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Everything posted by Tipster19

  1. Having people like Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas and any other former Bills' players giving input to Russ Brandon would be a positive display of solidarity. It would definitely help with the ticket sales for next year but more importantly we would have people involved who not only have the Bills' best interest at heart but also help attract potential FAs and provide insights on the game from people who know something about players and their mindsets.
  2. Now that is about the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. What, is this the era of the leather helmets??? I guess the Mannings and Brady don't matter. That's ok, no offense taken but that's the problem, no offense. People want to point out Farve's INTs (22) but neglect his TDs (22). That's twice as much as Edwards' TDs (11) and he played in all 16 games. I take Thomas Jones with a grain of salt. I remember him complaining about something at just about every stop he's been at.
  3. All I know is that the "experts" were talking about a subway Super Bowl about 4 or 5 weeks ago. Hey, what do I know, I'm just another brick in the wall.
  4. Two questions. First, who would stay healthier, Farve or Edwards? Secondly, who would provide more wins, Farve or Edwards?
  5. Realizing that we're not going to change our coaching personnel leaves me discouraged about our future more than ever before with this team. One thing with Farve is that he does play with passion and he's a cold weather QB who doesn't have to wear a glove to throw the ball. I think that he's all done in New York and if he wants to play one more year than why not us? He would at least bring leadership to our offense and would be a better mentor to Edwards than anyone else that we currently have on staff. I wouldn't even mind the down the field INTs because that would mean that we are at least throwing the ball and not just for 10 yard digs.
  6. I don't see a franchise giving complete control to a guy and then also let him be the coach of the team. If Parcells does really want to coach again then relinquishing the front office authority to his son-in-law could be a possibility. They are from the same fraternity of football and this could be a sensible solution for all, a competent GM who would be on the same page as Parcells and vice versa. Just a thought.
  7. Hi Millbank! It's great to see you back on the board. I hope you're doing well and you and your family have a great, great holiday. I don't post much anymore, things change but I do skim the board just about daily. I didn't want to miss the opportunity to pay homage to you, you're a class act and posters like you make this a better place. My best regards, Tipster19
  8. Alright then, let's go get Ozzie. Problem solved.
  9. Explain to me what us fans should be happy or excited about. The millions that we make? No, it was be the preferred lifestyle that we live. I got it, it's the national respect that gets poured on us.! No, that still doesn't sound right. It's got to be that we don't deserve anything better than what we been getting because we're just a blue collar, small market community that NEVER sells out it's home games and we should be grateful for the fact that we don't deserve to have a team that we get to spend our hard earned, meager money on that has only underperformed for the last DECADE! Yeah, we're a bunch of whiny ingrates. I'm ashamed of myself. How dare we question this product.
  10. There just might be a silver lining to the Bills being displayed in an extended market. The appeal of the franchise. If there is no appeal, due to ineptness, etc, etc, then for this reason alone should spur Ralph to resolve any of the issues that dim the team's appeal. I fully expect the axe to fall on Jauron before the end of the season, if not sooner.
  11. I don't know if he was injured but he sure was to blame for letting his guy strip Losman of the ball at a very crucial time of the game. He should have been benched.
  12. If that's not proof enough that there is something seriously wrong with this team. I listened to Losman in the press conference and it sure sounded like he he was holding something back to me. I haven't heard ONE coach, player or any other personnel step up and take accountability on what is going wrong. Save the canned speeches, we are long overdue for results. If this coach, staff or administration can't cut it or produce then there needs to be some serious changes to be made, NOW.
  13. As much as I like the Giants' DC Steve Spagnuolo, I think that this team needs to be toughen up and who better to do it than Buddy's boy? He runs an attacking defense, doesn't take any crap off of anyone and before we start improving this team, I think that it should start with the defense first. Thoughts?
  14. Then the collapse would be complete. All kidding aside, I think Russ Brandon has done a good job so far. He has provided us with good draft picks and great aquisitions in the FA and trade dept. Our problem lies with our coaching. It's ironic how much the Raiders (Al Davis) and the Bills (Ralph Wilson) resemble each other in the production/results dept.. These two old school coots will not relinquish their authority no matter what kind of garbage they turn out year after year. Amazing, simply amazing.
  15. Let's line up all the people, fans and even players, who are satisfied and dissatisfied with what has been going on the last several years. Which line do you think will be longer? I couldn't imagine more than a handful of people who really feel optimistic about our current situation and the future of this team. Should we wait for the core of this team to age or should we try and take a leap forward with this rather young team? Look at the teams who have turned it around drasticly in ONE year with a lot less talent and who were in a big time hole! Atlanta is a prime example. Wake up people! We are on a never ending treadmill. What will it take for people to face that we have a BIG problem and we are NOT improving??!!! Matter of fact we are currently taking quantum steps backwards! Hello???!!
  16. This shouldn't be just about Jauron. It's about the whole ineptness of what we sport year after year for a team. We are eerily pararelling the Bengals. Do you think that it's kind of ironic on how Cincinnati's Mike Brown was the ONLY one who supported Ralph when Wilson rebuked the collective bargaining agreement? It's old school man and these oldtimers don't want to cough the jing for big time coaches. Brown hires Marvin Lewis because he was a DEAL. Look what happened to Polian. Ralph listened and sided with his accountant over that launching. Ralph IS the problem and if you hit him in his pockets that's where you'll catch his attention. Go ahead, keep on feeding the machine. He doesn't really give a sh-- what you and I or anyone else thinks. He is ALL about the $$$. Always has, always will. Interrupt his revenue and watch how fast this old coot gets his walker moving. We have a golden opportunity here. Apparently the old man is pretty pissed off over the lackluster performance of the last few games. If pressure were applied now by the majority of the fans I do believe that Wilson would respond. Nothing personal against Jauron but the guy stinks as a HC. I think that if there was enough of a stink that there would be a bloodletting. The difference this time is that after this past 9-10 years Ralph knows that it would be foolish to try and replace Jauron & Co with another "bargain" coaching staff. Bottom line is Jauron must go for us to grow. Sorry, this is a business not a popularity contest.
  17. Giants' DC Steve Spagnuolo for one or even his mentor Eagles' DC Jim Johnson. Hey, if Carolina's John Fox were to get the boot then he would be a good fit but I like Spagnuolo the most. Check out his bio. I like the fact that he did a masterful job gameplanning against Brady and the Patriots. http://www.giants.com/team/coach.asp?coach_id=10
  18. I'm being ridiculous?? What's ridiculous is the garbage that Buffalo keeps putting together year after year for the last decade. There's many ways to strike. Don't support the team with your money is one way. Stay idle pal maybe one day this franchise might experience a post season game. It's bound to happen sooner or later, right?
  19. Not just to fire Jauron and most of the coaching staff but that they be replaced with real competent coaches. Ralph needs to step forward for a more competent administration. Wilson has spent big $$$ on players in the past so I'm not just talking about high dollar coach(es) but capable one(s). This is more to do with letting go of control and authority. He did it to an extent with Polian and was willing to do so with Donahoe but it's time NOW for him to obtain a Bill Parcells type. Step back Ralph, the ineptness has reached an all time high, or should I say low? I think that the fans should revolt to the point of not accepting this crap any longer. Do whatever sanctions, petitions or strikes that it takes for the fans to get the message thru to Wilson. I have been a diehard fan for over 3 decades and enough is enough. No mas.
  20. I don't care about the redtape, money or whatever potential roadblocks that may exist in obtaining him for the head coach position. I like his mentality, the way he calls a game and his aggressive offense play calling. I believe that he's much in the same mold of a Sean Payton. Make the move Ralph, you'll be happy that you did.
  21. There should be only two things to look forward to now. First thing, get a real coach. Secondly, hopefully we infuse this anemic squad with some new players who have some real backbone.
  22. I bashed them pretty good in week 11 but even though I didn't get to see the game (work) the box score sure shows that we went to KC with some determination! Congratulations Bills, that's the way to hang in there. I won't hold any more high expectations for them but if they keep on fighting as hard as they can then that will be alright with me. I'm starting to really look forward to that Patriot game and see how we fare against them. Matter of fact, I'm looking forward to ALL of our division games.
  23. Alright, I've had about enough with all this mundane, good character, conservative crap. It was nice for awhile but we are overdue for success, WAY overdue. I'm ready for a coaching change, an animated hot head type coach. sh--, why not Haslet, he's one of us. I don't care if he or anyone else is the long term answer. Look, I want something that's great to watch and have fun while I'm doing it, even if we have to pay for it later. It's kind of like the lay-a-way breasts that they are offering in Brazil right now. I want satisfaction NOW!
  24. I should and it probably looks like I'd be the only one because it's ok to be 5-5 and lose at home on a MNF game against a weak @$$ team. No one should have a problem with that. Let's just accept it.
  25. I'm all about winning the game but there are ways of doing it that has different levels of satisfaction. This was a game against a team in a high profile setting that was just questioned about their heart from their own players and we lost to them! This could have been a statement game for us and oh it was. The wins we have had earlier in the year were ALL jaded. I'm not going to be happy winning against teams that are without their star QB (Seattle) or their offensive line is decimated with injuries (Jacksonville). Squeaking one out at home against Oakland was a real thrill. Thank goodness that Scott Linehan was still the coach or that Rams' game might have been a real nail biter. The San Diego game is the ONLY win that has any real merit to it. Winning an ugly game or two is alright with me but the majority should be because we were the better team and not just because we caught teams when they were vulnerable. I'll take this one step further. I was a hell of a lot prouder of this team last year than I am of them this year.
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