that a defensive player would be traded back. DE Greg Ellis still might be expendable or maybe DE Jeremiah Ratliff and convert him back to a DT. It might be a good idea to keep an eye on this situation. Does this seem realistic? 1st WR-Lee Evans 2nd WR-Peerless Price 3rd WR-Roscoe Parrish 4th WR-Andre Davis 5th WR-Sam Aiken *Practice squad WR Martin Nance or WR Chris Denney. Kiss the rest good-bye.
  18. This post started about the Bengals trying to increase security in their stadium and landed up dragging in their players and their moral issues. How that happen is beyond me but whatever. I posted this because I thought that this was a great step in the right direction for security while attending a game. I have witnessed several VERY undesirable incidences while at a game, and not just at a Bills' game either. I've been to a few games in both Miami and Tampa and they have their share of issues also.
  19. Be careful of what you speak. Buffalo by no means provides a safe enviroment. Back in the early '90s I was at a Buffalo/Philly game and a fight broke out. The Buffalo fan promptly stomped the Eagles's fan. As the security guards finally pulled the Buffalo fan off him and dragged him away, he smiled. The thing that was disturbing was he was wearing a mouthpiece. The guy was a "professional" fan. Another game around that time that I was at I witnessed four or five twenty-something year olds pelt an eight year old kid with a bunch of peanuts. The father was incessed and tried to climb the few rows behind him to get to these punks. I'll never forget that scene and knew right then and there that I could never take one of my children to a live game. It's not just in Buffalo, it's all of the stadiums that don't provide enough security for the welfare of the whole. Does anyone remember the Pittsburgh fan who was at a Raiders' game back in the mid to later '90s and got hit with a battery? The guy landed up dying. No, safety in the stands needs to be recognized.
  20. It's not just a particular stadium that has these issues, it's most, if not all stadiums. When you mix alcohol and competition, it's a dangerous combination. I know that the Bengals have more than their share of woes right now but I do believe that Coach Lewis is putting forth great effort in restoring the respectability to their franchise. The same can be said with GM Levy right now also with his efforts in obtaining high character personnel/players. The situation to the thuggery and rowdiness that occurs in the stands is not a easy, nor quick solution but it does need to be address in a way that provides better results. The entertainment of a live game should be enjoyed by ALL, not by just a percentage.
  21. Fans who are being annoyed by bad behavior in the stands can now report it by cell phone. Using too much foul language will draw a warning, if continued, can lead to being ejected and loss of season ticket license. More serious offenses could result in an arrest. When fans report promblems like threats, fights, or drunkenness, then security officials will use the stadium's video cameras to focus on the offenders and then respond. What a great move by the Bengals to try and provide a safer enviroment. This should help the people who would like to bring their childrn to a football game but fear for their welfare. Maybe the new commissioner will take bigger steps in stadium security. It's an issue that has only been minimized, not conquered.
  22. The guy has been roasted in the past but it feels good to actually hear that somebody really loves this organization and area. While wins are the benchmark, I would still want to be proud of our personnel. I think that I really like this whole Levy/Jauron & Co. thing. This staff and most, if not all, of the players seem to exemplify the qualities that I would like to see my favorite team display. After reading a little bit on Lester I would like to see him stay with the Bills until he retires. This organization, and others, could stand to have a person of this quality associated with them. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/p...320/1007/SPORTS
  23. You know, in reference to the human side of people in sports, I think that's what the allurement and turn-off to them. None of their backgrounds are clear cut. The people aren't all monsters and none of them are all angels. How many times have you changed your opinion on people that you wanted to either despise or admire because you discovered another aspect to them? I think that this principle can be applied to this team this year. Many of us have been so fed-up with this organization from the results of the last few years that it's easy to believe that it's not going to change. When you start hearing and reading about some potential positives, you start to regain optimism. I guess it's never as bad or as good as it seems. Hopefully this season turns out better than worse than what it has been.
  24. At this time of the year I suppose that you can either be excited, fed-up or bewildered. Once again, like others, I'm going to enter this season optimistic. The following do offer some logical coach/player or coach/organization associations that I think may come into play for us this year with a positive result. I hope you enjoy. http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Football/NFL/200...1717741-ap.html http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/p.../608020354/1021 http://www.eveningtribune.com/articles/200...ts/sports03.txt
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